rune hunter

Chapter 252

Chapter 252
As for how to kill a silver-level powerhouse, El has made many attempts in the past few days. Although there have been successful examples, most of the time they failed.Even in the few records he has achieved, half of them are due to fluke and the other half are due to the opponent's defenselessness.

The strong people who can step into the Silver Secret Realm have reached an unimaginable level of physical fitness. They are extremely sensitive to danger. For example, El's own wild intuition seems to be on the hook in terms of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. , Even he himself was a little unbearable, and sometimes he himself didn't even know what happened, and his body had already acted spontaneously to escape the danger far away.

El knew that his arrow could kill a strong man of the silver rank, but the problem was that he couldn't hit it.It wasn't that Longya Bow's speed wasn't fast enough, but that the moment he revealed his killing intent, the opponent had already become alert.Even if you can't dodge in time, with the control ability of those strong silver men over the body, it is easy to avoid the vital parts at the last moment.And the places other than the vital parts are irrelevant to this type of people.

In addition, the strong vitality of the silver strong is also a terrible problem.Take El himself as an example, even if he stood there motionless and was hacked casually with a knife, as long as he didn't cut off his head, it would be fine.And Blackbeard, who is proficient in voodoo puppetry, is even better than this. He can turn his entire body into a puppet. Even if he is chopped into two pieces, he can stand up like a normal person, and no one can do anything about him.

How to kill such a disgusting thing, El has been thinking hard about this problem in the illusion.Until the illusion was shattered and everyone reappeared in the underground secret room of the Dark Moon Temple, when he saw Blackbeard again, a whimsical idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

While Blackbeard was entangled with Roger's robbers, El took a deep breath, closed his eyes, held up the dragon tooth bow and slowly pulled the bowstring, and shot an arrow silently.

The space fragments peeled off from the illusion are still slowly falling off, and everyone can only stand still and wait for this dangerous-looking scene to disappear.El's arrow quietly got out of the gap, and came behind Blackbeard like a ghost.

The arrow wasn't aimed at Blackbeard, to be precise, El wasn't aimed at all.He just closed his eyes and casually shot an arrow towards Blackbeard's side. Naturally, this kind of harmless arrow would not attract Blackbeard's attention.However, at the moment when the long arrow approached Blackbeard, El clenched his fists, and raised it vigorously!
Dimient in the real world has become a relic, and the confrontation between the laws of chaos and the rules of order is everywhere, and everyone's perception has been suppressed to a degree that is better than nothing. There has been some relief, but not enough to return to normal levels.In this case, some means of sneak attack naturally became very feasible.

El closed his eyes, so naturally there would be no murderous lock, but he had already calculated the trajectory of the bow and arrow in advance, and at the most appropriate time, he used the power of the runes to slightly change the trajectory of the arrow.

A spark imperceptible to the naked eye erupted from the arrowhead of the long arrow, and the trajectory of the entire arrow was deflected immediately. The arrow that was supposed to fly past Blackbeard's armpit suddenly raised its head and rushed towards his heart without hindrance. Straight in and out.

Blackbeard's body froze suddenly. He lowered his head, looked at the arrow protruding from his chest, turned his neck blankly, and looked at El in the distance, with an expression of disbelief written on his face.With the strength of this arrow, if he was fully on guard, it wouldn't even be able to pierce his skin, but in the real world there has never been a if.Although he had been paying attention to guard against El behind him, he didn't feel the existence of this arrow at all.

Seeing the sneer on El's face, a hint of astonishment flashed in Blackbeard's eyes.He suddenly remembered why this scene was so familiar, as if it was his assassination of Lucius.

Even if it is a strong person of the silver rank, it is impossible to be in a state of full concentration and defense at all times.Although Blackbeard had to face the obstacles of Roger's men, those robbers were nothing more than flies in his eyes.His attention was on Roger twice, guarding against the sneak attacks of El and Laurana, and the rest of his energy was devoted to the treasure of the Thief King.

He believed too much in his perception ability, and because of this, he didn't notice this seemingly harmless long arrow.On the battlefield, if you underestimate the enemy's fate, there is only death.

"I said, I'm going to kill you." Al looked at Blackbeard coldly, stretched out his fingers and wiped his throat, and gritted his teeth.

"Bastard! I'm not reconciled...just the last step..." Blackbeard knelt down beside the stone tower containing the Seal of the Center of the Earth, clutching his chest, and stared at El with vicious eyes.Because he was unprepared, he also failed to prepare a substitute for the voodoo puppet in advance. The arrow actually penetrated his body and pierced his heart.Even if his voodoo puppetry is mysterious and unpredictable, he may not be able to recover it here and now.

Blackbeard turned his head and shouted at Roger: "What are you waiting for? Didn't you see the treasure of the Thieves King in your dream? You thought they wouldn't be idiot! You actually invited outsiders to search for the treasure ! Now they still have [-] fully armed fighters in their hands... As long as you give an order, you will die without a place to die!"

Regarding Blackbeard's obvious provocation, Roger remained silent. He raised his head, met El's eyes in the air for a moment, and did not act rashly.

He didn't speak, but it didn't mean that the robbers under him could also understand his own thoughts.Although Blackbeard's provocative intention was obvious, it was not unreasonable.Many robbers couldn't help but look at each other after hearing these words.In fact, they all have more or less similar small thoughts hidden in their hearts, and they find it difficult to understand the alliance between Roger and El.

Just relying on the so-called chivalry?Can that thing be eaten as a meal?According to the logic of the robbers, if they stand in the position of El, once they dig out the treasure of the Thieves King, the first thing to do is to kill all the enemies, and then flee with their women, subordinates and treasures, leaving the brown soil The hills are happy and happy.

Thinking of this, some people looked at El with unfriendly eyes.

 What I wrote yesterday was so ugly that I felt sick from reading it. There will be a chapter later to make up for yesterday's word count
(End of this chapter)

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