rune hunter

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

What Laurana said was right, if it is in the fair and strict Supreme Court, in order to prove the guilt of the prisoner, there must be unquestionable evidence.But at this moment, she and Adrian are not allies of the United Front, and the spectators around are almost all robbers who commit all kinds of crimes. It is too ridiculous to reason with these people and give evidence.

Laurana doesn't need evidence, she just needs to convince Roger and his men.Regardless of whether Adrian Lucius exists or not, at least Adrian's attitude can be regarded as a default in the eyes of the robbers.As for El, it goes without saying that he has always been unwilling to listen to Lorana's long speeches, and only wants to know the final result.

"What is this Mr. Resurrection going to do?" El asked bluntly.

"It's not appropriate to use the term "resurrecting the dead." It should be said that Lord Adrian has never left us." Regarding El's interruption, Laurana shrugged and reluctantly stopped her long speech.She stretched out her finger to Adrian, and said in a very positive tone:

"Eliminate all false pretense, and what remains is not far from the truth, even if it's not the truth. Mr. Adrian's noble behavior of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice, even if you are called a sage, it is not an exaggeration to be called a sage. But in your current situation At that time, the most famous Twelve Sages happened to be the founders of the Truth Society, so I boldly speculate that your true identity is actually one of the Twelve Sages of the Truth Society!"

"Demyant was destroyed by the demon army overnight, and the new lord Lucius and his knights disappeared into history together with this city. But if Lucius, that is, you are still alive , then it is impossible for your Knights to be completely annihilated. Hmph, there happens to be a Night Watchman troop of the Truth Church stationed on the outskirts of this ancient ruin. Although they claim to monitor the seal of the devil, the reason is still It’s too far-fetched, and in the eyes of insiders, it appears to be a cover-up.”

"To the point, what does this guy want to do?" El asked impatiently.

" really don't like girls with your temper." Laurana sighed helplessly, curled her lips and said, "Isn't the answer obvious? What have the bandit kings of the brown hills been doing for 1000 years? What price did they pay in the end? Excluding the bait factor of the Thief King's Treasure, what is the final outcome? Generation after generation of robbers have lost their lives here, including many robbers. The king himself also fell here."

"He wants to let these robbers die?" El heard this, a horrifying guess suddenly flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but shuddered in his heart.

"Death is just a means. The end result is that every exploration fails, and a large number of robbers are buried here. The night watchmen have not been able to eliminate the demons here in the past 1000 years. Are they unable or unwilling? Simple Judging from the results, the demons entrenched in the ruins got fresh flesh and blood, just like they got the feed sprinkled by their owners, but the night watchmen troop condoned this danger in disguise."

"So in terms of the result, his purpose is to use the lives of the robbers to nourish the demon power entrenched in the ruins! The exploration activities organized by the thief kings of the past will inject new vitality into this ancient ruins. It's a trap, and we're the prey we know nothing about!"

Laurana's tone of speech was not heavy, but rather humorous and naughty, but the content of her words made all the robbers, including Roger, feel cold.From the bottom of his heart, Roger didn't want to believe that the truth could be so cruel, but just as Laurana predicted before, at this moment, they had to believe Laurana's words.

"Is that really the case? Lord Adrian?" Roger turned his head stiffly, staring into Adrian's eyes and gritted his teeth.Although from a rational point of view, he knew that he should believe Laurana's conjecture, but Adrian was the legendary king of thieves after all.

All the children of the aborigines of the Brown Earth Hills grew up listening to his stories. He is like a belief in the hearts of the robbers. There are even some witch doctors who swear frankly that Adrian has become the god of wanderers. Servant of God.Now the image of faith in his mind collapsed suddenly, which made him unable to accept it for a while.

"What if I deny it? Under the influence of that lady, you have already made a judgment in your heart." Adrian did not deny the accusation against himself, but looked at Roger with admiring eyes, and nodded He smiled and said: "For the same thing, different people stand at different angles, so it is impossible for them to see the same thing. You are here for the treasure I left behind, and you will not give up no matter how much you sacrifice, and that lady's The purpose is to disturb the water and take advantage of the opportunity, so all she sees are conspiracies. But as far as I am concerned..."

