rune hunter

Chapter 261 Shadow Councilor

Chapter 261 Shadow Councilor
Not long after Adrian's soul was forcibly plundered by Isabella, the Night Watchman's Fortress far outside the first-level ruins suddenly welcomed a distinguished guest.

In the center of the command hall of the Night Watchman Fortress, a dazzling magical light suddenly radiated.A high-level magic circle was originally drawn here for teleportation, but since it has not been used for hundreds of years, except for the commander of the fortress, other Night Watchmen warriors do not even know the existence of this magic circle.Almost everyone regarded this magic circle as a mosaic pattern on the floor, and never thought that this thing would be activated one day.

In fact, even General Hank had long forgotten about the magic circle. At this time, he was making a bet with his adjutant how many people the bandits would lose this time.When the magic circle radiated light, he accidentally stuffed the chicken bone in his mouth into his nostril, and subconsciously wanted to call out to his guards.

But fortunately, he wasn't too stupid, so he quickly realized that the alarm that just came to his lips was immediately replaced by an order to clean up the room and tidy up.Although he couldn't think of the meaning of the existence of this magic circle, since it was a teleportation magic circle, the other end must be connected to the Truth Society, but he didn't know which big man came to be so mobilizing.

Although General Hanke didn't say anything, he had already guessed in his heart that if it was an ordinary armament transportation, it wouldn't be necessary to use this ancient teleportation magic circle, because no one could afford the cost.As for the low-level personnel of the Truth Society, it is even more impossible. Even General Hanke himself has no impression of this magic circle. How can others be so careless?

The light of the magic circle circled and flickered seven times, converging into a ball of light in mid-air, and then suddenly expanded to form an oval portal.A middle-aged man wearing a purple-rimmed magic robe with a gloomy face walked out of the portal, surveyed the surrounding environment expressionlessly, then shifted his gaze to General Hank's face, and said with a cold emphasis : "Are you the commander of the Night Watch?"

"Yes, my lord, I am the current Night Watchman Commander Brown Hank."

General Hank quickly sifted through the image of this middle-aged man in his mind, and found that he had no impression of this person.Although he said that he has been stationed here for decades, it is not surprising that there are unfamiliar faces, but looking at the badge worn on the chest of this adult, he is clearly a leader at the highest level, and he has never heard of any changes in the upper levels before this. any rumors.In other words, even he has no authority to know the true identity of this lord.

"The lamp of life that maintained Lord Adrian in the Gathering Church suddenly went out. What happened here?" the middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

"Adrian... Your Excellency?" General Hank blinked, and it took him a long time to connect this name with a legend in his mind.It's no wonder that he was so slow to react. Ever since Demyant fell into the ground, Adrian's heroic stories have been recorded in historical documents.

Perhaps the leader of the Night Watchmen at that time had a close relationship with Adrian, but after a thousand years, even the Truth Society itself has undergone earth-shaking changes, not to mention the Night Watchmen, a marginalized force.The Night's Watch themselves have no recollection of a secret mission other than their demonic powers of immediate menace.

"Dear Your Excellency, forgive me, isn't Adrian a character from a thousand years ago?" General Hank asked carefully in a low voice.

"Idiot! Don't you even know about Lord Adrian? Doesn't your inheritance document clearly state the real purpose of the night watchmen stationed here?" Get murderous.

"Inheritance document?" General Hanke looked at the lord in surprise, and asked with some doubts: "Dear Your Excellency, as early as 300 years ago when the ancestors of Oakland opened up the northern border, we and several other guards The inheritance document of the army has been handed over to the headquarters of the Truth Society? Although I have never seen that document, it is well known. Have you never heard of the plan to preserve the inheritance fire..."

"Idiots! They are all a group of idiots! Take back the inheritance documents? Did those idiots have shit in their heads?" The middle-aged man's face turned ashen when he heard General Hanke's explanation.He stomped hard, and an unformed frost nova spread from beneath his feet.

General Hank was caught off guard, and his face was covered with a layer of frost, and even his beard was covered with icicles.Despite being so humiliated, his attitude became more and more respectful, because he knew very well in his heart that this was nothing more than the out-of-control magic power of the other party's emotional state.As a master of knowledge and wisdom, a magician will be respected even within the Truth Society, and a powerful magician must be feared by everyone.

