rune hunter

Chapter 254 Fraudsters

Chapter 254 Fraudsters

Roger put down the weapon in his hand, looked back at El, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"It's literally." Al shrugged and smiled.

Roger pondered for a moment, then said blankly: "How much do you want?"

"It's not about the money... don't you think there's something wrong?" El looked straight into Roger's eyes without hesitation, slowly let go of his hands and said, "I can put down the weapon now, no problem , easy enough. But can you put down that damn knife now?"

Everyone couldn't help being taken aback by El's words, and subconsciously turned their heads to look at the blood-red sharp blade in Roger's hand.Roger looked at his hands, his eyes flickered slightly, and his face changed rapidly.He was silent for a while, and finally let go, throwing the weapon to the ground, and a thin layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

"What is this..." Roger took a deep breath and was about to speak when suddenly his figure moved and dodged to the side.At the moment when he was about to speak, a confidant standing behind him suddenly drew out a knife and slashed at him.Although Roger was not in good condition, he still did not relax mentally.Hearing a gust of bad wind coming from behind his head, he dodged subconsciously, his body brushed past the blade, and a corner of the cloak was cut with a snap.

The robber missed a single hit and did not take advantage of the situation to pursue. His target was not Roger at all, but the blood-red sharp blade thrown to the ground by Roger.His eyes were fixed on the weapon, and he rushed past Roger in the posture of a hungry tiger.

Roger retreated to the side in time, did not launch a counterattack immediately, but let the robber snatch the blood-red blade from the ground.He looked coldly at the twisted and crazy smile on the bandit's face, and his face couldn't help but gloomy.

Although there is no trust at all among the robbers, it is not uncommon for a brother to stab a knife in the ribs for a small profit.But Roger still couldn't believe it at this time.He knows his cronies very well. Although this guy nicknamed "Red-Eyed Wolf" is not very in tune, he is not a brainless idiot.

What if you grab the key to open the treasure?With his own strength, can he still escape from everyone's encirclement?What Roger had been thinking about before was the threat from El and his soldiers. Although the last words left by Blackbeard before his death were suspected of being provocative, they were not rough, and he couldn't help but think carefully.

But he never imagined that at the last moment, an accident happened to his subordinates.Roger has always been confident in his control, and he never believes that this is a premeditated betrayal.So... Could it be that the red-eyed wolf suddenly had a fever in his head?

Roger was thinking quickly in his mind, and he didn't speak for a while. The other robbers wanted to step forward to stop them, but they didn't dare to act rashly without the leader's instructions.Everyone watched helplessly as the red-eyed wolf snatched the blood-red sharp blade, rushed to the front of the stone pagoda, hugged the seal of the center of the earth, and poked wildly.

"Idiot... Pry it open!" Blackbeard, who was lying under the stone tower waiting to die, spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, and shouted bitterly.

The red-eyed wolf's eyes lit up, and he lowered his head to the edge of the seal of the center of the earth to search carefully.Although Blackbeard himself failed, he was the one closest to success after all. It is not a bad thing to refer to his opinion when you have no clue.

This idea does have some truth, but the red-eyed wolf did not have the opportunity to further experiment.After he lowered his head, he couldn't lift it up again. His whole body froze, and he fell backwards involuntarily.On his chest, another arrow flashing with cold light pierced out impressively.

"I said, don't touch that thing." El put down the dragon tooth bow, looked down at the bandits around, and said word by word: "I don't care if you are ambitious or crazy, whoever goes up will die."

In this underground secret room, El and Laurana are at a disadvantage in numbers, and even so far, the two of them are still faintly surrounded.But none of the robbers dared to ignore what he said.In terms of strength, he is a strong man who can defeat Blackbeard, comparable to Roger.More viciously, his reputation has already spread among the robbers.

This is a ruthless person who is not easy to provoke, and what he says naturally carries a lot of weight.If it is not necessary, no one is willing to risk their lives to verify the authenticity of this sentence.

Of course, this "no one" generally refers to people who can still think normally. If someone loses his mind like El said, it is not surprising that he does anything.

