rune hunter

Chapter 250 The Ambition of the Rich Landlord

Chapter 250 The Ambition of the Rich Landlord
Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of human beings held high torches in the dark, slash-and-burn and overcame thorns and thorns to open up a place to live and multiply, and then developed a wise civilization, which brought an end to the barbaric era.The prosperity and development of human civilization ended the barbaric era on the earth, but this does not mean that they conquered the barbaric era on the earth.From the recorded human history to the present, human beings have never stopped exploring and developing the wild Black Forest region, but so far, there is still no unified territory developed.

It is said that the endless sea can be seen in Northrend in the south, and the snowfield in the north of Canelas is also just a story passed down by bards.Between the two largest territories of human civilization, the Black Forest, thousands of kilometers across, is also known as the "Black Sea" because it is shrouded in thick fog.Only national-level large caravans and the most powerful brave dare to cross the Black Sea. Even so, the survival rate in official statistics is still so low that it is outrageous.

The unconquered wild lands seem endless, but while human civilization is highly developed, the rich material life is also breeding slack.I don't know when, the nobles have forgotten the glory and courage of their ancestors, indulged in the corrupt life of debauchery, and indulged in intrigue and conspiracy.The pioneering knight who was regarded as a glorious status in the past has become a joke in the mouth of the ignorant.

The people of Demient regard Caseros as a legendary hero, because he established a new city in this barren land, allowing the helpless refugees to find a place to live, and truly implemented the "pioneering knight" principle. The meaning of identity.But how many people know that behind the hero's fame, what kind of responsibility he bears, how many people have received sneer and cold eyes...

When Caseros established Demient, it was in the period of the first religious war. The sects of the gods fought for years, and the flames of war burned to every corner of the civilization.At that time, Dimient escaped unharmed because it was not yet fully developed and was regarded as a barren land.In order to prevent his territory from being subjected to war, Caseros resisted the pressure and refused to join the camp of the Kingdom of Oakland, and even built Demient into a neutral city-state under the banner of the Temple of the Dark Moon.

Tens of years passed by, and the religious wars had basically ceased. The Dimiants still missed Caseros' wise decision, and his grandson, Lucius, once again sat on the throne of the lord.Since Lucius was born, too many expectations were pinned on him, and he also suffered the same amount of doubts and criticisms.Compared with his maternal grandfather, Lucius has been honed by adversity and prosperity to be stronger, but also more ambitious because of it.

Lucius never regarded the parliament as his real enemy, because the city-state parliamentary system cited by his grandfather had not been digested by Demyante, and the gathering of those members of parliament did more than bring about success.He also never regarded Dimient's right to rule as his lifelong pursuit, because in his heart, this lordship was the status he deserved.

Lucius claims to be the successor of Caseros' blood, so he also takes Caseros' dream as his pursuit goal-that is, to restore the historical glory of the family.This goal is simple to say, but it is not easy to achieve, so that Caseros himself can only keep this goal in his heart as a dream, and then pass it on to his descendants from generation to generation.

For those ancient families that have been passed down from ancient times to the present, their heritage is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.In the eyes of those real ancient families, the territory developed by Caseros is nothing more than a trial game for underage children.

No matter how confident Lucius is, he is not aware of the gap.Although the so-called knights under him are considered arrogant soldiers in Dimiant, they may not be able to stand on the stage if they are taken out.The territory of the Kingdom of Auckland is relatively small, but the contemporary king is wise and powerful, and his subordinates are full of talents. The combat effectiveness of the Kingdom Knights, which has experienced the baptism of religious wars, cannot be underestimated.

Diminte is rich in mineral resources, as long as it concentrates on operation, it will accumulate a solid foundation over time.But Lucius didn't have this patience. Caseros spent his whole life running the city, and he didn't want to spend his whole life paving the way for future generations.

If you want to squeeze into the gambling table without a hole card, it is naturally impossible to have a happy ending.Lucius has no choice but to choose a path outside the rules of the game-such as the Demon Order.

Everyone knows that the Devil's Order is a group of perverted lunatics, and no human being has ever been able to completely control the chaotic power from the devil.But in this world there is a kind of person who is more crazy than a pervert called a gambler.As long as there is one percent, or even one ten-thousandth hope, they will bet desperately, and firmly believe that they will win.

