rune hunter

Chapter 270

Chapter 270
Quesalas died very aggrieved. With his strength and mind, he shouldn't have played such a tragic role.There was nothing wrong with his cautious response, but he shouldn't let down his vigilance when he confirmed that Elshang was not strong enough to control the wind marks.The onslaught of ogres distracted him from a deadly problem.

Although El's current strength cannot exert the power of the wind mark, the wind mark itself also has the soul of a weapon.It fell into a deep sleep when it was disguised as another knife by its master. Now that it just woke up, it naturally longed for the blood of the strong to moisten it.

Rather than saying that El swung the knife, it would be better to say that Fenghen seized the opportunity and drove El to bring himself under Quesalas' throat.Of course, this does not mean that El has lost his dominance. In fact, he can still choose in the end, such as listening to Quesalas' last words.

Of course El knew what kind of nonsense Quesalas would say, it was nothing but fallacies and heresies about finding a new way to save the world. Perhaps ordinary people would be easily confused by his theory, but El didn't have a good impression of the Truth Society.Survivors who escaped from Istaron have a deep understanding of how deceitful the present truth is. Among them, Laurana has the deepest feeling. Only she has ever faced the crazy Earl Snake.

Maybe Truth does have a reason to need to save the world, but that's nothing to El.He asked himself that he was not a good person. Without chivalry, he did not know fairness and justice, and without culture, he did not know how to sacrifice his life for righteousness.He is a hunter in the mountains at heart, following the most primitive laws of nature.

Whether the outside world is turned upside down, it has nothing to do with me.All I have to do is hunt, survive and maintain my pack.The laws of nature are both cruel and simple. It is nothing more than natural selection and survival of the fittest.

So... since you want me to die, don't blame me for not showing mercy.El thought to himself, grabbed Quesaras's head and held it up high, shouting to the stunned Night Watchmen soldiers around him: "Are you still going to work for this psychopath who doesn't know where it came from?"

There was no sound around, and all the soldiers were shocked by the sudden change of the situation. Without General Hank present, they didn't know what to do for a while.However, there was not enough time left for them to react, and soon someone raised his head, but his eyes were not directed at El, but at the top of the cave.

Some soldiers with keen hearing could vaguely hear the subtle sound from above their heads, like roasted peas bursting one by one. Cracks imperceptible to the naked eye.

With Questhalas' death, the elementals he summoned faded away, but the devastation they had wrought before remained.There was a huge difference in temperature between the rocks at the top of the cave, which had been scalded by the salamander, and the rocks next to it that had been affected by the blizzard.Under the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, the rocks on the roof of the cave gradually twisted slightly.

In addition, the ogre chief Groom's earth-shaking impact just now made the entire Night Watchman Fortress tremble, which exacerbated the instability of the strata inside the cave.This is not good news for everyone, because Quesaras' death did not prevent him from achieving his ultimate goal.

The soldiers on the city wall, including El, held their breath subconsciously, carefully watching the movement on the top of the cave, and the ogre Groom just took back his big wooden club at this time, shook his head and was about to Brutely rushed straight in.

"That's enough! Big guy! Don't make trouble here!" El noticed the movement, looked down and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Hurry up and call Roger and the others! We must hurry up and pass here!"

Groom grunted, stopped reluctantly, turned around and shouted loudly: "Roger! It's done here..."

The ogre's voice was already loud, and when Groom roared, there was another clear cracking sound from the rock layer at the top of the cave.Although it can't be seen from the outside, just by hearing this voice, one can tell that an irreparable crack has appeared inside.

The next thing was very simple, including the night watchman soldiers who lost their command, everyone rushed to escape from the night watchman fortress, and ran outside desperately at a speed that wished their parents would have two more legs.Laurana sneaked up next to Quesaras' body, squatted down and turned around for a long time, then was picked up by El and carried on her shoulders, and jumped directly from the outer city wall.

Er carried Laurana less than 50 meters away when he heard a loud noise from behind, followed by a thick cloud of dust, and his mouth and nose were filled with an earthy smell.You don't need to look to know that the broken rock from the roof of the cave fell down and hit the night watchman's fortress.

