rune hunter

Chapter 256 Missy's Reasoning

Chapter 256 Missy's Reasoning
"As the heir of Caseros, Lucius' experience in his childhood was completely blank. Even the most rigorous literature has only a few words in the introduction of this period of history. Lucius in his youth He was kicked out of the castle with his mother when he was young, and was made things difficult by the council... Then he skipped a few decades, and this guy actually brought his own knights to slay the dragon. Why didn't the story of the story get out?"

Laurana had a meaningful smile on her face, as if she had seen the truth, but even so, she still refused to leave El's back.

"Another strange thing is that although the documents at that time recorded the ascetic monk who warned the lord before the disaster, Adrian's name was not mentioned here! And in the last article about Adrian There is no mention of this plot in the story of the sacrifice."

"This is indeed an omission that I didn't think of, but if that's all, it doesn't seem to be necessarily related to your inference just now?" Adrian nodded and admitted his mistake, but his face was still inquiring look.

"Although the illusion you designed is false, the stories in the illusion must be based on reality, otherwise you can't fool the aborigines of the Brown Earth Hills. So I can make such an inference...the only history that can confirm the truth here, It is the plot of Lucius in public, because these stories were witnessed by the Demiants, and it is impossible to keep them secret and tamper with them through word of mouth, so you can only modify the unknown part story line."

Laurana coughed, cleared her throat and continued: "If I'm not mistaken, you have designed two parallel plots, one is the story line of Adrian's buried treasure, and the other is the story line of Lucius's seizure of the treasure. The story line of the lord's throne. The robbers eager to get the treasure first cared about the story line of Adrian, but at the end they discovered that there was another story line, so they had to start paying attention to Lu Xiu again. S."

"Then what? I still haven't heard your basis for deduction." Adrian said noncommittally.

"Isn't this obvious? There are more or less omissions in the two story lines of Lucius and Adrian, but because they are insignificant in themselves, and the robbers focus on the so-called The key clues, so they didn't notice the violation at all."

Luo Lana's words made Roger, who was standing silently beside him, blush, and couldn't help turning his eyes to the side.Some things are clear to the authorities. Looking back now, it is indeed as Laurana said that there were some very unreasonable things in that dream, but because it did not affect the development of the plot, he subconsciously ignored the past.

"For example, why did Adrian, the legendary thief king, live in seclusion in this city? Although Demient has rich mineral veins, it is only a newly developed territory after all, in the territory of the Canilas Kingdoms. You can make up a lot of plausible reasons, but none of them can explain the most critical question - what is it about this city that attracts him to stay?"

Laurana held up three fingers and slowly retracted the first.He continued to say:
"For the famous thief king, there is no treasure in the world that cannot be stolen, even the heart of a girl. Regardless of money, beauty or power status, it is impossible for Dimient to have something he can fancy. Then the only reasonable The explanation is that this city itself has a special meaning to him, or if it is further inferred, this city is actually his hometown!"

"Excellent deduction, I have nothing to say. The Thief King wanders the world, like a fallen leaf in the wind, he doesn't know where he will drift. If there is another city that can stop him, then It can only be the land that gave birth to him." Adrian sighed, shook his head and sighed.

"The second loophole comes from the side of Lucius. You want to create a hypocritical villain, but it is too deliberate and suspicious. The scene where Lucius led the knights to the underground to destroy the demon cultists, although it has Dramatic twist, but really unnecessary."

Laurana withdrew her second finger, and looked at Adrian with a bit of sneer in her eyes.

"If Lucius is really in collusion with the Demon Sect, then he doesn't have to rush over to stop the Speaker. Instead, pretend to be ignorant and continue to celebrate, and the correct response is to fight back when the Speaker thinks he has succeeded. Means. I can't imagine any necessary reasons for him to rush over there in a hurry, especially since he wanted to steal the Seal of the Center of the Earth at the end, which is even more ridiculous nonsense. But I am also in this plot, A clue to your true identity has been found."

"Oh? Could it be that... I understand." Adrian was puzzled at first, and then suddenly slapped his forehead as if suddenly enlightened, with a helpless smile on his face.

"That's right, in this episode, Lucius appears in two places at the same time! One Lucius is interacting with enthusiastic onlookers on the street, and he is walking towards the castle without haste. The other Lucius But secretly sneaked into the underground of the castle through secret passages, and staged a double-reed show with the demon cult. In fact, a third story line has developed here, which can only be excavated by those who have entered the illusion many times, but unfortunately it was discovered by us Hit right into it."

Laurana put down the third finger, clenched it into a fist, put away her smile and said seriously: "The third story line exposed a truth, that is Lucius' substitute, and it also shows that he still hides another layer of identity .Although you have him in the third storyline as an ambitious man who wants to control demonic powers, this storyline has been proven to be fictional.So at the same time, the real Lucius Where did you go?"

"He is dealing with his past identity in the Dark Moon Temple!" Roger heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help blurting out.When he said this, even he himself was taken aback, but thinking about it carefully, if he wants to continue to push forward according to Laurana's thinking, this might not be a reasonable explanation.

"That's right!" Laurana clapped her hands, with a smile on her face again: "We haven't experienced Adrian's story line, but it is a fact that he buried his treasure in the Dark Moon Temple, which shows that he and Dark Moon The Moon God Temple has a lot of connections. Why do you have to hide in the Dark Moon Temple?"

"The first reason is safety, because it is impossible for ascetic monks to guard against themselves. The second reason is safety. Although the title of Thief King is famous all over the world, he is just a very powerful thief. Such an identity will always be taken Not on the stage. Now that he has regained his original property and status, of course he has to make a clean break with the disgraceful past. The sudden disappearance of the Thief King will definitely attract the attention of those who are interested, but if he sees through the red dust, he chooses to believe in the dark moon and become An ascetic monk who hides from the world, if he hides in the black forest, no one will be able to find him."

"The Thief King has disappeared since then, and the descendants of the lord have returned to their hometowns to regain their own throne... One person disappeared and another appeared. If it is purely a coincidence, it would be too far-fetched." Laurana said.

"So far this is just your conjecture. If you say 'too far-fetched', the same applies to you." Adrian said with a smile.

"I know that these things are indeed just my conjectures, but your attitude has undoubtedly confirmed my judgment." Laurana blinked, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the smile on her face suddenly became strange: "The problem is Why do I need to provide you with real evidence at this moment? This is not a court that needs evidence to convict, my purpose is to make them believe my words, not you, Lord Adrian."

(End of this chapter)

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