rune hunter

Chapter 263 Shocking the Army

Chapter 263 Shocking the Army
The danger encountered on the retreat road was far less than Roger expected. El led his troops back along the original road, and kept gathering the small troops that stayed behind to fight along the way. After they reached the entrance of the second-floor ruins, they took stock. It was only after the number of people found that there was still a large distance from the expected number of casualties.

Although the demons lurking in the depths of the ruins are still swarming over, they have not shown any organization from the beginning to the end, and this kind of chaotic fighting mode only relies on instinct, which is not good for the robbers gathered under Roger. Words are not a mortal threat.Therefore, although these small groups of troops left behind also experienced difficult battles, they were not defeated in the end.

"It seems that the demons in the ruins are also manipulated by Adrian, otherwise we must not only face these kittens and puppies." El frowned and said to Roger.

After leaving the Dark Moon Temple, Laurana shut her mouth and refused to waste her saliva. El also knew that she had exhausted her mental energy just now, so she stopped asking her for advice.Although there are still many doubts in his mind at this time, such as the purpose of Adrian in designing traps and controlling demons.But now that the guy is dead, the answer to that question is not that important.

When he returns to his team, he can listen to Laurana's nagging someday if he has time, but now El is more concerned about whether the current good luck can be maintained until he leaves this ghost place.

Roger is also not interested in knowing the answer to this question, because the issues he needs to consider now are more critical and urgent.In the end, there were far more robbers who survived than he expected, and this meant a large amount of additional distribution.Now that Roger is rich and powerful, it's not that he can't give up this bit of oil and water. What he's really worried about is the inner thoughts of these robbers.

If it was just his own ghost wolf bandit group, he could still control the situation with his own prestige, but those Blackbeard's old troops and the bandits from other forces were not loyal to him.If you let them know that the treasure has been opened this time, there is no need for Adrian to provoke secretly, and a different thought will arise in his heart.

Before retreating, Roger had repeatedly ordered his subordinates not to disclose information about the treasure to anyone before leaving the ancient ruins, but he couldn't guarantee that there would be no hidden clues inserted by other forces among his cronies .At this time, rationally speaking, he cannot announce the news of the treasure, but in the eyes of other people, he may not think so.Bandits themselves have never paid attention to morality, so naturally they are not afraid to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

Climbing from the cliff back to the first layer of ruins, away from the invasion of the law of chaos, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Many robbers couldn't help but sat down, clamoring for a rest and refusing to hurry.Although this request is reasonable, Roger knew that someone must have got the news and was going to take advantage of this time to connect.Roger thought for a while, walked up to El and whispered, "Please do me a favor."

"This is not within the scope of our agreement, and there will be an additional charge." Of course, El's observation ability also noticed the unusual atmosphere among the robbers, and he also knew what Roger wanted to do with him.But from the standpoint of an outsider, he hoped that these robbers would fight more intensely for the treasure, so that no one would pay attention to them.

"Don't overestimate the IQ of these bastards..." Roger said in a low voice with no expression on his face.

"Are you threatening me?" Al asked, tilting his head.

"Miss Laurana may give you a more sensible suggestion." Roger glanced at the girl hiding in the innermost shadow of the Eastalen army, and said half-jokingly.

"What if her suggestion is to let us solve all the troubles for you?" El glanced at the bandit team and couldn't help sneering.Due to the obvious difference in combat effectiveness, although the Istaron warriors have always played the role of pioneers, the casualties of the robbers were even more severe.

Excluding those teams that have not yet joined in the ruins on the first floor, it’s just that the robbers under Roger’s command are full, but there are only a hundred or so left, basically all of them are injured, and half of them None of them are members of his immediate family.

On the side of the Eastalen fighters, the number of sacrificed fighters remained within single digits, and some wounded were also treated in time.Although Laurana's alchemy potion is not as effective as the healing effect of the orthodox temple priests, it is completely sufficient for warriors with rough skin and thick flesh.

What El said about solving all the troubles, of course, also includes Roger himself. With the strength he currently has, it is not surprising that he wants to be black and black.In fact, El was convinced in his heart that if Laurana had been the leader of this team, Roger would have been screwed long ago.

Fortunately, this guy can still have unrealistic fantasies about her. Could it be that he was captivated by the young lady's talent and appearance?

