rune hunter

Chapter 259 Desperate Counterattack

Chapter 259 Desperate Counterattack
Generally speaking, strong people who can reach a certain level will not do anything to ordinary people at will.It's not that they don't have the ability to massacre, but that they must maintain the face of being a strong man.Flooding ant holes with piss is a brat's trick, and if a dignified and powerful person does this kind of thing, it will be completely shameless.

In the war between Estalon and the Earthwalker tribe, although the Earthwalker Princess Langaria came to the battlefield in person, she never used the real power of the golden rank, and left calmly after just playing around.On Estalon's side, Knight Golden Lion Leonard did not make a move from the beginning to the end.

From a positive point of view, this is called dignity, and from a negative point of view, it is called pretense.

Adrian really wanted to maintain the dignity that a senior should have, but he soon found that the two young people in front of him seemed not very easy to deal with, and when they were practicing, he also felt a great threat .If you want them to give full play to their full potential, you might end up capsizing in the gutter.

At such a time, if you want to maintain the dignity of the so-called master, you are looking for death. Of course, Adrian, who is the king of thieves, cannot fail to know how to work around it.

He said lightly: "You guys are deceiving people too much..." He opened his hands and grabbed the void on both sides violently, directly tearing out two entangled silk threads from the void.Because there were too many entangled silk threads, all the flesh and blood on the fingers of his hands were peeled off at once, and at the same time, along the silk thread at his fingertips outward, the void on both sides was also shattered piece by piece.

The picture of the fragmented space is like the beautiful scene produced when you escape from the illusion, but it is returning to reality from the illusion.If Adrian also tore apart the space in reality, what would happen?
El looked up at the broken space beside Adrian's hands, and suddenly snorted, two streams of blood flowed from his nostrils.The ability to see the eyes brought by the runes has always been his biggest reliance, but when he wants to peek into those torn spaces, it feels like his eyes have been thrown into a blender, and all his perceptions are in the same place. Those shattered edges were twisted and shattered.

Behind the real space, there is naturally endless void.

"Stop him!" El roared, and pulled the Dragon Tooth Bow to the maximum, filled the three arrows on the bowstring with the power of runes, and poured them out.

"Stupid young man, you have no idea what you are doing. From the looks of you, you are not an aborigine on this land at all. Why do you want to participate in our internal disputes?" Adrian sneered and turned the two sides The silk thread was pulled in front of him, forming a huge spider web.

Facing the dense silk threads in front of him, Roger did not stop.The long knife in his hand is made of meteorite iron. Its characteristic is that it is heavy and extremely strong, but its other hidden effect is just suitable for the current battle. The meteorite iron fell from the endless void. Treasures on the ground will naturally not be afraid of the power from the void.Adrian's silk thread can only resist but not cut his long knife.

Roger slashed on the spider web with a knife, and countless silk threads broke in response.El's three arrows passed behind him and exploded directly on the spider web, blasting three big holes in an instant.And under the cover of the violent explosion, three translucent arrow shadows passed through silently and floated towards Adrian.

Adrian's eyes were fixed, and he waved his hand to shoot the three arrows.Based on his understanding of the rules of the world, he has long since tapped out the potential of his body to the maximum. Even if he is only controlling the body of others, he can precisely control the strength of every muscle, allowing his arms to exert their maximum potential. Strength, even capable of tearing apart space with bare hands.

But at the same time, this kind of use of power regardless of the cost will inevitably place a heavy burden on this body. Blackbeard's body is far from growing to the point where it can withstand such pressure. It has become a bone.

Adrian used the remaining hand bones to block an arrow that shot towards his face, but it was not a tangible arrow, and he couldn't resist it with pure strength. Throw it into the arm bone and explode with a bang.The other two arrows were aimed at Adrian's left and right chests respectively. He turned his body at the critical moment and almost let the two arrows pass by, but to Adrian's surprise, he had already dodged these two arrows. The arrow shadow of the past still caused him harm.

