rune hunter

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

The golden scimitar, which was originally used to open the key to the king of thieves' treasure, has always been regarded as a token of the king of robbers in the brown hills. However, after Adrian's conspiracy was exposed, this faded weapon immediately became a weapon that everyone feared to avoid. Less than rubbish.In front of the sea of ​​gold coins that cannot be counted, who would care about this broken knife?
Naturally, Roger would not pay attention, all his thoughts at this time were already on the treasure in front of him.El didn't care either, he just dropped his axe, and happened to be short of a handy guy, so he hung it around his waist.But now, listening to Laurana's tone of voice, it seems that there are still unknown benefits hidden in this weapon, which makes him unable to bear to look down.

After the golden light on the surface faded, the shape of this weapon also changed.Perhaps in order to suit the taste of robbers, Adrian turned this weapon into a scimitar, but in fact, the curved arc of this knife is not so exaggerated, it looks more like a straight knife with a curved front, The originally sharp point of the knife became wider and thicker, and its strange appearance was like the hind legs of a wild beast with recurved joints.

"Is this knife also famous?" El asked with some doubts.

"You really treat me like an encyclopedia..." Laurana snorted angrily and said, "The Deceiver is famous in history, and it is also an alchemy item, so I can think of it. As for this As for knives, the weapons used by the king of thieves are definitely not ordinary weapons, but also because of his status as the king of thieves, he is not an upright profession in itself, so naturally he will not use those magic weapons that can be recognized by others Sharp weapon."

"So you just know that this knife is not ordinary, but you don't know what its value is?" El waved the weird weapon in his hand dumbfoundingly.His own style is not suitable for using a scimitar, so he doesn't have much interest in the previous golden scimitar, but now the strange shape of this knife seems to be very suitable for chopping, and it seems to be more convenient than the ax he is used to using.It's just that I don't know its origin, so it's a bit scruples to use it.

"I don't have much research on weapons and other things. I only know that the style of this knife looks like the weapon of the lizardmen in the Great Swamp. It seems to be called the 'Machete Knife' by themselves. As for other things... it Now it belongs to your weapon, of course you have to explore it slowly by yourself." Laurana put on the hood and hid her face in the shadow of the hood, only showing the lower half of her face showing a malicious smile .

She chuckled twice and said, "I've already done what I should do, and the next road to return requires you, General El, to show your true skills!"

El took a deep look at Laurana, nodded and continued walking forward.His intuition told himself that Laurana was not ignorant of the origin of this knife, but since she didn't say it, there was a reason for not saying it.She was right, she still had to rely on herself to fully master her own weapons.On the way back to the city, there will never be a lack of goals for him to practice.

As soon as he walked out of the passage of the secret room, he felt the murderous aura of the two confrontations head-on.Pallanti and Siya stood guard at the entrance of the passage, watching each other intently.Xi Ya almost lost half of her life when she first arrived here, but relying on the strong recovery ability of the Landwalker's blood, she recovered [-]% to [-]% of her strength in such a short period of time.

However, this level of recovery may be able to deter ordinary robbers in normal times, but it is a bit reluctant in front of Pallanti, who was originally not much different from her strength.When El came out, she saw that her face was covered in cold sweat, and she seemed to be struggling very hard.

Seeing El and Laurana appear first, Pallanti couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face, but Xi Ya couldn't help turning pale, and almost fainted.As the backing force of both sides staying in the temple, Pallanti and Sia knew very well that anything could happen in the underground secret room when facing the treasure of the Thief King.

Even if there is a contract, but in the face of astronomical wealth, the greed deep in the heart will be magnified without limit, and even brothers may draw their swords to meet each other.

"What are you panicking about? Your Roger is rolling in piles of gold coins." El pushed Sia aside impatiently and scanned his troops.He and Roger had not been in the underground secret room for a long time, and the outside of the temple was still quiet.The Istaron warriors were well-trained and used tower shields to build a simple defensive barrier, and the number of robbers who rushed over was also increasing.

"The treasure has been opened, and the demons are coming soon. Let's pack up and get ready to go home." El said to Pallanti and the other warriors, who immediately cheered in low voices.

"Hey hey hey, how could you just leave like this! Roger hasn't come out yet!" After hearing the news that Roger was safe and sound, Xi Ya breathed a sigh of relief. She said it out of her mouth, but she also knew that as El, she didn't need to deceive herself, so she immediately returned to her savage nature, and yelled relentlessly.