"That's not a sensible suggestion." Roger laughed dryly, but didn't continue.He also knew in his heart that if he stood in El's position instead, it would be impossible not to be moved.However, he chose to believe in El, which naturally has his own reasons.Apart from the sympathy between the two of them, he knew that this guy was actually a person with a bottom line.

Although El can't be regarded as a good person, as long as he promises something, no matter whether it is coercion or temptation, it is impossible to go back.This not only includes personal character factors, but also belongs to the dignity of the strong.Roger thought he knew Al well in this regard, because he was one of those people himself.

There is a thing in this world called "smelly like".

Roger turned and walked away, El shrugged, grabbed the unknown machete on his waist, cleared his throat and shouted to his soldiers: "Let's move on, get out of this damn place!"

Although the Istaron fighters were also very tired, they were also eager to return home, and naturally they would not resist El's orders.They patted their buttocks to stand up from the ground, silently lined up and started to march.

The bandits who originally wanted to be passive and sabotage saw the actions of the Istaren soldiers and immediately became agitated. They knew in their hearts that if these regular army soldiers hadn't opened the way ahead, many of them would not have survived to this day.Although they have escaped from the dangerous area of ​​the second layer of ruins, the demons entrenched in the first layer of ruins should not be underestimated.If they break away from the protection of these Istaron fighters, one can imagine their fate.

"Hey, hey, General El, why are you in such a hurry...I mean, we've already returned to the first floor, why hurry?" Seeing that something was wrong, a robber didn't know where to start. Where did the courage come from? He jumped in front of El at once, opened his arms and winked with a smile.

This bandit was originally a well-known leader, but he was not Roger's confidant.He was the one who connected secretly just now, trying to force Roger to spit out some benefits in this way.Of course, when he was thinking about this plan, he didn't take into consideration the important factor of Istaren's troops at all.

El never showed any interest in the treasure from the beginning to the end, and he did his best to complete his work, but it was because he was too low-key along the way, which made the robbers take it for granted. Subconsciously, he regarded this army as mercenaries who took money to do things, and never thought that these people would suddenly act on their own.

The bandit leader was so frightened by the sudden change that his head was in a mess, and he rushed up subconsciously, but he suddenly woke up when he stood in front of El, and his back was soaked in cold sweat.He finally remembered that this person in front of him was not someone to provoke.

"What do I do, I need to explain to you?" El looked at him with a cold face, and before the idiot who came back to his senses could speak, he pulled out the machete at his waist and slashed straight at it.

As the blade slashed, there was almost no feeling of cutting into the human body, and El vaguely heard a dissatisfied sigh coming from his ear.The machete in his hand warmed up slightly, then returned to ice-cold again, and the blade was not stained with blood.The robber standing in front of him opened his mouth in vain to make a sound, but his head slid down his neck, and the blood in his chest spurted out to a height of two meters, and the rest of his body shook , and slowly fell limp at El's feet.

There was no sound around, and all the robbers were so frightened by El's violent murder that they lost their ability to think.Those robbers who were so excited about the treasure of the Thief King closed their mouths neatly.They finally remembered who El was, and finally remembered that there were three hundred warriors under him who were as fierce as tigers.

Roger, who had been mentally prepared, was not intimidated at this time, but he noticed the weapon in El's hand, and couldn't help but shine.As soon as he rolled his eyes, he had already guessed the origin of this weapon.

Feeling Roger's scorching eyes, El sneered and patted his chest. Seeing that his face changed drastically and he subconsciously pressed the money bag hidden in his arms, he couldn't help but smile.

"Do you want to change it?" El asked maliciously.

"It's your uncle." Roger rolled his eyes, ignored his provocation, turned his head and shouted to the robbers under him: "Does anyone have any opinions?"

Of course, no one would have any objections, because everyone saw that Roger had also held his own knife.If another idiot jumps out, he will definitely not need others to do it for him.

It is difficult for the robbers to control their rationality in the face of huge interests, but in the face of the same huge threat to their lives, they will quickly calm down and turn their tails between their legs.If it is not necessary, no one wants to experience the killing intent of either Roger or El.

"Then quickly get up and keep up!" Roger kicked the hesitant robber next to him, and said viciously: "If you can't keep up, just fend for yourself, I have no shortage of manpower now! "

(End of this chapter)

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