rune hunter

Chapter 269

Chapter 269

Questhalas wants to bury the Night's Watch Keep together?Even the knight Kenan, who has been classified as an enemy, can't believe this ridiculous joke, let alone the night watchman soldiers in the fortress.Before Quesalas died, there would be no room for negotiation between them and the bandits.

Since there is nothing to talk about, Roger will naturally not compromise. He has not exchanged his life for the kind of selfless spirit that the world is alert to. On the contrary, it is the demeanor that a robber should have at the expense of others.He nodded to Groom with a sullen face. The ogre chief opened his mouth to show a ferocious smile, threw away the gnawed leg bones, and rushed towards the gate of the city, dragging his huge wooden club backwards.

Er was about to remind Pallanti to be careful of the sneak attack of the earth elves when he suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly. It wasn't just the ground under his feet, but the entire wall on this side of the fortress was trembling.When he turned his head, he saw the ogre chief in the distance rushing towards him with long strides.Even though he had a calm mind, he was taken aback by this monster that appeared out of nowhere.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?" Looking at the big man flying towards him, El gasped, and it took him a long time to realize that this should be the aboriginal humanoid species that Tiana mentioned. ogre.Looking at the direction he came from, it turned out to be the gathering place of his own troops. Of course, it is impossible to hide this kind of monster in his own team, so is it Roger's hidden trump card?This bastard really kept a hand!
Compared to El's astonishment, Quesaras' reaction was more intense. When he saw the ogre rampaging over, he couldn't help but his eyes darkened.

In normal times, with Quesalas' identity and strength, he would never care about a mere ogre, but now he is seriously injured, and he can't even exert half of his strength, so he can only rely on the elemental spirits to deal with El .At this time, if the ogre rushed to break through the fortress, those robbers would probably swarm in.Even if they just let them escape alone, it would mean the failure of their entire plan.

Quesaras, who came back to his senses, made a decisive decision. He pointed at the city wall, and the earth elf who had been lurking in the city wall and tried to attack El immediately turned back.Under the eyes of everyone, an obvious human-shaped object suddenly bulged on the city wall of the Night Watchman Fortress. Immediately afterwards, a rock giant with a figure no less than an ogre escaped from the city wall, striding towards the ogre. The Demon Chief recoiled.

Grom the Earth Elf vs. Grom the Land Warrior!

The two giants ran face to face, and neither of them slowed down by half, and they met head-on in a split second.The earth elf lowered his head and pointed the hardest rock on top of his head at the ogre, and a cunning look flashed across the ogre chief's eyes.Groom's feet stopped, and he jumped up in the air, raised the big wooden stick above his head and swung it down with all his strength.

Although they also belong to the race favored by the earth, the elemental elves are summoned to the main material interface as servants, and they can only obey the summoner's orders mechanically.The ogre Groom is not only the tribal chief, but also one of the most powerful bandit leaders on the brown hills.To be able to sit in this position, it is naturally impossible to be a warrior who only knows how to rely on brute force, otherwise he would have been sold out many times.

The big wooden club with iron hoops smashed down with all the strength of Grom, and collided with the rock head of the earth elf Grom, making a deafening impact.Grom's big wooden stick rebounded high, leaving an obvious deep pit on the surface of the iron sheet, and half of the head of the earth elf Grom was smashed, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

Although the head was severely injured, it was not a serious injury to the elemental elves, because their real vital part was the elemental core hidden in the body.Grom just fell to the ground in the posture of eating shit like a dog, but struggled to stand up again after thumping twice. He wanted to take revenge but lost the trace of the enemy.

Of course, it was impossible for Groom to learn chivalry, standing still and waiting for the earth elves to stand up and continue the hand-to-hand competition.His purpose is very clear, which is the gate of the Night Watchman Fortress.

As soon as the ogre chief succeeded in his blow, he immediately showed a dexterity that was extremely disproportionate to his bloated body. He took small steps to avoid the body of the earth elf, and returned to the path of his own attack.After being blocked by the earth elf, the kinetic energy brought by his run-up acceleration just now has been exhausted. If he wants to accelerate again in the next distance, he may still be unable to do so.But he himself is not without hidden cards.

