rune hunter

Chapter 258

Chapter 258
El is the silver emblem general who fought all the way from Istaron, and Roger is the new generation of bandit king in the brown hills. Both of them have experienced brutal fighting and rich experience in silver ranks.If they were to join forces, within the silver rank, even a master who had reached the peak level might not be able to resist it.

But Adrian is a gold-level powerhouse who became famous thousands of years ago. Even if he can't show his true strength now, even if the corpse of the black beard he brought back to life is already in tatters, he still has no respect for the rules of the world. His understanding is far above all others.

Facing the joint attack of El and Roger, Adrian didn't show panic. Although he didn't have a weapon in his hand, it didn't matter whether a person at his level had a weapon or not.He directly tore apart the space with his hands, pulled out black silk threads from the void, and wrapped them around his fingertips.

The mysteries of the world are endless, even Laurana couldn't recognize the origin of the mysterious thread for a while, but even a fool can see that these slender threads are by no means as harmless as they appear on the surface.

El brandished an ax and dashed forward in front of Adrian, the muscles in his arms swelled suddenly, and the ax in his hand was raised suddenly, a whirlwind blew out of nowhere on the ground, and flung it fiercely at Adrian's face.

"Unfortunately, I thought that you, a young man, were bold and careful. As an archer, you actually wanted to fight hand-to-hand with the enemy. You underestimated me too much, didn't you?"

Adrian chuckled, and took another step back. With one hand, he nimbly grabbed the silk thread in front of him with his fingers, and wrapped it around El's axe. At the same time, the fingers of the other hand were put together, and it turned into a hand knife to stab El's chest. .

"I will give it to you if you want it." El sneered, and the moment the silk thread was wrapped around his ax, he let go of the axe, and at the same time held the bow arm of the dragon tooth bow with his right hand, and pulled the dragon tooth bow from behind. The bow was pulled out like a sword, and the sharp dragon teeth stabbed at Adrian's attacking arm.

Adrian's face was gloomy, and the knife in his hand spread out on the way. Instead of fighting resolutely with the dragon tooth that was stabbed by El, he turned the knife into a palm, patted the side of the sharp dragon tooth lightly, and bent El's dragon tooth bow Photographed to the side.

The ax thrown by El was lightly entangled in the black silk thread, which suddenly stretched straight.The Istaren military battle ax made of fine steel was cut into a pile of pieces by the silk thread in an instant like cheese.El's eyes changed, and he flew back without hesitation.Adrian opened his palm reluctantly and manipulated the silk thread to cover him.

"Isn't it too late to run now?" Adrian sneered, trying to ridicule El's reckless move, but his smile froze on his face as soon as he appeared, because although El was retreating, his face The smile on his face was exactly the same as his expression.

"This is called cover, not retreat, old man." The corner of El's mouth raised slightly. Although he failed to succeed in this attack, he achieved his real purpose, which was to cover Roger.

Just now Roger's slash was thrown by Adrian, and Adrian seemed to want to take advantage of the situation to kill him, so El rushed up without hesitation.This has nothing to do with cheap friendship between individuals, it's just a choice he made based on his judgment of the current situation.

It is unknown how much strength Adrian has left, but since he didn't silence everyone in the first place, it means that he must still have scruples.And in this secret room, the only people who can threaten him and make him have scruples are Roger and El of the silver rank.If Roger is not rescued, El himself will soon fall into a state of isolation and helplessness. He must take care of Laurana's safety, and the other robbers are completely untrustworthy. This is actually an inevitable choice.

The fight between El and Adrian was just a blink of an eye to outsiders, but this time was enough for Roger to breathe.When El retreated, he had appeared beside Adrian like a ghost.

The long knife exploded, and the light of the knife suddenly appeared. Adrian took back the steps that he was about to take, and retreated.His footsteps seemed unhurried, but he missed Roger's long knife with a slight gap.In fact, with his golden level of perception, he was able to judge the attack trajectory of this move before Luo Jie's knife, and walked calmly between the lights of the knife like a prophet.Such a fighting style may seem elegant, but it is cruel and merciless to his enemies.

However, facing such unimaginable pressure, Al and Roger's faces were only serious, without any fear.

"Forget that I owe you a favor." Roger withdrew his knife and retreated to El's side and whispered.

"It's easy to do, you're welcome. You should have discovered his weakness, right?" El tilted his head and smiled.

Although there were only a few words in the conversation between the two, Adrian's face darkened. The cunning of these two young people was beyond his expectation, and finally made him feel a little troublesome.

