rune hunter

Chapter 271 The Snubbed Guest

Chapter 271 The Snubbed Guest
Endless gold coins fell from the sky, gradually piled up under the horrified eyes of the onlookers, and soon covered their feet and buried their legs.Everyone had to step back to leave enough space, and then opened their mouths wide to watch the Jinshan in front of them slowly grow to an unimaginable level.

Roger made a generous decision. He announced that all the robbers who came back from excavating the treasure with him, no matter which side they belonged to, could take as many gold coins as they could with their own abilities.And other people who came from all directions to participate in the Sahara Flame Conference can receive gold coins with their own hands, and take as many as they can grab.

After the order was announced, everyone immediately broke out with unimaginable enthusiasm.Stimulated by the gold coins, the IQ of the brown soil hill robbers began to soar.A person with a quick mind took off his clothes and pants without saying a word, tied them into two pockets in twos and twos, lay down on the ground with his bare buttocks, and began to stuff gold coins into them desperately.

Their shameless behavior immediately aroused the laughter and curses of the girls, and at the same time, other people followed suit crazily. All of a sudden, white buttocks were everywhere around Jinshan, converging into an ocean.

Of course, not everyone is fascinated by gold coins like those robbers.For example, Poison Widow and Gold Pointer, the two half-robbers and half-businessmen, did not take off their pants to grab gold coins like the others at this time, but calmly withdrew from the crowd of onlookers.Compared with these gold coins, they cared more about what Roger said before.Although these words sounded like some inspiring slogans, in the eyes of the leaders of all forces, it was not that simple.

With Roger's generous behavior today, his prestige in the brown earth hills will reach an extraordinary level in the future. No matter what plans and ambitions he has in the future, they will be carried out naturally.And this may not be good news for the leaders of other forces.

El sat far away in the darkness, not the slightest bit interested in the wailing and howling of the robbers in the distance.Although he stayed with his troops, he also took into account the fact that it was getting late, and it had nothing to do with Roger's domineering aura.After a hard fight, the warriors needed food and adequate rest to maintain their combat effectiveness, and a well-repaired elite Istaronian army was not afraid of any challenge even if they crossed the brown earth hills alone.

Istaron warriors sat around the fire in twos and threes, silently staring at the roasted lamb on the barbecue grill.After returning to the settlement, Roger also generously sent dozens of goats raised in captivity. After peeling and washing, they put them on the fire and roasted them, which immediately gave off a mouth-watering aroma.The eyes of the soldiers were all fixed on the roast sheep in front of them, and no one showed any interest in the Jinshan Mountain in the distance.

Making bandits obsessed with insane riches means nothing to Istaron warriors.There is still a heavy responsibility on their shoulders, and they must hold the weapons in their hands tightly. Apart from this, other things outside of the body will only add to the burden.

"Mr. Roger really knows how to be a man..." Laurana's voice sounded in his ears, and El turned around, and saw that the eldest lady hid herself in the cloak again, returning to a sneaky appearance, like a A witch... Of course, her real identity is not much different from a witch.

Laurana was holding an old notebook in her hand, and she could tell from the color of the paper that it was old.Of course, Adrian's treasure would not have such an unsightly thing, so it is only possible that she scavenged it from Quesalas.Since returning to the settlement, she has been holding this notebook and obsessed with it. At this moment, she was finally awakened by the cheers of the robbers over there.

"Isn't what he said very good, although I think it's a bit redundant, as long as the gold is thrown out, I'm afraid it's okay to let these guys call him daddy." Ertuo smiled with his chin.

In fact, when he saw the so-called Thief King's treasure, he was really disappointed.Although gold coins are already unimaginable wealth for the people at the bottom, but in the real upper class, they are nothing more than a number.Even in the private money accumulated by El back then, there were many precious stones that served as large amounts of currency, and what Adrian left behind was pure gold coins.

El guessed maliciously whether it was because Adrian had a deep understanding of the habits of robbers that he left so many gold coins on purpose.You must know that the robbers are basically illiterate, and sometimes they may not be able to distinguish the color and value of gems. On the contrary, genuine gold can inspire their motivation.

If he knew what Roger had seen in the illusion, he might not be able to help but gloat.In the story line that Roger experienced, Adrian buried all kinds of treasures.At that time, those colorful gems directly blinded Roger's dog's eyes.

