rune hunter

Chapter 253 The Last Obstacle

Chapter 253 The Last Obstacle
The peeling space fragments gradually disappeared, and the underground secret room finally returned to its normal state.The chosen ones who were imprisoned in the invisible cage felt the rejection of the law of chaos again, and actually felt a long-lost intimacy from the bottom of their hearts.

No matter how beautiful the dream is, the cruelty of reality has never been reduced by half.The robbers on the brown earth hills all understand a truth, if they are indulging in sleep and unwilling to wake up, then they will definitely not see the sun the next day.

In fact, it didn't take long, from when Blackbeard went crazy to when he collapsed and was surrounded by crowds, it was only 2 minutes.Roger waved his sleeves, shook off the sporadic fragments of time and space around him, walked up to the round altar without any haste, and came to Blackbeard.

"The place where the treasure of the king of thieves is buried is also the cemetery of the king of thieves. If you die here, it is a well-deserved death." Roger squatted down in front of Blackbeard and said in a low voice.

"Fart your uncle, who would want to die if they can live?" Blackbeard wiped the blood foam from the corner of his mouth, and grinned dryly.El's arrow caused fatal damage to him, and blood flowed all over the ground, but he still held on and refused to die, the light in his eyes didn't look like a dying person at all.

Blackbeard didn't want to die. In fact, he had suffered more serious injuries than now, but with amazing perseverance, he buried himself underground for three days and three nights, and stood up again after evading the pursuit of the enemy. .

But at this moment, he knew very clearly that no matter how much he sowed discord, or begged for mercy, Roger would never give him another chance to live.

Roger is not a cruel and easy to kill person, but he will never tolerate betrayal.He didn't mind giving Blackbeard a chance to bow down to him.But Blackbeard himself gave up this opportunity, and naturally gave up his retreat.

"What secret did you discover?" Roger asked bluntly. Although he had a vague guess in his heart, he did not fully grasp the two story lines in the illusion like Blackbeard. Did not understand.

"Hehe, as you can see, the golden scimitar is not the key to unlocking it, the key is the weapon in the shadow's hand. As long as you grab this weapon, you can move the seal of the center of the earth." Blackbeard raised his hand With a blood-red sharp blade, he smiled feebly.He no longer had the strength to grip the weapon, but still refused to let it go.

"You are not the first person to come up with the idea of ​​this weapon." Roger said coldly.

"But I'm the only one who succeeded, right?" Blackbeard chuckled. He stuck the blood-red sharp blade by his feet, moved his body with great effort, and changed into a comfortable posture and smiled at Roger: "If you snatch it when the shadow appears, the trial will end immediately. If you snatch this weapon in a dream, you can't bring it back to reality... There is only one right chance, and that is at the last moment when the dream ends , find the seal of the center of the earth hidden by Lucius, and kill the shadow at the same time, so that this weapon can be brought to reality."

"Sounds really complicated...and what to do now?" Roger was silent for a moment before continuing to ask.No matter how much effort Blackbeard put in before, he is only a dying man now.Although the grievances between the two are difficult to sort out for a while, it is the common wish of the two of them to open the treasure of the Thief King.He knew very well that Blackbeard would not have any reservations at this time.

"This weapon can pry open the seal of the seal in the center of the earth... as long as the seal is released, the last door to the treasure can be opened." Blackbeard shook his head, and kicked the blood-red blade to Roger's feet, The voice of speaking gradually became lower and lower.

"Go ahead... let me take a look at it before I die, otherwise I will die with regret." He said.

Roger nodded, picked up the blood-red sharp blade, and walked to the stone tower.He looked at the seal of the center of the earth placed in the center of the stone tower, pondered for a moment, and slowly raised his hand.

The blade of the blood-red sharp blade slashed over the seal of the center of the earth, but did not make substantive contact. Roger reversed the blade at the last moment, not by his own will, in order to avoid an arrow flying from the side.The long arrow passed by his hand, and was stuck in front of the blood-red sharp blade.

No need to think about it, but at this moment in this secret room, there is only one person with such exquisite archery skills.El concealed his crime, and seeing Roger looking towards him, he shrugged and raised his dragon tooth bow to say hello.

Although El and Laurana also got rid of the blockage of space-time fragments, they were stopped suspiciously by Roger's robbers immediately.Two burly men fiddled with the knives in their hands, and stood in front of El with unfriendly expressions, completely blocking his sight.But they didn't expect that under such obstruction, El would dare to draw his bow and shoot an arrow.By the time the robbers reacted, he had already let go of the bowstring.

"Bastard! Are you looking for death!" The robbers surrounding El were all stunned, and when they came back to their senses and found that Roger hadn't been shot like Blackbeard, their emotions suddenly became agitated.The two robbers blocking the way shouted loudly, raised their knives and slashed at El with their red eyes.

Laurana stepped back and El moved forward. He took a step forward to avoid the blade, rushed to the side of the two robbers, held down the wrists of the two robbers with one hand, jumped up and threw away his two legs, and kicked the heads of the two robbers respectively. .There was only a cracking sound of bones, and the two robbers spurted out a stream of plasma from their nostrils, and fell backwards without saying a word.

"Are you really going to break the contract, General El?" Roger said in a deep voice, holding a blood-red sharp blade.

"I'm sorry, this old guy made me angry, so I acted a little bit extreme. But now you are the first to break the contract." El got rid of the obstruction of the two people and continued to bully forward.The robbers pulled out their knives one after another, but they hesitated to step forward.Just now El inadvertently showed great strength and decisiveness to kill, which made the other robbers subconsciously afraid.

Seeing that the treasure of the Thief King is right in front of him, no one wants to fall on the last step.Before seeing the shadow of the treasure, some people have already started to fantasize.Come forward at this time?That's not a hero, it's a fool.When a bandit with this mentality faces El, the efficiency of his attack is naturally not flattering.

"If I were you, I wouldn't touch that rock." Al said to Roger, pushing away two hesitant robbers.

(End of this chapter)

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