rune hunter

Chapter 264 Provoking Discord

Chapter 264 Provoking Discord
Roger's process of gathering troops was very smooth. Although the battle in the first layer of ruins lasted longer, the power of the demons was far less powerful than in the second layer of ruins, and several people including the poisonous widow and the golden hand The bosses are here to suppress the scene.Coupled with the fact that the troops sent by the night watchman are also planning to clean up the demon forces in the nearby urban areas, the pressure they have to face is not too great.

Except for the new bandit king who must continue this ancient tradition whether he likes it or not, the bosses of other forces are not willing to gamble their lives on that glimmer of hope, but they don't mind standing outside and cheering. Cheer, and I don't mind taking black and white, depending on the situation, after the treasure is actually opened.

Of course Roger knew about this situation, but he was not panicking now.Except for that bastard El who seemed to see the clues, it was impossible for the other robbers to have the imagination to guess that Adrian's treasure would be put into a small purse by himself.

Even if there are hidden stakes in the ambush of others among the cronies I brought over, it will take a certain amount of time to spread this information under his surveillance, and Roger predicts that at least before he leaves Devil's Throat, those people with evil intentions They didn't dare to act rashly.It's not that they don't dare to attack themselves, but they are afraid of El's elite troops.

Someone might have thought of buying Al, but they couldn't afford the price.Does El need money now?Of course not, otherwise he could just grab it now.What these Istaren people need is safety, and they also need to afford the safety of a refugee team in the brown earth hills.As for this kind of security promise, no one is qualified to make such a promise except Roger, the new robber king.

So Roger is now making no secret of his dependence on the Eastalen army, and now it is his turn to play tricks on the tiger.As for what happened after leaving the ancient ruins, Roger thought he would be able to control the situation at that time, after all, his status as the Bandit King was not in vain.

The people of Istaren are eager to "go home", the robbers are eager to "share the cake", and the night watchmen are unwilling to continue this meaningless "cleaning". Everyone is in no mood to be in the ruins Continue to waste time, so they speed up the pace in unison.But when they rushed back to the Night Watchman Fortress, they found that the gate of the Fortress was closed, the lights on the top of the city were brightly lit, and the Night Watchman soldiers who stayed behind were all preparing for battle.

"What's the situation?" El couldn't help asking the night watchman officer who was following him.General Hank sent 500 troops to clean up the demon power in the ruins. After the battle, it was slightly damaged, but it still maintained the integrity of the establishment.The commander of this army is a knight named Kenan. Although he is only in his 20s and looks about the same age as Roger, he is extremely stubborn, or rigid.

From the departure to the return trip, Kenan kept a straight face and seldom talked to Roger. Instead, he had a gentler attitude towards El, who was also a regular soldier. When he heard El's question, he nodded and said: " General Hank must have received the alarm signal from the scouting troops, and there may be demonic movements elsewhere in the ruins."

"No, no, I don't think it's that simple. You see, the demons behind us have been cleaned up, but they haven't opened the door yet." El shook his head and said.It's not that he hadn't imagined that after Adrian's death, there would also be changes here at the Night Watchman.But now the troops sent by the night watchman are standing beside him. He secretly observed Kenan's expression along the way and confirmed that there is nothing abnormal about this guy, which means that the night watchman has not received any news at least yet.

Even if General Hank wanted to kill people, he wouldn't even get involved with his own people, right?
"It's okay, I'll go over and shout." Kenan also had the same doubts as El, and he couldn't figure out why the night watchman fortress closed the city gate at this time, but unlike El, he subconsciously I don't want to speculate on my brother with malice.The most important thing in chivalry is trust, and you must never doubt your comrades for no reason.

With such a mentality, Kenan came to the gate of the fortress with a serious face, cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "Dress! Michelle! What's wrong? Why don't you let us enter the city?"

There was silence on the walls, no one answered his question.The robbers outside the city wall also sensed the abnormal atmosphere, and shut their mouths one after another, and both sides fell into silence.El frowned slightly, and raised his ears to listen to the voice behind the city wall.

He heard a flurry of footsteps, as if someone was escaping and climbing up the city wall, and then, a night watchman officer poked his head out from the city wall and shouted at Kenan: "Run, you guys..."