"It's so generous, but in fact, how many gold coins can one person take away with all his strength?" Laurana snorted and said, "Although that gold mountain looks very impressive, if you estimate it from the volume, it will definitely not More than 30 gold coins. Although it is not ruled out that Roger may hide something privately, these are basically all the wealth left by Adrian."

"30 gold coins is an astronomical fortune for them." El said with some uncertainty.Thinking back to when he worked so hard to save money for his private house on the mountain, it was only a few hundred gold coins, which can be regarded as a local tyrant.He didn't think these robbers who ate their last meal without their next meal would have their own level of savings.If Roger's order is really fulfilled, it will definitely feed everyone present.

"It's not a good thing to have too many gold coins. Given the demand market in the brown earth hills, I'm afraid it will be directly supported by this wealth." Laurana shook her head disapprovingly and said:
"For example, suppose that in a small town, the rum in the tavern only costs ten coppers a cup. But one day the people in the town suddenly discovered a treasure and became rich overnight, and everyone became a millionaire. Millionaire. At this time, everyone wants to drink two more glasses in the tavern, but the rum stock in the tavern is limited. Then in order to get a drink, customers can only increase the purchase price. However, everyone is the same as him There is money, so the price of rum will increase hundreds or even thousands of times in the end.”

"The tavern owner must be making crazy money, right?" El replied subconsciously, he turned his head and glanced at Roger standing on the high platform, and a clear look flashed in his eyes: "So he wants to be the tavern owner? "

"The so-called reconstruction of Demient is a glass of rum with spices." Laurana narrowed her eyes and smiled, "What will the robbers do when they suddenly have such a wealth? Eat, drink, whore and gamble? That is not a long-term solution after all. Besides, after having so much wealth, who would continue to be a robber? People with a little bit of brain will think about life events such as starting a family, starting a business and multiplying offspring. Mr. Roger provides these confused people with a A clear goal."

"Of course it's impossible for this guy to still believe in Adrian's nonsense until now, so the real intention of proposing this goal is..." El's eyes flashed, and an amazing thought flashed through his mind: "If Dimient can be rebuilt If so, not only can he take back this wealth, but he can also become a new generation of local lords logically?"

But even though this guy said it nicely, after seeing Adrian's true face, he might not know what he was thinking in his heart.Those of his subordinates who experienced the mutation together at that time, it may not be easy to keep them secret, so this matter is no longer a secret, maybe it will be spread one day, and I don’t know about it by then What will the guy who has been fooled into passionately think in his heart.

Thinking of this, El couldn't help turning his head and looking to the other side.When it comes to Adrian's question, I have to mention another group of people - the night watchman soldiers who escaped with them.

Because Cavalier Kenan was on his side at the time, Roger didn't embarrass the Night Watchmen too much, but instead took them in to participate in the Flame Conference.But for these dedicated fighters, tonight is probably the longest night.

Al and Roger still understood some of the causes and consequences, but this group of night watchmen were completely confused about the status quo. 1000 years are enough to produce vicissitudes of life. Even General Hank doesn't know the so-called true inheritance mission, let alone those Night Watchmen soldiers under him.The truth will hide this plan so closely that in the end, I forget that there is such a thing.

They entered a state of war in a daze, were almost silenced by their masters in a daze, and then fled out of the fortress they had garrisoned for half their lives in a daze.This kind of bewilderment made all the night watchman soldiers angry and helpless. They held weapons in their hands, but they didn't know who to fight for.They hope that their chief can issue a clear order, even if they are to die, it will be a hundred times stronger than the current state of headless flies.

But such a simple request was too harsh for General Hank, because even he himself couldn't figure out what was going on at this time.Why did I express my submission to the shadow councilor without any intention of disobeying him, but why did he suddenly turn his face after saying a few words for my subordinates?Why did the night watchman army's loyalty to the Truth Society never change, but they were destined to be silenced?General Hank had no answers to these questions either.After he was rescued, he just sat by the campfire, silent.

"That uncle seems to be very worried." Laurana whispered in El's ear.

"In other words, I wouldn't be in a good mood." El said angrily. It is impossible to say that he has no resentment towards these night watchmen. A feeling of sympathy.

Thousands of words can be summed up in just one sentence - the truth can be so frightening!
"Also as guests who are not very welcome, should we go say hello?" Laurana's tone was a little provocative, and El's heart suddenly became more vigilant...or he has always been against all the proposals made by the eldest lady. Be vigilant.

 Today, the wallpaper and floor tiles are basically settled, and when the decoration is completed, I will send it to the group to show off~
(End of this chapter)

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