rune hunter

265 Blizzard

265 Blizzard

Quesalas gave an order, and arrows rained like flying above the city wall, and all the troops under the city wall immediately suffered casualties.The Istaron warriors had tower shields to defend against, but the other two troops did not have this condition, so they retreated one after another.

El, who is also an archer, quickly noticed that the arrow rain attack on the city wall was far from being saturated. It seems that although the shadow councilor who came out of nowhere controlled the fortress with powerful magic , but failed to really conquer the hearts of the Night Watchmen.

Especially when he ordered the night watchman to shoot at his colleagues, it aroused the indignation of these soldiers, and passive sabotage was inevitable.It's just that what the night watchmen did was relatively subtle, and he might not be able to see it with his eyes who have been squatting at home all year round.

Although he couldn't see the tricks of the night watchman soldiers, Quesalas found that the casualty rate this time was far from what he expected.Half of the night watchmen's elite troops were blocked outside. Even if the remaining half of the soldiers went all out, they might not have achieved greater results.Moreover, the layout of the Night Watchman Fortress was originally focused on defense rather than lethality. Even if there were thousands of troops and horses, it would not be able to use it in the underground terrain where there was no room for maneuver.

"It's really not enough to succeed, but I still have to do it myself." Quesalas snorted coldly, raised a finger to the top of the cave, and began to recite complex magic spells.Following his gesture, El immediately felt the violent magic fluctuations in the air, and before he knew it, the cave was covered with a layer of cold air.

"Retreat! Everyone retreat!" Although Roger didn't have the ability to see through the runes, he knew that nothing was good when he saw El's expression was wrong, so he immediately ordered to continue retreating.No matter how powerful the magic prepared by Quesalas is, after all, there is a limit to the casting distance. This is the most basic common sense that ordinary people know about magicians.Although there are ancient ruins behind them, the monsters entrenched there are much cuter than the old psycho in front of them.

"It seems that the Truth Council is planning to kill people, which side are you going to stand on?" El turned his head and asked Kenan.

"I only obey the orders of General Hank!" Kenan said with a cold face.

"If you just stand here, you won't be able to find your general." El patted his shoulder, took off the machete from his waist, and walked forward facing Quesalas' magic.

Seeing the figure of El walking forward unhurriedly, a trace of sarcasm flashed in Quesalas' eyes. If he hadn't had to ensure the integrity of the entire spell at this time, he would definitely open his mouth and laugh at this lifeless man idiot.However, after such a short period of time, the progress of his casting of this magic is gradually approaching the end.

The pitch-black cave roof has been covered with a layer of frost in just a few tens of seconds, the temperature in the cave dropped suddenly, and huge ice edges condensed out of thin air and suspended in mid-air.The air flow in the cave suddenly stagnated for a moment, and then suddenly became violent. The howling wind swept towards El with the ice edges in the air.

Of course, the target of such a massive blizzard was not only El, but also the Night Watchmen troops, Eastalen troops and brown hill bandits behind him.The passage at the entrance of the ancient ruins is not wide, and this blizzard is enough to cover everyone in the passage.Just looking at the head-sized ice edge wrapped in the gust of wind, one can know its power is extraordinary.

However, there is still a process between when the strong wind blows and when the blizzard falls. Although the time is short, for El, who has dealt with magicians more than once, it is certainly impossible to miss this opportunity.

Quesalas's smile froze on his face as soon as he appeared. Just before he manipulated the blizzard, a long arrow suddenly appeared in front of him.With his eyesight and perception, he didn't notice where the arrow came from.At the critical moment, the magic robe on Quesalas' body glowed with a milky white gleam, triggering a magic shield he had stored earlier, which was barely able to withstand the long arrow.

Quesalas subconsciously wanted to end Blizzard's magic and put an arrow protection on himself, but he immediately resisted the urge.As a weak magician, he naturally needs to make various protective preparations before the battle. Of course, his magical protection is not limited to this. If he is too cautious at this time, he will not only bear the damage of magic backlash, but also An opportunity to kill would be missed.

In order to prevent the criminals outside from continuing to escape, Quesaras gritted his teeth and chose to believe in his magic protection without interrupting the magic released in his hand.

This idea only swirled in his mind for a moment before he made a strong choice, but he immediately realized how stupid his choice this time was.

