rune hunter

Chapter 268 Earth Warrior

Chapter 268 Earth Warrior
The mysterious figure standing behind Roger lifted off the cloak he was wearing on his body. At this moment, his figure swelled up again, revealing a fat head with big ears, blue face and fangs. face.

Just when everyone was stunned, it was the people in Roger's own camp who reacted first.The faces of the Golden Hand and the Poisonous Widow changed drastically at the same time, and they cried out, "Groom! Why are you here?"

Grom, Grom, there is only one word difference in pronunciation between the two. The former means the son of the earth in the ancient Chinese language, while the latter means the warrior of the earth!

Among the aborigines in the brown earth hills, the number of humans actually only accounts for a small part, and most of them are robbers, mercenaries, and smugglers.In addition to humans, there are also a large number of tribes of intelligent creatures such as goblins, ogres, and centaurs that thrive in this land.In fact, these tribes of intelligent creatures driven out by humans are the real "indigenous peoples".They lived here even before Caseros founded Demient.

Groom is the current chieftain of the ogre gray rock tribe. His tribe occupies a considerable area of ​​land in the south of the Brown Earth Hills, and even has several vassal goblin tribes. It can be said that it is a veritable lord.However, the harsh natural environment and scarce living resources of the brown earth hills are of course impossible to support all the consumption of such a large tribe.For the future of the tribe, he led the tribe's elite warriors and goblin vassals to start a business of robbing houses.

If Roger is the king of robbers recognized by human society, then Groom is the king of robbers in the hearts of the aborigines of other tribes.His reputation in the brown hills is not necessarily worse than that of Blackbeard and Roger, but for some reason, Groom's acting style is very low-key, and he has always maintained a good relationship with the human robber king .

However, his low-key looks a little silly in the eyes of others, so that many times they subconsciously ignore him.During the hunt against the exiles from Istaron, Groom never showed up, and no one knew what kind of agreement he had reached with Roger.

The poisonous widow and the golden hand had speculated in private, and felt that the reason why Roger dared to hire Istaren warriors to work for him was probably because he regarded Groom's forces as a surprise soldier, that is, Negotiation cards.But they didn't expect that Roger could win Groom's complete trust, so much so that this huge fat man dared to hide alone in the team and never made a sound.

This kind of small conspiracy is not worth mentioning to put it bluntly, but it requires the unreserved trust of both parties.I'm afraid that apart from Roger, no one else would dare to bring with him an ogre chief who is three meters tall and weighs more than five hundred catties. Don't forget that the name of this race is "ogre" !
Groom tore off the tattered cloak on his body, and took out a huge iron-clad wooden stick from behind. The wooden stick was as thick as an ordinary person's thigh and as tall as a person. He didn't know where he had hidden it before.He slammed the wooden stick on the ground, kicked up a cloud of dust, and then untied a roasted leg bone of an unknown creature from his waist, bit down a bite of the meat and devoured it, then lowered his head and said to Roger: "Ghost Wolf, what do you want me to do?"

"Break down the gate of the Night Watchman's Fortress!" Roger said bluntly.

Groom raised his head and looked in the direction of the Night Watchman's Fortress, with a simple and honest smile on his face.He nodded and said, "Good, hard enough, strong enough, Groom likes this."

"Take me, Mr. Groom!" Siya yelled and dexterously climbed onto Groom's body, sat on Groom's shoulder skillfully, stretched out her hand and pointed forward, and shouted happily Said: "Groom chariot set off!"

On the city wall, El once again avoided the flame spray of the Salamander, and at the same time shortened the distance between himself and Quesalas.However, after the last sneak attack, Quesaras was obviously a lot more cautious. He kept sprinkling sharp ice crystals around him, blocking El's progress like barbs.

However, the reason why El has not attacked until now is of course impossible because of these ice crystals with minimal damage.As Laurana guessed, he was testing the knife with Quesaras.

So far, the abilities revealed by Fenghen include at least two effects of "sharpness" and "devil-breaking", but El still feels that there is still power in this knife that he has not yet discovered.Although his ability is not enough to exert the full power of Fenghen, but within his tolerance, this knife still has room to tap its potential.