Adrian's obvious weakness is the body he occupies.Blackbeard, who was the previous king of robbers, was actually not a warrior with only muscles in his mind.Although his martial power is indeed outstanding, what he is better at is the voodoo puppet technique inherited from the goblin race.

Because of the special ability of this kind of puppetry, Blackbeard never takes his body seriously. Even if he is hacked into a dead dog, as long as he can give him some time to breathe, he will fall back in a short time. Jumping out and jumping like a normal person, this is how he can become the longest living robber king.

But when Adrian controlled Blackbeard's body, his body had fallen into a state of near-death, and he had never recovered, leaving Adrian with only an unmanageable mess.Although this kind of physical injury is not dangerous to him, it will have a great impact on his actions.

Just as it is impossible for a deaf-mute to hear and argue, it is impossible for a cripple to walk like flying.Even if Adrian is so powerful that he can kill with one finger, what use would it be if his finger was chopped off?Blackbeard's body was in such an awkward state right now.

It's not that his body cannot be recovered, but it belongs to the category of voodoo puppetry. No matter how knowledgeable and talented Adrian is, it is impossible for him to master such unorthodox things.

Of course, if you want to put it at other times, this is not a problem.With Adrian's strength, even a third-level disability is enough to deal with ordinary situations, but it is obviously not that ideal situation now.Both Roger and El are cautious and cunning wolves. They have discovered his weakness and will never let it go easily.

Faced with such a bad situation, Adrian is not unprepared. To deal with such a difficult role, he must use words to confuse his heart, and use interests to deceive his mind... But there is also a big guy who likes to talk nonsense... miss exists.Facing her provocation, Adrian never responded positively. Apart from being a gentleman, he was more afraid of this woman.

With her present, every word I utter will become her weapon to fight back. The more I speak at this time, the more mistakes I make...

Do you want to get rid of this girl first?Such a thought flashed through Adrian's mind, but he gave up on it immediately. During the moment of his hesitation, El had retreated in front of Laurana, picking up his identity as an archer again, and Roger rushed forward again with a knife, and his whole body turned into a knife light.Different from the hasty response just now, this time the two have formed a tacit cooperation, and it is not so easy to take advantage of them.

"No matter what conspiracy this old man has, let's kill him first." El sneered and drew his bow and arrow, aiming at Adrian's head from a distance.When he personally experienced Adrian's strength, he gave up all unrealistic ideas and used all his hole cards without reservation.

There was a faint blue light in El's eyes, and there were five or six runes floating up and down on the fingertips of the finger that pulled the bowstring, and the silver light shone like stars.The muscles on his body swelled rapidly, and the joints made a crisp sound, and gradually adjusted to the state where he could immediately enter the storm attack mode.Little Langa got out of his arms, spread her wings and flew to Laurana's side, hanging on her back.

Adrian wove a cobweb in front of him, but Roger didn't crash into it.The light of his knife stopped abruptly in front of the spider web, not because it was blocked, but because he inserted the long knife into the ground under his feet.

After the sudden pause, an even more violent outburst ushered in.I saw the saber light rising upwards and exploding directly from the ground. Even if El was standing at a distance of more than ten meters behind, he could clearly feel the fierce aura echoing in the air. Ai, who was the first to bear the brunt, The pressure Derian faced can be imagined.

After the light of the knife, the spider web shattered, and all those seemingly tough and sharp threads were cut off by Roger. Adrian stepped back step by step, and the light of the knife he rolled up descended from the sky again, unwilling to let go pressure on Adrian.

Adrian only took three steps back before he had to stop because Al had locked the retreat behind him.At the moment when he retreated, the long arrow with dots of starlight shining in his will was shot out silently. Although he didn't aim at his body, as long as he took another step back, he would definitely be pierced.And after El shot this arrow, three more long arrows were attached to the bowstring, aiming faintly at all angles around him.

Rogue likes to walk in the shadows, looking for the right time to launch a fatal blow to the enemy's vitals, so no matter what kind of combat environment he is in, his first choice is always to retreat.But for fighters, retreat means cowardice, retreat means failure, so they would rather die in battle than retreat.

Adrian wanted to retreat, but El didn't leave him any escape route. He just wanted to force Adrian and Roger to confront each other head-on, and this was exactly the way Adrian hated to fight.

"Don't bully people too much." Adrian still maintained an elegant tone, but both Al and Roger saw the chill in his eyes.

This guy is serious...

This chapter was not uploaded yesterday, it was my S&B, this is yesterday’s chapter, there is another chapter tonight

 In the new week, please recommend votes for support!

(End of this chapter)

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