El's death threat didn't have any obvious effect, and people with a clear mind would naturally not jump out to die at this time, so there was no need for him to talk too much.It doesn't make sense to say anything to a person who is not clear-headed.As soon as the red-eyed wolf fell down, another robber jumped up eagerly from the side, looking as if he was already ready.

This time the robber failed to grab the blood-red sharp blade, and he was kicked out by a big foot before he could take a few steps forward.Roger walked to the red-eyed wolf's body, picked up the blood-red sharp blade again, and glanced around coldly.Under his gaze, all the robbers subconsciously shrunk their necks.

"What's the problem with this thing?" Roger controlled his eyes not to look in the direction of the seal of the center of the earth, gritted his teeth and asked El.

"How do I know there's something wrong with this thing?" El rolled his eyes and said angrily, "But it's been buzzing in my ears all the time, you will feel the same way, right?"

After leaving the illusion, El suddenly found that he had regained the freedom of speech, but what followed was the more noisy noise of the blood-red sharp blade, which made his ears unclean.Of course, this is not the main reason why he stopped Roger,

If the robbers can be bewitched by this weapon to kill each other, it will save El a lot of heart.But when he saw the seal of the center of the earth, he realized that something was wrong.

Laurana said in the illusion that there is a paradox in this illusion.If Adrian recorded the space-time coordinates, how did he record things he didn't know?

They once thought that they had found the answer to this question, that is - the seal of the center of the earth.But if the seal of the center of the earth is used as the answer, it will lead to a bigger paradox.

The seal of the center of the earth comes from the dark moon Babylon, the source of space and time, so in theory it can have the ability to record space and time coordinates.But... the dark moon itself is an unobservable and unchangeable substance, and even the gods in the sky can't do anything about it. Adrian is just the thief king in the world. Using the power of the seal of the center of the earth is also whimsical.

Why can he turn the space-time coordinates recorded in the seal of the center of the earth into an illusion in the mirror, and then put it in the place where he buried his treasure as a test for the latecomers?

"I understand!" Laurana, who retreated to the corner, clapped her hands suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.The eldest lady turned a blind eye to the robbers, and had a standard commercial smile on her face, which was her usual performance when she was in a good mood.

Pushing away the blade in front of her, Laurana walked behind El, raised her waist and pointed at the stone tower beside Roger with a smile: "All this is fake, you are all deceived!"

"Fake? You said the treasure here is fake?" Roger repeated subconsciously, and couldn't help frowning.

"Only the treasure is real, otherwise how can you fools come and go?" Laurana raised her mouth slightly, looked into Roger's eyes and said slowly: "But apart from the treasure, everything you know, we Everything I saw was fake, this is a complete scam!"

"Isn't it?"

Roger was shocked by Laurana's tough speech, but El asked with some uncertainty this time: "Can you explain your conclusion with the simplest logic."

"In fact, as long as you want to understand a little bit, it's very simple to infer other problems."

Laurana nodded and said with a soft smile: "First of all, we can be sure that no one can drive the seal of the center of the earth, and neither can Adrian, but it is impossible for the robber kings of all generations, including Roger, to know this. kind of knowledge about the fundamental rules of the world. That makes the whole deception work perfectly."

Roger was silent. He really didn't know what Laurana meant by the basic rules of the world.The brown earth hills cut off the inheritance of civilization as early as 1000 years ago, and the aborigines living here have never had the opportunity to receive education.In this era, knowledge is a reserve resource that is more valuable than gold. Even ordinary people in big cities may not have the opportunity to be literate, let alone bandits who are struggling to survive?

"In the simplest terms, under the premise that the Seal of the Center of the Earth cannot be used, all the story lines about the Seal of the Center of the Earth cannot happen."

"The history recorded in the illusion is false, then this illusion is naturally false. If the illusion is false, then the thing that created the illusion is also false. Under the premise that the seal of the center of the earth is not available, the only thing that can match the illusion The only thing left to connect is this blood-red sharp blade. It is not a magical weapon that can cut space at all..."

Laurana narrowed her eyes, turned her head to look at the black beard lying under the stone tower, and the smile on her face became meaningful: "If I'm not wrong, its real appearance should be that famous in history. The murder weapon—Isabella the Fraud! I don’t know if I’m right, Mr. Adrian?”

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(End of this chapter)

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