This loud noise was just the beginning, just like a dam destroyed by an ant's nest, the fall of this rock directly disrupted the originally solid underground rock layer, triggering a series of chain reactions.With El's extraordinary hearing, he could clearly hear the rock layer on the top of the cave behind him slowly breaking apart.He didn't dare to look back, gritted his teeth and ran forward as fast as he could.

He was the first to catch up with his own troops, because the Istaron warriors were carrying tower shields, and their movement speed at this time was actually not as fast as those robbers who had nothing else on them, so they were naturally left behind.El rushed over and kicked the ass of the last soldier, and cursed angrily, "Don't you just run and wait to be buried? Throw away the shield quickly! All the rough things on him, including the armor, will be thrown away." I throw it away!"

The commander gave the order, and the Istaron warriors followed suit immediately. They didn't stop, and threw their shields to both sides of the road while running, their movements extremely skillful.Due to the weight of things like tower shields, it is basically impossible to form an exclusive organizational system in ordinary troops. For infantry, when retreating, abandoning tower shields has become a necessary tactical action in military drills.Over time, the veterans naturally became proficient. When throwing away the tower shield, they can still pay attention to not obstructing the passage of the follow-up troops. This is also a profound skill.

To put it bluntly, the tower shield is just an iron door panel, and it is not a pity to throw it away, but the equipment on it is another matter.Not everyone is as flexible and thick-skinned as El, and the equipment on his body is the second life of a soldier.The more veterans are, the less likely they are to give up. At most, they can only throw away other insignificant things. Equipment and weapons must never be thrown away.

El also knew that his order was a little reckless, but at this time he didn't dare to waste any more time for theoretical education, so he simply ran to the front and led the team to open the way.A group of three hundred strong men ran with all their might.

The most important thing at this time is the life of one's own people, other than that, nothing else matters.El kept waving the wind marks to open the way. He didn't remember how many unlucky ghosts he had cut down along the way, and he didn't remember how long he ran until he saw a bright light in front of him and saw the opening of the Devil's Throat. Take a deep breath.

Not only his Istaron warriors, but also the night watchmen and robbers were running desperately, and no one wanted to be buried in the ground by rocks for no reason.But even so, there were still inevitable casualties.Twelve of the Istaron fighters lost their lives, and nearly a hundred of the robbers and night watchmen were missing.El carefully felt the tremor of the ground under his feet, and when he heard the roar from the Devil's Throat gradually disappear, he knew that those who did not follow probably had no hope of surviving.

Seeing that the Devil's Throat gradually collapsed, completely burying the ruins of the ancient city-state of Demient and the Night Watchman Fortress underground, everyone lost the motivation to speak for a while, and supported each other, spending time in silence. The suspension bridge retreated to the aboriginal settlement on the other side.

When they arrived at a safe place, the tense nerves in everyone's hearts suddenly relaxed, and many people sat down on the ground directly, looking back at the entrance of the cave on the other side of the river blankly.For the vast majority of these survivors, they don't even know what happened, why did they suddenly fall into such a situation?
The night watchman soldiers desperately rescued General Hank, but the latter is still under the control of magic, and he doesn't know when he will be able to resume action.The robbers basically don't care much about the life and death of their companions. They have more to worry about, and that is the previous rumors about Roger getting the treasure.

If Roger hadn't unearthed the treasure, how could such drastic changes have occurred in the ancient ruins?This assumption of course is almost close to the truth.But at this time, Roger didn't need to hide any more. The distribution of spoils among the robbers naturally had its own rules, and what he was thinking about was another group of uninvited guests.

"It seems that you still have something to do here, so let's leave now." El saw the reactions of the robbers, and said to Roger without losing the opportunity.

"Besides my place, there are no other settlements around, and your soldiers are very tired, why don't you just rest here before leaving." Roger earnestly persuaded him to stay.

Seeing the deep meaning in El's eyes, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't forget that it is the festival period of the Sahara Flame Conference. The aborigines on the brown earth hills cannot kill each other during the festival. And you are fighting with us , has been recognized by us, I now announce that you and your fighters have obtained the qualifications to participate in the Sahara Flame Conference!"

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Al asked noncommittally.

(End of this chapter)

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