rune hunter

Chapter 251 Return to the Cruel Reality

Chapter 251 Returning to the Cruel Reality

Kemal's body fell backwards, and the blood-stained ground was torn apart under his feet.

In this world, there are two races that are used to using the flesh and blood of their own race as resources. The landwalkers are good at using the life energy in the flesh and blood, while the demons need the chaotic laws contained in the corpses of the same race.

Adrian subconsciously wanted to grab Kemal's head, but reached out and found nothing.No one knows what Kemal, a senior demon cultist, has transformed his body into. When he stepped back, his body also left this world. It is the sea of ​​magma in the abyss hell.Without the suppression of the seal of the center of the earth, the barrier between hell and the mortal world will be broken with just one touch.

Kemal's body fell into the sea of ​​magma, and Adrian quickly withdrew his hand and flew back.Although he was stronger than the two of them, he was still a mortal. It was impossible for a monster like Kemal to be immune to the laws of chaos.

The earth is constantly collapsing, the temperature begins to soar, and the magma from hell is slowly gushing out from the cracks.The Devil's Order has been planning for this for an unknown amount of time, and it has already been ready to go. It's just because of the extra requirement of Lucius that he wants to take control, so he never took the last step.

When he decided to die together, no one could prevent the disaster. The only way to save the crisis was to find the Seal of the Center of the Earth hidden by Lucius as soon as possible.Adrian took a deep look at the underground cavity that was about to be completely eroded by the sea of ​​magma, and he decisively turned into a phantom and rushed out of the secret passage.

The solid ground was cracked inch by inch, and the surrounding space was constantly trembling.El and Laurana didn't leave this dangerous place, because they had a vague premonition that with the opening of the gate of hell, this illusion had finally come to an end.There is no need to repeat the following history. In the end, Adrian still failed to find the seal of the center of the earth, and Dimi Ente was destroyed.Looking at the space debris peeling off like a wall, El couldn't help but feel a little sad. He knew that it was the last memory of the city.

"Something's not quite right. Why hasn't Blackbeard appeared all this time? Could it be that he's looking for the Seal of the Earth's Center?" Laurana said in a low voice, frowning and staring at the surroundings.Compared with this seemingly tragic space-time coordinates, the two are more concerned about the whereabouts of Blackbeard.

The dream has woken up, and we still need to face reality.Dimine has become an ancient relic full of deadly dangers. Since Blackbeard has torn his face, he must be prepared to pay the price.In this perilous relic, any uncontrollable risk factor may lead to the annihilation of the entire army, and only by killing him completely can the disaster be eliminated.

Perhaps because of Blackbeard's interference, the phantom controlling the illusion seems to have been severely damaged, which greatly slowed down the time for everyone to escape from the dream.

Through the falling space fragments, El saw that a half-human-high stone tower had appeared on the originally empty circular altar. The appearance of that stone tower was similar to his in the underground cavity The stone tower I have seen is almost exactly the same.A seemingly inconspicuous black stone disc with no outstanding features was placed in the center of the stone tower.

There is no doubt that it is the lost seal of the center of the earth.When everyone saw the seal of the center of the earth, they had already filled their minds with an epic story.For example, Adrian finally found the seal of the center of the earth, but at that time the passage of hell had been completely opened, and he was powerless to return to heaven with only his own strength.It wasn't until after the war that Adrian resettled the Seal of the Earth's Center in the Dark Moon Temple...

On both sides of the round altar, the bodies of Roger and Blackbeard are slowly being revealed, but because of the slow progress, it looks as if their bodies are patched with mosaic patches.

Blackbeard sneered, and his whole body suddenly turned into a poisonous snake, unexpectedly got out of the broken hole with his slender body, and then he rushed towards the seal of the center of the earth on the altar without hesitation.

"Damn it, stop him!" Seeing Blackbeard's actions, Roger's face immediately changed.Although he didn't quite know what Blackbeard's real purpose was, he also knew that this guy had absolutely no good intentions.But at this time, he and his cronies were still trapped in the fragments of the illusion, and it was difficult to break through the obstacles for a moment.

Roger looked around anxiously, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he still had many low-strength subordinates who had not been sucked into the illusion.In their eyes, it seemed that in the blink of an eye, their boss suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the distance.Even with the rough nerves of these guys, it is difficult to react for a while.

Roger quickly ordered these subordinates to come over to help. He also knew that these subordinates were not strong enough to pose a threat to Blackbeard, but after all, they were numerous and mighty, so as long as they swarmed up, they could at least hinder Blackbeard's actions.They just need to delay a little bit, and they can get out of trouble.

Facing the menacing bandits, Blackbeard sneered and did not stop at all.The black scimitar in his hand turned into a deadly poisonous snake, biting everywhere, knocking down four or five of the robbers around him at once, and the attack of the rest could not help but be slowed down.

Heibeard grabbed the side of the stone tower in two or three steps, flipped his wrist, and what he pulled out was the blood-red sharp blade held by Xu Ying.He raised the blood-red sharp blade high, aimed at the seal of the center of the earth above the stone tower, and stabbed down fiercely.

There was only a crisp sound, and the blood-red sharp blade slashed across the surface of the seal of the center of the earth, and bounced back with a bang.

"Hahaha... This guy doesn't know how to use it!" Seeing this situation, a quick-minded confidant next to Roger guessed the truth almost without thinking, and couldn't help laughing out loud. "

"What the hell are you going to do?" Roger asked, looking into Blackbeard's eyes.

"What do I want to do? Of course it is to open the treasure of the Thief King! As long as the seal of this seal in the center of the earth is broken, there will be endless treasures below!" Blackbeard held the blood-red sharp blade tightly, with a distorted and crazy expression on his face .As he spoke, the blood-red sharp blade in his hand stabbed at the seal of the center of the earth again.

Roger was thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind, when he suddenly noticed an obvious stagnation in the expression on Blackbeard's face.He looked carefully, and found an arrow tip protruding from Blackbeard's chest.

"I've tolerated you for a long time, old man." El put down the dragon tooth bow, curled his lips, and smiled disdainfully.

 There are still a thousand words, I will make up tomorrow, and I will never break my promise!

(End of this chapter)

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