After knocking down the earth elf, Groom grabbed his opponent's body and slapped his chest hard. A layer of gray rocky skin spread from his chest like this, gradually enveloping him. Lived his whole body!This spell-like ability is an innate talent of ogres, and it can also be said to be a gift of Mother Earth.However, the premise of using this ability is to use one's own magic power to extract elemental power from the earth. It was a bit difficult for Groom with his current strength, but it happened that a pure earth elemental spirit appeared in front of him, which gave him Saved a lot of effort.

Grom, covered with a layer of rock skin, looks almost the same as an earth elf. Although doing so will slow down his running speed, it will greatly increase his defense.Wearing such a skin, Groom rushed towards the gate of the fort just like the earth elf's dashing posture.This time, no force can stop his steps.

With a wave of his hand, Quesalas sprinkled a layer of ice mist on the entrance of the fortress, which condensed into a glorious ice surface, trying to let the ogre slide, but at this time the weight of the ogre's body had doubled out of thin air. If you step on it, even the ground will crack, not to mention a mere layer of frost.After seeing this scene, Quesalas immediately gave up the plan to block it, turned around and commanded a Salamander snake on the city wall to break away from the battle and sprayed flames towards the roof of the cave.

Up to now, he has no spare energy to continue to conceal his purpose, so he simply tore open his face and started directly.

The behavior of Quesalas immediately aroused the exclamation of the soldiers of the night watchmen. Although they couldn't figure out what the intention of the superior who came down from the air for a while, it didn't mean that they would ignore the threat from above. In fact, the rock formation above was the only flaw that could not be solved when the fort was originally built.Even if he forgot his mission inheritance, the Night Watchman would not turn a blind eye to the threat overhead.

Of course, Quesalas would not care about the thoughts of these ordinary fighters, but his idea of ​​leaving only one Salamander to restrain El was a bit too self-righteous.The reason why El was restrained by him was not pressure at all, but looking for opportunities.When the earth element responsible for the sneak attack withdrew, there was only one sand Roman snake left, which posed no threat to El at all.But in the gap when Quesaras was diverting his attention, he found an opportunity.

To be precise, Fenghen found an opportunity.

El was watching Quesaras' actions, when suddenly there was a hot feeling in his palm, his heart moved, and he didn't resist, but obeyed this feeling, pulled out the wind marks, and stabbed Quesalas from a distance. erase.

After two teleportations, Quesaras was 30 meters away from him and fled to the other end of the fortress wall.But after El swung the knife subconsciously, he came to the back of Quesaras quietly, and the blade of the wind mark was facing Quesaras' throat.

In the previous temptation, El found that whenever he made an attack, Quesalas would subconsciously guard his back, even if there was nothing there.It wasn't until he found out that El really didn't master Adrian's skills that he slowly felt relieved.

Therefore, El was not surprised when he suddenly appeared behind Quesaras in a blink of an eye, because this was what he had been looking forward to, the true face of Adrian's exclusive weapon, the king of thieves.

Since the real face of Isabella the Deceiver is actually a magic dagger that seals the soul, why should she disguise herself as a blood-red sharp blade that can cut space?The only reasonable explanation is - that should be the ability that Fenghen should have!If you want to cover up a lie, you must use more lies to make up for it. Adrian will inevitably reveal some valuable clues in the end.

"No! You can't kill me..." The pupils of Quesalas' eyes shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help screaming.But before he could finish his sentence, the blade in El's hand had already passed by his neck.The head of the dignified shadow councilor flew up immediately, and the blood in the cranial cavity sprayed into the air. Because of the powerful magic power attached, it turned into blood-red ice slag after falling.

El didn't listen to Quesaras' nonsense, but wholeheartedly obeyed Fenghen's will and slashed the knife.When Dao Feng was drinking blood, he vaguely heard a satisfied sigh from Feng Hen.This is the true ability of Fenghen - the "Kiss of the Void" that passes through the barrier of space and directly kills the target.

The city wall under his feet shook suddenly, and Ellian and Quesaras' body were bounced up. At the same time, a deafening muffled sound came into El's ears.

The ogre chief, Krum, slammed into the gate of the fortress with tremendous force, only to hear a loud noise, and the ogre, which weighed more than a thousand catties with the rock skin, was bounced back, and the heavy city gate It was knocked out a huge crack.Groom roared, rounded his big wooden club and smashed it fiercely. During this time, the wooden club in his hand was also covered with a layer of rock skin, which looked like a huge stalagmite.

There was another deafening collision, and the gate of the Night Watchman Fortress collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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