With Adrian's experience, of course, there is no lack of understanding of this kind of gambler's psychology.With just a few words from Lucius, he has basically pieced together the truth in his mind, and couldn't help but sighed and said, "I don't care how you colluded with the Demon Sect, it's all from the mortal world." Trifles, there has never been a record of success in history, and you are no exception. But you should not move the seal of the center of the earth, your behavior will affect the stability of the entire world, and it is very likely that Dimient will be destroyed once. It won't do you any good."

"Everyone should consider gains and losses before doing things, and don't do things that are not good for them. This kind of selfish social atmosphere is the result that you, a person full of justice, hope to see?" Lu Xiu Si raised the corner of his mouth, sneered twice, raised his head and said, "I'm really sorry, I'm actually a very noble person. Why do things only have to be beneficial? This society is really declining, and morality is degrading..."

"Please forgive me, I didn't realize it. It turns out that you are also a psychopath. No wonder you took refuge in the side of the Demon Sect. To be honest, I think your decision is actually quite wise. Compared with Lord Dimient That troublesome position, obviously the lunatic asylum of the Devil's Order is more suitable for you."

Before Adrian finished speaking, Lucius rushed towards him with the flame in his hand.The flame streaked across the air, turning into a spear and flying out.

"Kemal, do it!" Lucius did not forget to remind his allies while attacking.Although he was calm on the surface just now, his fear of Adrian has reached its peak in his heart.A person who can sense the influence of the law of chaos and can follow behind him silently, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to be a simple character.

So he had been accumulating energy for a long time, but he suddenly exploded. He used the strongest power he could master as soon as he came up, and at the same time, with the assistance of Kemal, he was about to kill Adrian directly.

Kemal nodded, raised the staff in his hand and dropped it to the ground, only to hear a muffled sound of hitting the ground, more like hitting on a thick blanket, and the corpses of demons piled up beside him disintegrated , turned into countless flesh and blood fragments, and the blood flowed into a river on the ground for a while.

"In this world, there are always some problems that cannot be solved by force, for example... when the opponent is stronger." Adrian sighed softly, his body moved slightly, from Lucius' flaming spear Skimmed by.His reaction did not exceed Lucius' expectations, the flame gun exploded in mid-air, but the scattered flames did not hinder Adrian in any way.

Adrian walked calmly in the flames, or to put it another way, he didn't dodge at all except for the first step, but the flames detoured in front of him, looking like they were throwing him away. Completely ignore the same.

Before Lucius could react, Adrian's figure appeared behind him like a ghost, and he stretched out his hand to hold the back of his neck.A slender blood-red thread wrapped around Lucius' neck without a sound, and the remaining two ends were clamped by Adrian's right thumb and little finger respectively.

Lucius is also a silver rank powerhouse who has experienced many battles. At this time, he did not panic. One hand was under his throat, and the other hand had already drawn out the long sword and stabbed back from his ribs.

In desperation, although he made the correct response, he may have forgotten that his sword had already been broken.But even if the tip of the sword is intact, it is meaningless. His sword edge only popped out halfway behind him and then stopped abruptly. Adrian pulled the thin thread on his fingertips suddenly, and Lucius' head flew into the sky, and the blood in the cranial cavity It spewed out with a puff, and it was out of control.

In the past few decades, Lucius has experienced countless assassinations by the Council, but in the end they all survived.Until today, he finally experienced the feeling of death, and it was three times in a row.If it was possible to reset the state by time jumping a few times before, this last time is undoubtedly his destined ending.

Lucius' headless body wobbled and hadn't fallen down yet, but Adrian had already appeared in front of Kemal.But this time he didn't do it right away, because Kemal had already finished his work.

He kept saying that there was no time, but that was the time standard required to control the demons. The real preparation work has already been able to work, but there is currently no control hub.

If it is just to die together, he can do it now.

The devil's flesh and blood seeped into the magic circle under his feet, which was different from the magic circle used to fool the chairman on an errand, this time with the real devil's flesh and blood, the effect would be twice the result with half the effort.

"I don't think you are crazy, why do you do this?" Adrian didn't destroy the magic circle, because he knew it was too late, but he still wanted to get a satisfactory answer from Kemal.

"Come to hell with me!" Kemal touched his bald head and laughed loudly.

 This is today's chapter on the 27th, even if the toothpaste is poured into a dog, you must regain your character

(End of this chapter)

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