"This is really... a very interesting ability." Adrian couldn't help but admire the wound on his chest.The ability that the rune can display comes from the user's self-awareness, so he didn't recognize El's hole card for a while.But based on his experience, being able to use this technique means that he has already left the level of brute force. This is equivalent to saying that he has found his own silver secret realm. an edge.

"Young man with a bright future, it's a pity that you shouldn't be involved in this matter." Adrian sighed, pulled off his completely disabled arm, and threw it into the spider web he woven.

The moment the broken arm fell onto the spider web, it was like a ripe tomato falling to the ground, blasting away all the remaining flesh and blood with a puff.The silk thread, which was originally black, gradually turned into a strange blood red at a speed visible to the naked eye after soaking through the flesh and blood, and this color was what El and Roger had seen in the illusion.

The silk thread stained with flesh and blood became more flexible and flexible, and quickly spread around, and the robbers under Roger immediately tasted the pain.Before they could dodge, several people were accidentally entangled in the blood-red silk thread, and they only had time to let out a scream before being cut into pieces neatly.Fragments of the corpses fell from the air like raindrops, but not a single drop of blood flowed out, because the blood in their bodies had been sucked dry by the blood-red silk threads at the moment before they died.

Seeing more and more blood-red threads around him, El fell into a helpless situation.He had already thrown away the weapon in his hand, and it was impossible to deal with these ubiquitous silk threads with the Dragon Tooth Bow alone.When he wanted to kill Adrian, he found that the other party had already broken the jar, and he would die with everyone even if he didn't want this body.

"I'm sorry that the situation has developed into such an unmanageable state. This is not the kind of ending I want. But there is no way, you should stay here." Adrian laughed and opened the remaining other arm , allowing the silk thread around him to run through his body.The quality of the flesh and blood left behind by Blackbeard, who was the silver powerhouse, was far superior to those ordinary robbers.Although it is a bit tasteless to Adrian himself, it is more than enough as a sacrifice to drive these silk threads.

"Roger!" El watched Adrian's self-mutilation with cold eyes, fell silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head and shouted, "It's now!"

"What?" Hearing El's shout, Adrian paused subconsciously, but Roger didn't rush up again as he imagined, but turned around and flew back to El.He blinked, suddenly realized something, and couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

El stretched out his hand backwards, took something in Laurana's hand, and slashed at Roger back, and Roger also slashed at the back with a tacit understanding at this time.

"No!!!" Adrian screamed, ignoring the blood-red threads running through his body, he turned into a light and shadow and flew towards the two of them.

What El held in his hand turned out to be the golden scimitar that Blackbeard had left earlier, and the weapon in Roger's hand was the fraudster Isabella he had just recovered.The two weapons collided with all their strength, the blood-red and golden rays of light complemented each other, and there was only a barely audible crisp sound, and a crack that was hard to detect with the naked eye appeared on the blade of the Deceiver.

Adrian's roar stopped abruptly, and his eyes lost their luster in an instant.The silk thread around him also lost its power at the same time, slowly disappearing into the void.Before El could react, he saw another coquettish beauty in a gorgeous dress emerging from the void, with a charming smile on her face, gently hugging Blackbeard, or now it was Adrian Ann's body.Her slender hands passed through the corpse, gently "embracing" a faint phantom.

"No! No! Let me go! You bitch, let me go!" Adrian's voice came from the phantom, sounding full of panic, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the woman The palm of her hand, she could only let her slowly drag herself into the void.

The beautiful woman in full dress returned to the void, and the space that had been torn apart by the silk thread regained its calm, but the secret room fell into a long silence.Everyone's minds were immersed in the strange scene just now, and they couldn't extricate themselves for a while.

"What the hell is that..." Roger looked at El with a pale face, and found that El's face was no prettier than his own.

"How do I know? What is that?" El turned back with a bitter face and threw the same question to Laurana.He handed Xiao Langa to Laurana just now, not only to protect her safety, but also to let her help him find a chance to break the situation through Xiao Langa's spiritual link.But I didn't expect her to play so big this time, scaring everyone.

"That's Isabella!" Laurana said with a smile.

Make up 8, must make up

(End of this chapter)

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