"That must be the story of a great sage sacrificing himself to save the world, I know," Al interjected, shaking his head and saying, "But I don't want to hear it. I've had enough of Laurana's crap, but because she's Girl, that's why I put up with it. As for you, Mr. Adrian, the old monster from 1000 years ago, whether you have your reason or not, I don't want to hear it at all. Now, Laurana, just tell me what he will Do?"

"I'm not an omniscient god." Laurana pinched a piece of soft flesh on El's back, twisted it hard, and then whispered: "If it were me, I should I'm so angry that I want to kill people to silence my words. No matter whether any of my speculations can cover up the truth, he can't let me go out and talk nonsense."

"So it's useless for you to talk so much nonsense with him! Let them chat first, let's go." El decisively took Laurana's hand and stepped back.To be honest, he really felt that Laurana was talking so much nonsense just to show off that she was a reasoning freak.But others obviously don't think so. Judging by Adrian's calm look, it's obvious that he has put the two of them on the death list.

"Actually, you shouldn't ignore your friend's advice. Sometimes it's really easy to trouble others by talking too much." Adrian said with a half-smile: "As smart and wise as you, you should have already guessed my current plan." right?"

Adrian smiled lightly, raised his hands and shook them slightly, black silk threads suddenly appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the secret passage behind El and Laurana, weaving together vertically and horizontally to look like a huge spider web, covering the entrance The channel is completely sealed.

"At the end of the day, we still have to rely on fists to solve the problem..." El sighed, blocked Laurana behind him, drew out the dragon tooth bow and pointed it at Adrian's head.

The first shot was not El, but Roger who was standing beside Adrian.He was only in a trance for a moment just now, but when Adrian sealed the entrance of the secret passage, his eyes quickly let go of the confusion and became firm.There is no noble virtue among robbers. Respect for elders is far less important than a bag of gold coins in the eyes of robbers.

Roger shot without any warning, and broke out with his greatest strength as soon as he shot.Although Adrian has never shown his strength in public, judging by his legendary experience, his strength must have reached the standard of the gold rank.Even if he can barely be regarded as returning his soul from a dead body now, Roger didn't dare to underestimate him in the slightest, and directly used his most powerful killing move.

Roger's own knife is heavier than the golden scimitar, and it inherits the style of the ranger swordsman rather than the traditional routine of the desert bandit.His unreserved ultimate move didn't look gorgeous, and he couldn't even see the light of the sword, but the slightly heavy long knife rushed in front of Adrian the moment it appeared, the speed of this knife, It was no less than the speed of the arrow shot by El with the Dragon Tooth Bow.

Because he didn't expect it in advance, Adrian was really surprised by Roger's resolute rebellion.Of course, his own perception ability wouldn't care about this threat, but after all, he somehow invaded into Blackbeard's corpse now.The strength of such a corpse was not very good before it was alive, and it was already a beat late when it wanted to respond.

However, Adrian's former title of Thief King was not in vain.At his level, even if he loses the upper hand, he won't be completely powerless to resist.Facing the oncoming knife, Adrian took half a step back, raised his hands and lifted it upwards, a black silk thread appeared in front of him out of thin air, just blocking Roger's knife from the outside.

Roger slashed out with almost all his strength, but when his blade hit the seemingly useless silk thread, he encountered indescribable obstacles like cutting into old cowhide.The black silk thread stretched rapidly under the blade, retreating to the maximum limit, and then rebounded back with double the force of the comer.

Roger snorted, clenched the scimitar in his hand, and flew back unintentionally, but at the same time as he retreated, a long arrow passed by him silently, and in a blink of an eye, Come to Adrian.

Like Roger's knife, this arrow was blocked by Adrian's thread.Although this arrow can be said to be elusive, but it is not so easy to catch Adrian who has recovered.

However, El didn't pin his hopes on his arrow. The dragon tooth bow in his hand was a little bit reluctant to deal with a strong man of the silver rank, let alone a strong man like Adrian who might have the strength of the gold rank. .So he retracted the Dragon Tooth Bow at the first moment, grabbed his ax and killed Adrian.

(End of this chapter)

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