Adjusting the angle again, El stared intently at the old face of Quesalas, tightly grasping the handle of Fenghen's knife, shaking his body slightly, but still did not attack.He had a strange feeling that the knife was just waiting for the right moment to make a splash.

What brought him this feeling was not the wind mark itself, but the reaction of Quesalas.El was keenly aware that every time he stopped to grip the handle of the knife, Quesaras would immediately stop the spell he was chanting, and his body tensed to prepare for teleportation.It's fine if it's just once or twice, he's always like this, it's a bit of a cover-up.

Apart from Adrian himself, Quesaras is probably the person who knows this weapon best, because until now he is the only one who knows the truth about the plan 1000 years ago, and at the same time, no one knows more about Adrian. .Seeing how nervous he is now, it can only explain one thing - this knife hides a secret that could threaten his life.

Al felt that he was close to the truth. Several times he felt that he had grasped the key, but out of caution, he did not act immediately, and still waited patiently for the opportunity.

With Quesalas' true strength, it is not difficult to kill El with elemental magic head-on, but after he was injured, his state inevitably fell to a dangerous level, so that he did not dare to chant powerful magic anymore. Spells can only be dealt with by the summoned elemental spirits and El.

However, when he summoned the elemental spirits, he used silent spells, which meant that he was equally powerful in this type of summoning magic.Taking advantage of the time when El did not fight back, Quesaras quietly summoned a new sand Roman snake, which instantly doubled the effectiveness of the firepower network's blockade of El.

The battle between the two has spread to the night watchman guards on the city wall, and the flames sprayed in all directions have caused the night watchman soldiers to suffer disaster.Quesalas wanted to kill people and silence them, so he naturally didn't pay attention to these ordinary people who were destined to die.But that doesn't mean all Night's Watch warriors are fools.The controlling position and prestige that Quesalas gained by relying on his strength was not enough for the night watchman warriors to work for him.

Seeing the two men fighting over, the night watchman soldiers who stayed on the city wall immediately fled to both sides without hesitation, among them were the subordinates who were loyal to General Hank, taking advantage of the opportunity of the two men fighting farther and farther, secretly He slipped to General Hank's side, carried his stiff body on his shoulders, and trot away from the city wall.

"I see how you're going to hide this time?" Quesalas smirked and directed his two salamanders to force El to the edge of the city wall with flaming arrows. Suddenly, he saw a white light flash from the corner of his eyes, and subconsciously There was a cold war.He is also a cunning and cunning person, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately gave up the elemental spirit he was controlling, and escaped a certain distance by releasing teleportation again in a flash.

Quesalas had just left. Where he was originally, the crenel of the city wall paved with blue bricks suddenly split into two. Pallanti's figure appeared on the crenel, and all the scattered ice crystals on the surrounding ground were blown away at once. open.

"Pallanti! You disobeyed the order again!" El yelled angrily after seeing the comer clearly.

"My lord general, Miss Laurana wants you to make a quick decision. This mage's real intention is to create a landslide and bury the Night Watchman's stronghold!" Pallanti said loudly.Although she rushed fast, she didn't forget what Laurana said before.Although strictly speaking, it was against the rules to let Laurana, who was not part of the military system, give orders to him, but Pallanti felt that his generals would not mind this.

Because Laurana's deduction is always right.

El nodded, and shifted his gaze to the two sandraman snakes abandoned by Quesalas.From the beginning just now, he felt that something was wrong. He always felt that the attacks of these two half-human and half-god monsters were out of order. The flame arrows they shot looked crooked. , It's just a pile of rubbish.

After Pallanti reminded him, he immediately noticed the rock vault on top of the Night's Watch Keep.Compared to the entrance to the ruins outside, the walls of the Night's Watch Keep are almost connected to the top of the cave.Although the sand Roman snake's attack did not fall on El, it burned on the stone wall for a long time and refused to stop until it burned the stone into a pit.The top of this cave is already burning red, and the top of the cave not far away is still covered with a layer of frost.Under the mutual repulsion of flames and ice and snow, countless fine cracks have begun to appear on the rocks on the top of the cave.

At this time, as long as Quesalas manipulated the earth elf Grom to shake the ground once, the destabilized cave would immediately collapse.

And the reason why he hasn't made a move until now is probably because he has the mentality to silence everyone!
 During the renovation of the new house, the update is unstable, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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