The middle-aged man only lost his composure for a moment, and quickly calmed down. He took a deep breath, returned to his expressionless face, and said to General Hank with a cold face: "It's fine if you don't get the inheritance document, at least you should Have you heard of the name Shadow Council?"

"Yes, sir, I know." General Hank's eyes flickered when he heard the word, but he hid it well, and he replied with a more respectful attitude: "Although the name now It has also become a legend among young people, but I know that such an organization does exist, because my father and even my family have been loyal to the Truth Society for hundreds of years..."

"So that's the case, very good." The middle-aged man nodded reservedly and said, "I am the Shadow Councilor Quesaras of the Shadow Council, and I have been in charge of guarding the lights of life of the sages in the Gathering Church... the specific tasks It is inconvenient for me to say more, but now a lamp of life suddenly goes out, indicating that Master Adrian's soul fragments have been attacked. I need to know what happened here."

General Hank hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and explained the origin and purpose of Roger and his party.

"Those robbers..." Quesalas didn't blame General Hank for this, but just pondered for a while after hearing the news, then nodded and said: "General Hank, I need your help now, you go to gather now Night Watchmen, activate the city defenses, we must not let these robbers leave here!"

"I see, Lord Quesaras." General Hank didn't ask much. Although he didn't know where this old man came from, but as far as he was concerned, he didn't have to talk to him. He competes.

At the same time, the treasure digging work in the Dark Moon Temple has also come to an end.

As Laurana expected, there were no demons from the void this time, and there was no mutiny or betrayal among the bandits.Roger led his cronies and his subordinates to work together to push to the stone tower. According to the scene he saw in the illusion, he opened the mechanism on the circular altar. As the stone slabs were slowly pushed away to both sides, the flash of gold coins immediately blinded Eyes of all robbers.

Adrian did leave a whole room full of gold coins, hundreds of times more than all the robbers had ever seen in their lifetime. Even Roger held his breath subconsciously, for fear that he would wake up from his dream when he opened his eyes. Come.

Relying on the ability of the Eye of True Sight, El scanned the wealth in the treasury for the first time, his face remained calm, but he couldn't help but snorted coldly in his heart.Adrian did leave behind countless gold coins, but they were just gold coins.Although the gold coins in this room seem to be nearly a million, but apart from that, there are not even a few fragmented gems that are used as large currency in the market.

What Laurana said was right, this was by no means the real worth of the dignified Thief King, but just a little oil and water leaking from his fingers.

These golds are unimaginable wealth in the eyes of the robbers, but El really didn't pay much attention to them.When Istaron fell, the young lord Antonio had ordered that all the granaries, armories, and treasuries of the White Lion family be opened for the citizens to use.At that time, the soldiers brought out crates and crates of gold coins from the castle and put them on the street, including various gold and silver utensils, artistic calligraphy and paintings, and various rare gems.

But at that time, no one was going to take it. The evacuated citizens were collecting food, and those who chose to stay and defend the city were fully armed, and there was no room for treasure on their bodies.

Recalling the situation at that time, and looking at the blushing, slanting eyes, and ugly robbers in front of him, El suddenly felt a little uninterested.

He didn't look at the gold coins any more, greeted Laurana, and turned to walk towards the passage of the secret room.Although he had only been out for a few days, he had already begun to miss the team of exiles in his heart.Now that Roger has dug up the treasure, he will no longer have the slightest interest in those refugees.And he still needs to bring the three hundred soldiers under him back to his own place.There is still a long way to go in the future, and he is no longer interested in playing house with others here.

"Hey, hey, it looks like you're very tired." Laurana chased after him, and laughed softly as she followed closely behind him.

"Our mission has been completed, now it's time to go back." El said as he walked without looking back.

"Eh? You really don't want to share some benefits with Roger? I don't think they can take away many gold coins with their hands." Laurana tilted her head and smiled maliciously.

"I'm not interested in eating Adrian's leftovers." El said shaking his head.

"Really? General El is really a noble character... Then throw me that knife in your hand, too?" Laurana's tone carried a strange taste.

El, who had been with Laurana for a long time, naturally noticed this unusual trace, and couldn't help but stop and turn around.In the darkness, he could only see the two big eyes of the young lady flickering, like a fox stealing a chicken.

In short, I still owe more than one chapter, I remember~
(End of this chapter)

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