rune hunter

Chapter 260 Digging for Treasures

Chapter 260 Digging for Treasures
"Isabella the Deceiver is not a weapon for combat, but a magical treasure created by the legendary alchemy master craftsman. The strong people, their bodies have been tempered, and they have broken away from the boundary of life and death in the mortal world. And this dagger is used to seal the souls of those powerful beings, so as to achieve the purpose of obliterating them."

Laurana looked at the bloody dagger in Roger's hand that was gradually dimming, with a look of regret on her face, and said in a low voice: "But the soul sealed in this soul-sealing dagger is too powerful and evil, Isabella's power In turn, it erodes its own ability, allowing users to interfere with the mortal world with their own spiritual world influence, which is one of the reasons why she has left a terrible reputation in history. Although this disguised illusion is not enough to shake those A real strong man, but still more than enough to deal with us ignorant mortals."

The corner of Roger's mouth twitched slightly, and he threw the fraudster to the ground as quickly as if his hand was hot.Perhaps because of the disappearance of Adrian, after losing the real controller, the light of the fraudster gradually went out, and the chattering noise in El's ear also disappeared.Similarly, the golden scimitar in his hand was slowly fading, and when the golden outer layer gradually disappeared, what remained was a faint blue.

"It seems that this is also done by fraudsters. I think Adrian, as the king of thieves, is too ostentatious if he holds a weapon made of gold all day long. Looking back now, the real purpose of making this disguise In fact, I still want to seduce the greed in the robber's heart." Laurana looked at the faded weapon in El's hand, nodded and said affirmatively.

"For these uneducated bandits on the brown earth hills, the legend of the Thief King is too ethereal, and only real gold and silver can move their hearts. If the Thief King even uses gold to forge his own weapons, how can he think about it?" And knowing how rich his legacy will be—this is the common aspiration of all robbers for thousands of years. Huge interests have blinded everyone's minds, and no one has ever thought about the suspiciousness of this legend."

Roger snorted coldly and didn't speak.What Laurana said was all true, and he had no way to refute it.

"No, Blackbeard must have thought about it." El said suddenly.He and Roger looked at each other, Roger's eyes lit up, and his face showed a thoughtful look.

"In the past history, almost all robber kings had no good end, except for Blackbeard. After I snatched the golden scimitar, he still survived tenaciously... Now that I think about it, he should have been You deliberately gave up the golden scimitar to me." Roger said in a deep voice, resting his chin.

"When he attacked me and Laurana, he also left behind the golden scimitar. Compared with this weapon, he obviously trusted his black scimitar that could use witchcraft." El recalled the time Suddenly, a trace of doubt flashed in my mind.He actually didn't notice that Blackbeard left the golden scimitar when the golden cicada shed its shell, nor did he notice when Laurana picked it up.

When Luolana told about her temporary plan through the soul link of Xiao Langa just now, he felt as if ten thousand alpacas were galloping past!Afterwards, all actions were completed subconsciously in a trance, and it was not until Adrian was captured that he fully woke up.

What the hell is going on?El also wanted to know the answer to this question, and sometimes he really couldn't keep up with Laurana's train of thought.

"It's actually a fluke, I just bet on the right treasure." Laurana made a look of lingering fear, sighed and said: "When I guessed that the real face of the dagger was a fraudster , I basically already know what kind of tricks Adrian is playing. Although the historical records are unclear, the general direction will not be much different. Adrian did enter hell, but I don’t know why he purpose, but in the end left a soul fragment here.”

"Can things like souls be sliced?" El asked in disbelief.

"It's impossible in theory, it's like you cut off your own arm and let it kill yourself... Maybe the deep sea octopus has this talent, but humans definitely can't... But if you use the soul-sealing dagger, maybe you can There are tricks."

Laurana carefully picked up the fraudster on the ground with two fingers, and put it on the handkerchief she took out with her other hand.Watching her movements, both El and Roger couldn't help taking a step back.

"But... I remember you said that the reason why this weapon is called Isabella the Deceiver is because it sealed Isabella's soul. Can this thing be reused?" El thought for a while. asked again.

