rune hunter

Chapter 255 The Explosive Truth

Chapter 255 The Explosive Truth

The legend of Isabella the Defrauder comes from the end of the Wild Age. At that time, there was a human kingdom named Shamanster. The king of this kingdom was cruel and tyrannical, and he used the heart of a living person to drink every day.When he was young, he led his army to conquer the Quartet and devoured the hearts of the enemies, which was regarded as a symbol of bravery.But when he pacified the Quartet and could no longer find enemies, he began to kill his own people.

When the king was old, this dreadful inclination had grown to the point of insanity, and he killed his own subjects, his own warriors, and his own ministers, and was still not satisfied.He longed for a more delicious heart, so he set his sights on his favorite little daughter, Isabella.

Of course Isabella was unwilling to sacrifice herself, but the majesty of the king made her irresistible.In order to save her own life, she made an oath like the king, that she would spend three years to find the most delicious heart in the world for the king, otherwise she would dedicate her heart to her father.

Isabella, who left the kingdom, met an evil wizard in the black forest. She prayed to the wizard for help and exchanged her gold necklace for a mysterious formula.According to the instructions in the recipe, she hunted a three-color reindeer in the Black Forest, dug out the heart of the reindeer, soaked it in gin for three months, and then collected magic mushrooms to extract the juice and make it into a sauce filling Put it into the heart, marinate it for one year and six months, and finally give it to the wizard to cover it with illusion, turn it into a lively heart, and present it to the king.

After the king ate the heart, he had to admit that it was a delicacy he had never tasted in his life. He thought that his life had no regrets, so he passed the throne to Isabella, and he passed away with a smile three days later. passed away.

This is a fairy tale that many bards like to sing. If a child is disobedient, scare him and say: "The king is coming to eat your heart!"However, in the official historical documents, the record of this story is another version.

The witch Isabella, who worships the evil god, colluded with the evil wizard and made her father take hallucinogens all year round, controlling the king's mind.She took advantage of the king's prestige to secretly control the entire kingdom, and blamed the king for all the crimes she committed.After the king died, she sent soldiers to use weapons to force the clerk to revise the history books, describing her father as a tyrant who ate the hearts of living people, and beautified her usurping the throne.

Isabella's vicious heart made the surrounding countries terrified, and no one dared to oppose her, which made her even more arrogant.Her rule lasted for 20 years, and finally aroused the public outrage of the world.An unknown hero single-handedly entered Isabella's palace and stabbed her foul, vicious heart with a dagger.

Of course, Isabella, who ascended to the throne by conspiracy and trickery, could not avoid methods such as assassination, and she had already prepared a way out, but that dagger was a weapon that could seal the soul. At the same time, her soul was imprisoned, making all her follow-up arrangements a joke.

Affected by the power of the witch's soul, this weapon also has the ability to confuse the mind and control the mind, hence the name - Isabella the Deceiver.

Of course, this is just the legend of the origin of this murder weapon. In later history, every time this murder weapon appeared, it would bring blood and blood, and there are countless historical suspense related to it.However, compared to the dark history of this weapon, everyone present was more concerned about another sentence that Laurana said.

Mr. Adrian?Who is she talking to?
Roger's eyes flickered for a moment, and the arm that was holding the Trickster stiffened.Following Laurana's line of sight, he slowly turned his head and looked at Blackbeard lying on the ground dying.

Blackbeard's injury cannot be faked, and with Roger's cautious personality, he had already confirmed it when he walked over just now.His heart was pierced by the long sword, and blood gushed out from the gap of the wound, and the clothes on his body were soaked in such a short time.The reason why he can still hold his breath is because the wound has not been torn.If the arrow was pulled out at this time, the blood in his chest would immediately gush out.

No matter how tenacious the vitality of the silver-ranked powerhouse, it is impossible to stand up again after shedding so much blood.

At that time, Blackbeard was obviously hopeless, and Roger didn't think he had to make up the knife, but now he couldn't help but regret his hypocritical choice.If it wasn't for Laurana's prompt, he wouldn't have noticed the strange appearance of the black beard lying on the ground.

Under everyone's gaze, Blackbeard stood up slowly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrow on his chest, and pulled it out from his body. The blood in his heart suddenly flowed from his body like a fountain. The front and rear sides are sprayed out.Even the onlookers couldn't help feeling pain in their hearts when they saw this scene, but they didn't seem to feel anything when they saw the expression on Blackbeard's face.