Although the flying long arrow was blocked by the magic shield, a translucent arrow shot out from the long arrow, directly piercing through the magic shield and stabbing at Quesaras' chest.Hearing only two muffled bangs, the two gold threads sewn on the chest of Quesalas's magic robe broke at the same time, and he was startled into a cold sweat.

Damn, what ability is this?Quesalas cursed secretly in his heart, the blood on his face drained.The magic shield prepared by his senior magician's strength can withstand both physical and magical attacks, but the attack method in front of him is beyond this category.As a powerhouse at the peak of the silver rank, Quesalas is no stranger to this kind of power. He has already got the correct answer in his heart, but he still finds it unbelievable.

"A mere bunch of rabble, how could they comprehend the rules..." Quesalas opened his eyes wide, subconsciously wanting to observe the little character he thought was not worth mentioning, but when he came back to his senses, Aye The trace of Er has disappeared without a trace before his eyes.

The blizzard swept across the ground where El was standing, and rushed towards the rear passage with an unstoppable momentum.And El didn't retreat at this time, but came under the city wall.

Although the magician as the embodiment of wisdom is extremely mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people, it is not the first time El has come into contact with a magician, nor is it the first time to kill a magician.In his eyes, as long as he has figured out the basic routines of these magicians, dealing with such people is no more difficult than dealing with a monster.

Maybe magicians master all kinds of strange magic, but this cannot conceal their most fatal weakness, which is weak physical fitness.As the price for learning knowledge, magicians have to study hard for years and years, and their bodies are even weaker than ordinary people.Even those magicians with rich practical experience have no special advantage in this regard.

To put it simply, one knife can be hacked to death.

Quesalas couldn't see El because he had already come to the city at this time.El patted the machete in his hand, vaguely feeling the weapon's hunger for blood.This is not the chatter of a fraudster, but the true vibration of a weapon's soul.Without words or actions, just by touching the knife, one can clearly feel its thirst—it desperately needs blood, the blood of the strong.

"You also think this guy is annoying, don't you? Just look at him, I've had enough of these self-righteous bastards." El whispered to the machete in his heart, the blade trembled slightly, as if nodding in agreement with him idea.El smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to clasp the wall of the fortress, exerted all his strength on his legs, and jumped straight up.

Of course, the city wall of the night watchman fortress built underground cannot be particular about its height. In fact, its city wall is not even a quarter of the outer city wall of the Demient ruins, but it is enough for the space of this cave.El jumped onto the top of the city in two or three steps, just in time to bump into Quesaras who was manipulating magic.He saw the horror on the magician's face, and at the same time saw General Hank standing beside the magician.

Although General Hank was also standing on the city wall, his position was at the back, so Kennan couldn't see him from below.In fact, from the very beginning, he did not violate Quesaras' intentions, and he unconditionally supported the shadow councilor's order to kill the robbers.But he didn't expect that Quesalas would even get rid of his soldiers together!
Obeying orders is a soldier's bounden duty, but this should not include killing one's own soldiers.It would be fine if they did have a problem, but now Quesalas would rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

General Hank tried to persuade Quesaras to reconsider, but the answer he got was a holding spell.Then Quesalas took control of the Night's Watch Fortress with absolute strength.

Quesalas is not an impatient person, he just doesn't want to give his patience to the bumpkins in the backcountry thousands of miles away.As a shadow member of the Shadow Parliament, his status in the Truth Society is extremely high. Apart from the important event of the disappearance of Adrian's soul, he has no mood to pay attention to these insignificant little guys, just like a lion does not know how to manage money in the Ant Kingdom. war.

But very unfortunately, this time he just met someone who was even more unwilling to waste his patience.El is eager to return home, wishing to give his soldiers wings and fly back.Now suddenly a psychopath ran out to block the way and kept saying that he wanted to kill everyone, which made his heart burn with anger.

Although he caught sight of General Hank from the corner of his eye, El's main attention was still on Quesalas.He had heard from Tiana before that magicians had to guide when releasing large-scale magic, and once they were interrupted, they would be backlashed by magic.Looking at this guy's current appearance, it seems that he is in this state. If he is not cut at this time, El himself will feel a little sorry.

So he slashed across without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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