"It was he who told me that the demons outside would surround the temple in a while. I only gave him 5 minutes. If he still holds the gold coin and refuses to let go, then he will commit suicide and blame me." El said coldly.

"It doesn't take 5 minutes, we can start now." Roger's voice came from the passage of the secret room, and Xi Ya screamed in surprise and jumped up, hanging directly on Roger's neck.

El didn't make a sound, a faint blue light flashed in his eyes, and he pretended to look at Roger casually.To his surprise, Roger and his men carried far fewer gold coins than Al had expected.Although it is said that carrying too many gold coins may affect the combat effectiveness, and eventually lead to the tragedy of taking money but dying, but El does not think that these robbers can maintain their sanity when facing the golden mountain.

Luo Jie mobilized many people to rush in, almost risking his own life here, and it is absolutely impossible to return empty-handed.That also means that he must have hidden backhands.

El's eyes turned around on Roger, and suddenly saw a beautifully shaped money bag in his arms. Just looking at the patterns drawn on the money bag is worth a lot. Knowing that this is definitely not an ordinary handicraft.

Although El didn't know the origin of this purse, but he had seen the space objects on Tiana and Laurana, so he also guessed a general idea.He can be sure that Roger never had this purse on his body before, and it must be a collection in Adrian's treasure. He didn't expect that the thief king was so humane that he would offer buy one get one free service.

However, he was not interested in this treasure at all. Since Roger didn't intend to say anything, he didn't ask too much. He just shrugged and said, "We should go."

Roger nodded, and began to tidy up his men.Relatively speaking, his work is more cumbersome and heavy than El's.El's men are elite fighters who have experienced many battles, and sometimes they don't even need his command to know how to act.But these robbers under Roger are not so disciplined.Except for the cronies who entered the secret room with Roger, no one else knew the specific result of this treasure hunt. Just hearing what El said to Sia just now, some people couldn't help but start to commotion.

Of course, these bandits don't understand lofty ideals and the spirit of putting the overall situation first, and they have never been able to have absolute loyalty.They followed Roger to come here through untold hardships, nothing more than wanting to gamble with their own lives. Of course, there is nothing to say if they lose. If it is a treasure, then their followers naturally need to share a share of the harvest.

But now Roger doesn't mention the treasure at all, what does it mean?If he failed, why did the Istaran man just say that he was rolling in gold coins?If he succeeds, where are those treasures?

Roger, who is also a robber, of course can understand the thoughts of these bastards. Although he also feels a deep aversion to the bad nature of the robbers, the aborigines who grew up in the brown earth hills have this quality at most, there is no way Count on more.It is useless to tell them any reason at this time, only the most essential things can re-stimulate their fighting spirit.

"Shut up, you bastards! I didn't come in vain this time. After I get out, everyone will get what he deserves!" Roger untied a bag from his back and threw it on the ground, only There was a crash, and a whole bag of gold coins scattered in all directions. All the robbers who saw this scene couldn't help but breathe harder, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"Now, immediately! Get out of here and line up!" Roger yelled at the bastards with a cold face.In terms of the average quality of the natives of the Brown Earth Hills, the Ghost Wolf Thief Group under him can be said to be the most disciplined group of robbers.Roger used to be complacent about this, but when he observed the behavior of the Istaron fighters up close, he had to admit that the bastards under his command were still unrecognizable garbage.

This cruel fact made Roger feel very embarrassed. Although El didn't say a word of nonsense in this regard, his self-esteem did not allow himself to ignore this gap.Amidst his yelling and cursing, the robbers who were lying on the corner of the wall like dead dogs just now finally jumped up as if they had been beaten with blood.Looking at the gold coins that Roger casually swayed, their eyes were red from suffocation. I don't know how many of them have already had the idea of ​​murdering money, but under the shock of Roger, none of them did not grow up. Eye-catching idiots jumped out looking for death.

"What a mob." Seeing the antics of the robbers, Pallanti, who returned to El's side, couldn't help saying in a low voice.

"Even the rabble has its value. For example, let them protect the lives of our own soldiers. Anyway, they don't take it seriously. We can use it as waste." El said calmly.

 Favorites keep dropping, it's ruthless

(End of this chapter)

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