Of course Blackbeard wouldn't feel it, because he was dead.Although his eyes were still wide open, Roger saw that his pupils had dilated.Something is controlling his body, supporting him to stand up and make movements that normal people can't imagine.

The sprayed blood became black and viscous in the blink of an eye, and the flow rate also decreased rapidly.Blackbeard tilted his head and stared at Laurana, with a weird smile on his face.

"Miss Smart, I am more amazed by your wisdom than your beauty..." Blackbeard said, his voice was a little hoarse due to excessive blood loss, but the pure aristocratic accent in his mouth was definitely not brown. The original product of the earth hills.Judging from the meaning of his words, it seems that Laurana's guess has been acquiesced? !

"Actually, as long as you turn your head around, the scam you devised is full of loopholes." Laurana moved a few steps calmly, hid her body behind El, stuck her head out and giggled Said: "However, it is just right to deceive these uneducated robbers in these brown earth hills. If it is too perfect, the gain will not be worth the loss. I am right, Adrian... Your Highness?"

"So you already guessed this? Your wisdom really exceeded my expectations." Blackbeard, no, it should be said that Adrian shook his head and said with a wry smile: "If I had known that a wise man would come , I should get rid of you in the illusion. Although such things are not in line with my character, you know too much, "

"Hey, hello, what is your Highness?" El curled his lips, turned his head slightly and asked in a low voice.

"Although the city-state of Demient is subordinate to the territory of the Kingdom of Auckland in name, it can actually be said to be an independent country within a country from the very beginning. As a descendant of the ruler of the city-state, there is no need to be called His Highness." Question..." Laurana pinched the corner of her skirt, smiled and curtsied to Adrian as a lady, and said with a smile: "If I guess correctly, I should call you His Highness Adrian Lucius , isn't it?"

" mean?" El couldn't help but turned around and looked at Laurana in shock.Although he knew that the eldest lady deduced some black history, he did not expect such a powerful inside story.Adrian and Lucius turned out to be the same person?What happened in that illusion?

"I'd also like to know, how did you deduce these truths? Although there are some omissions in my arrangement, it's not enough to reveal my identity information?" Adrian's face was also full of doubts color.

"The illusion you designed is actually not a big problem, it's just that you didn't expect it to be seen through." Laurana blinked her innocent expression, raised a finger and said: "The illusion you designed in the illusion The story line is performed perfectly, but there is a negligible omission, that is, it is completely based on fictitious history, and there is no real sense of historical precipitation. The robbers do not understand history, nor do they know the true power of the seal of the center of the earth, so they even There is a sense of disobedience, and it is impossible to expose your deception."

"This is indeed my omission, because I was worried that doing too advanced would have negative effects, so I deliberately lowered the difficulty. Although I also considered that there would be wise people who would find the problem, I also made corresponding preparations. But I didn’t expect you to be able to see through the truth at a glance.” Regarding Laurana’s accusation, Adrian nodded deeply, expressing that he listened to the opinion humbly, but his eyes were still locked on Laurana, waiting for her further Explanation.

"The so-called space-time coordinates and the setting of the illusion in the mirror are the explanations you left for the wise, right? Ordinary scholars can see through this step, which is the limit. I am not an exception, I just think a little more." Laurana shook her finger and said: "When I discovered that all of this was an illusion, I immediately overturned everything I saw and began to re-deduce the truth of history from the original source. Of course, this original source cannot be The story you designed comes from the historical books preserved by the night watchman."

"What answers did you find in those historical books?" Adrian asked puzzled.

"At first I just browsed it casually out of curiosity, but now I think about it, and some places are very thought-provoking." Laurana nodded, and said solemnly: "The historical documents record the destruction of the city-state of Demient. It is understandable that the record of the reason for the lord's succession is vague, which is understandable. After all, the incident happened in a hurry at that time, and no one was in the mood to explore the truth. But on the other hand, the record about the successor of the lord, Lucius, is also vague, which is somewhat unreasonable. .The records I have seen are limited to the records of him leading the Knights to slay dragons, other than that, it is blank.”

 Whistleblower time begins!Please recommend tickets for support~

(End of this chapter)

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