"Theoretically speaking, this is also impossible, but we have all seen a successful example, haven't we?" Laurana carefully observed the crack on the fraudster's blade, imitating El's habitual movement and shrugged Said: "After all, we have not reached that level, and it is not surprising that we cannot understand the means of those strong men."

"Yeah, slice your own soul, and then... where was he caught?" El just felt his teeth ache when he heard Laurana's words, but he still couldn't restrain his curiosity. .

"It's right here." Laurana shook the fraudster in her hand, saw the two big men's faces changed dramatically and retreated, she couldn't help laughing and said: "It's okay, you have also seen that Isabella has something for him How enthusiastic. This king of thieves not only used the fraudster to set up a trap about his own inheritance treasure, but also directly used the fraudster himself to leave a way out for himself."

"Although this kind of tightrope walking method is unpredictable, the risk is also huge. If I am not wrong, at the moment when the fraudster was damaged, he was backlashed by his ability, and may be killed by the original host Isa. Bella might just swallow it up."

"As long as you know that he can't come out and continue to harm people." Roger said with a cold face. After all, El has been taught by the eldest lady for a long time, and he can guess the general meaning even if he doesn't understand it, but he is The real eyes are completely black and can't understand anything.

Although in the eyes of the bandits, their new boss is a cunning and wise man, but that is measured by the average level of education in the brown hills.If you really want to compare, Roger may not know as many words as Al has read books.Therefore, even though the historical documents of the year were stored in the Night Watchman Fortress, no bandit ever wanted to take a look at them.

Compared with Adrian's life and death, Roger now has more issues that need to be paid attention to, and that is the original purpose of their trip - the treasure left by the Thief King.It's just that after experiencing the weird scene just now, he couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of that treasure in his heart.

Roger coughed lightly, and asked hesitantly: "Miss Laurana, do you think there is something wrong with that treasure?"

"Probably not... If it's just something like gold, the majestic Thief King wouldn't be able to see it. It doesn't matter if you leave a little here to make a fake show. It's just..." Laurana changed the subject. , squinting his eyes and asked Roger: "According to the normal process, after experiencing the illusion just now, is there any other procedure?"

It's no wonder that Laurana asked this question, because if they and Blackbeard didn't make trouble on purpose, Adrian's remnant soul wouldn't be drawn out.Then according to the normal procedure, this illusion will not cause any harm to the visitors... Maybe Adrian has ambushed here to attract the robbers to kill each other, but that is not a real trouble.

You must know that the [-] elite fighters under El have not suffered excessive damage so far. If they just came to watch a scene, why did Roger spend a lot of money to hire them to come all the way to help?
"Of course, according to my experience with Blackbeard last time, under normal circumstances, after the illusion ends, demons will appear from the void and attack us here...but this time they haven't appeared yet." Roger nodded quickly.

"The endless void is not a garbage dump. Anything can be stuffed into it. Those demons should be illusions arranged by Adrian with the fraudsters. The attack of the demons is not the point. The point is to consume your overall strength and further motivate you The subordinates who have been bewitched have betrayed as before. If I guess correctly, most of the robber kings who died here fell at the knife edge of their own people, right?" Based on the existing information , Laurana deduced Adrian's true purpose after thinking for a while, her words made Roger's back soaked in cold sweat.

"Aside from this, are there other dangers?" Laurana asked after thinking about it.

"Yes... That's right!" Roger suppressed the horror in his heart, and replied calmly: "The time we stay here is limited. According to the information recorded in the golden scimitar, after leaving that dream... the illusion, The demons hiding in the ruins outside will also notice the movement here. They will swarm in within 10 minutes."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get to work!" Hearing the time limit, El couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"But will there be any more in that treasure..." Roger was still hesitant. He was originally a cautious character, but now he has become a frightened bird, and he dare not act rashly.

"Don't worry, even if Adrian prepares any gifts inside, it should be finished with him now." Laurana said with certainty, she pointed to the stone tower in the center of the circular altar, and directed Said: "That's not the real seal of the center of the earth, just smash the stone tower below and push him down."

Hearing what Laurana said, Roger finally breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and yelled at the robber standing beside him: "What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what Miss Laurana said? Hurry up and work!"

Supplement 8
(End of this chapter)

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