rune hunter

Chapter 267 Roger's Hole Card

Chapter 267 Roger's Hole Card

When releasing a large magic blizzard, an arm was suddenly cut off, which caused Quesalas to be traumatized by both magical backlash and physical blows. Although he seemed innocent on the surface, it was just suppressed by secret methods Live the result of the injury.Otherwise, with his strength, he wouldn't be hiding in the distance and delaying time with words, and it took a lot of effort to summon the two elemental spirits.

El slashed through the shackles of Grom the Earth Elf, while dodging the flaming arrows of the Salamander.Although he was facing the pincer attack of two big elemental elves, the expression on his face was only cautious but not panicked.

Grom was severely injured by the wind mark, but the current environment is the most suitable place for the earth element to exert its power. In just one breath, he recovered about [-]% to [-]% of the injury caused by the wind mark, and then surfaced again. The ground, grabbing at Al's feet.But this time he didn't succeed, what he got instead was a big foot stepped on by El.

A mere rock is not enough to resist the power of insight into the rune. El suffered a loss before because he was not mentally prepared. When he knew Grom's existence, this kind of sneak attack naturally lost its meaning.Seeing Grom's huge body walking under the ground like water, stretching out his hand and trying to do the same trick again, Er Leng snorted and raised his foot, and stomped down heavily.

The muscles on his body tensed suddenly, and when he stepped on his foot, the entire wall of the fortress shook slightly.The bricks and stones within a radius of two meters centered on his feet were shattered inch by inch, and a big pit was stepped out of him abruptly.Grom's arms were hidden under El's feet, and they were about to burst out of the ground in the next moment. There was no time to dodge, and the two arms moved suddenly following the bricks and stones beside them, and were almost crushed into rubble.

Grom let out a scream, and dragged his arm to hide deep underground again. At this time, the second attack of the Salamander came along like tarsus maggots. El did not dodge or evade. Holding the wind mark and raising the knife backhand, the ordinary blade collided with the flying flame arrows, and the two flame arrows disappeared instantly, leaving only the residual temperature and light in the air.In the reflection of the flames, El and Quesaras looked at each other deeply, and both felt a real deadly threat in their hearts.

At the same time, there was another person who also noticed the unusual atmosphere between the two.

"They're all stalling for time. El wants to test the knife, but the magician's goal is to kill people..." Laurana sighed and whispered to Pallanti.

Just now, El cut off Quesaras' arm with a single knife, which naturally stopped Blizzard's attack.The robbers who had escaped were still in a state of shock, and the Night Watchmen didn't know what to do for a moment. Only Pallanti reacted quickly and arranged the order of his troops as quickly as possible.And Laurana's eyes have been paying attention to the situation on the wall of the fortress.

When she saw Quesaras summoning the elemental spirits of flame and earth, she frowned and raised her head to look up the cave.Although the blizzard has disappeared, the severe cold brought by Quetthalas when he summoned the blizzard did not dissipate so easily.The roof of the cave was still covered with a thin layer of frost.

Laurana made some calculations in her heart, and her complexion suddenly changed. She didn't care about anything else, grabbed Pallanti's sleeve and said loudly: "Go and support El, let him stop wasting time! That magician's The purpose is to create a landslide, and even destroy the Night Watchman Fortress!"

With Pallanti's character, of course, she would not question the reason any more at this time. If it weren't for the heavy criminal record and heavy responsibility, she would have rushed forward.At this time, when she heard Laurana's order, she didn't think about it carefully at all, and she rushed out subconsciously.She took two steps forward, broke away from the defensive line of the Istaron warriors, and came to an open area where there was no one left or right. Night's Watch Keep.

Roger and Kenan also heard Laurana's words, but before they could react, they saw Pallanti rushing out like a rabbit, and couldn't help being stunned.At this time Laurana also turned around and said to the two of them: "Mr. Roger, Mr. Kenan, we must break through the Night Watchman's fortress immediately, and then use the fastest speed to get out. That magician doesn't just want our lives, He doesn't even intend to let go of the Night Watchman Fortress!"

"This is impossible! Miss Laurana, this is absolutely impossible!" Kenan shouted in disbelief.He didn't follow the bandit army into the second layer of ancient ruins, so he didn't see Laurana's wisdom. Naturally, he couldn't trust her unconditionally at this time.The behavior of Quesalas to deal with their demon-clearing army has exceeded Kennan's cognition and psychological bottom line.As for Laurana's claim that he wanted to destroy the Night Watchman Fortress together, it was so absurd that Kenan subconsciously refused to believe this inference.