He only uttered half a sentence, and there was a burst of flames behind him. A sudden fireball hit his back, and the violent explosion threw him into the air, and then he was like a broken doll. It fell and fell directly to Kenan's feet.

"Dries!" Kenan's pupils suddenly narrowed, and he clenched the hilt of his sword subconsciously.But just when his blood was surging and he wanted to move forward, El rushed behind him with a stride, clasped his shoulder with one hand, and pulled him back with his irresistible force.

Less than a second after Kenan was pulled away, the ground where he was standing suddenly trembled, and then a sharp ground pierced out of the soil, ejecting two meters high with a bang.If El didn't drag him away, Kenan would have been pierced by this ground and turned into a blood gourd at this time.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost? Someone who has the guts to stand up and speak!" Roger snorted coldly and grabbed the handle of his knife, stomping heavily on the ground, and the part where the thorn was connected to the ground cracked and shattered.

There was a muffled groan from inside the city wall, and a moment later, a middle-aged man who looked very strange walked up to the top of the wall, looked down at the people under the city wall with icy eyes, and said, "You stupid robbers destroyed Ai. The great plan arranged by Lord Derian is an unforgivable crime. Now, use your lives to atone for the sin!"

"Who are you? Where is General Hank?" Roger asked in a deep voice, looking up into Quesalas' eyes.

"The 'original' commander of this fortress, Brown Hank, was suspected of colluding with the bandits, and I have dismissed him from his position. Now I declare that all the night watchmen who have colluded with the bandits will be charged with defecting!" Quesalas simply Ignoring Roger's questioning, he just said to himself.

"Wait a minute, General Hank is the highest officer of this fortress! Why do you dismiss him?" Kenan, who was still in shock, didn't care to thank El, jumped up and shouted: "I am the third night watchman squad knight Chang Kainan, ordered to lead a team to clear the demons entrenched in the ruins, why do you deal with me?"

"You are Kenan? Very good, Hank mentioned your name." Quesalas glanced at Kenan with disgust, nodded and said, "I can tell you why, because I am Juling Sheng The watchman of the church, the Shadow Councilor Quesaras. If it weren’t for you idiots who destroyed Lord Adrian’s great plan, there would be no need for me to come to deal with this trouble in person. I ask Hank to kill everyone who enters the ruins, But he insisted on protecting your force, so I relieved him and took command of the fort."

Before Kenan could speak, Quesalas pointed at El behind him with a sneer and said, "Knight Kenan, I will give you a chance to prove your innocence. As long as you and your men kill these robbers, I will Forgive your crimes. Of course, each of your subordinates needs a head to atone for their sins!"

Hearing Quesalas' order, Kenan's body froze immediately.He turned his head with difficulty, and found that both Roger and El were looking at him, and couldn't help but squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Aren't you going to obey the order of this psychopath?" El asked with his head tilted, patted Kenan on the shoulder, pointed behind him, and whispered, "Think about it, I have a regular army."

"Do I look like someone to be provoked?" Roger said with a cold snort.

Both of them were actually joking, because Adrian was killed by them, so they have the capital to joke.El has never been an indecisive person. Since he dared to do such a thing, he is not afraid of taking responsibility.As for Roger, when did the robber care about the feelings of the sufferer?
The night watchman unit has never been taken seriously by Al or Roger.

"This guy is obviously trying to sow discord." Seeing Kenan's tangled expression of not knowing what to do, El couldn't bear to bully an honest man of bronze rank, so he kindly reminded him: "He Said it was just because there was no way to use the troops of the Night Watchman Fortress."

"That's right, what shadow councilor, I've never heard of such a person in the Truth Society!" Kenan's eyes lit up when he heard El's prompt.He was a knight, yes, but just stubborn rather than loyal.The object of his allegiance is General Hank, not some onion that pops up out of nowhere.

"Unless you can prove your identity, or let General Hank give me an order, I refuse to carry out your order!" Kenan made up his mind, raised his head and said loudly to Quesalas.

"Very well, then you can die with these robbers." Quesalas said indifferently, frowning slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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