The reason is also very simple - why should he do such a stupid thing that hurts others and benefits himself?As a secret force directly under the Truth Society, the Night Watchman has been stationed here since 1000 years ago.Although the inheritance was interrupted during this period, it was also a decision-making error made by the upper echelons of the Truth Society. This army itself is still loyal to the Truth Society, and its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.To put it another way, in the past 1000 years, the cost of manpower and material resources invested by the Truth Society in order to maintain this army is more than enough to establish a country.

If it is said that the army led by Kenan may have problems to deal with, then it will be fine, just destroy the Night Watchman Fortress?Kill all the night watchmen?Only a lunatic with shit in his head would do such a crazy thing!What reason does he have to take his own people under the knife?Just because some plan from thousands of years ago failed?
"There are many ways for a magician to kill people, but he chose the most troublesome one. For magic, the more troublesome it is, the more terrible it is." Laurana was not surprised by Kenan's question , she raised her head and pointed to the top of the cave and said:

"Judging from the strength shown by this shadow councilor Mr. Quesaras, he is likely to be an elementalist who has reached the peak of the silver rank. And if such a character just wants to get rid of us insignificant little ones Bugs, there are many simple methods to choose from. For example, the power is not inferior to the blizzard just now, but the flame storm released faster can burn us all into charcoal."

Laurana stared at the frost covering the top of the cave, and her face gradually turned cold: "But he insisted on choosing a compound type of blizzard magic, the purpose is not only to kill us, but also to kill us without attracting attention. Here the rocks froze. Next he summoned the elemental spirits of fire and earth, do you know what that means?"

"If this battle continues, the flames of the Salamander will heat up the rock again, coupled with Groom's innate ability to shake the mountain... The originally solid rock layer here will expand with heat and contract with cold. Under the dual effects of the Earth Resonance Principle, a devastating collapse occurred!"

"So the real reason why he controls General Hank is not to control the situation, but to make the night watchman army leaderless..." Roger nodded, thinking of a deeper reason.From the first time they saw Quesaras, they felt that this guy was crazy, and his thinking logic was completely different from that of normal people.But if the reasoning is based on Laurana's thinking, many puzzling questions will have reasonable answers.

It's true that Quesalas' purpose is to kill and silence, but the scope of killing and silence is slightly wider. He actually wants to use the entire Night Watchman Fortress as Adrian's burial!
Why are you so insane?Not only Kennan, everyone wants to know the answer to this question.But obviously Quesalas would not be so kind to answer them.

"Then, let's follow the plan that Miss Laurana said." Roger thought through the key point and immediately made up his mind.But Kenan shook his head and said, "If you want to attack the fortress, the night watchmen will treat you as a real enemy and fight back. Don't underestimate the defense capability of the fortress. We don't have siege machines, even if everyone adds up It is impossible to break through this fortress!"

"You told me not to underestimate the night watchman's fortress, but don't underestimate me casually." Roger showed a meaningful smile on his face, looked at Cavalier Kenan and said slowly: "Even a few days before this In a hundred years, the relationship between the robbers and the night watchmen is not bad, but we have invested so much in entering the ruins to find the treasure of the Thief King, how can we rest assured that we will leave the back road to strangers?"

"There is a hole card specially prepared for this. Even in the most dangerous time, I have never used it, just to prevent this kind of accident!"

With a sneer, Roger raised his hand and snapped his fingers, extruding a sneaky figure from the gang of robbers behind him. The reason why he said sneaky was that although this guy was physically stronger than ordinary people by a full However, like Laurana, she wrapped herself up tightly, hiding her head and showing her tail, refusing to show her true colors to others.

Laurana stared at the sudden figure calmly, her eyes narrowed slightly.Even with her keenness, she never noticed that there was such a guy beside Roger.It is conceivable that this hole card must also be Roger's confidence in the fighters of Istaren.

That sneaky figure pushed away the robbers around him and came out. When he stepped out of the line, his body grew and punched in full view. When he walked to Roger, he had already turned into a A behemoth with a height of three meters and a horizontal width of three meters.

 This man has appeared before, no one noticed it~
(End of this chapter)

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