rune hunter

Chapter 272 The beginning of the story

Chapter 272 The beginning of the story

Regardless of whether the Istaron warriors or the Night Watchmen are considered elite troops in the normal military order of the human kingdom, the actual combat effectiveness of either side far exceeds that of the ragtag gangsters in the Brown Earth Hills.However, the source of this strength is also their weakness—when the firm belief in their hearts is destroyed, the mental blow they receive is more painful than the physical torture.

Roger was aware of this, so he generously made a retention.And it's not difficult to guess his thoughts. For a hero who is unwilling to be lonely, after gaining a huge amount of wealth, the next most important thing must be to recruit troops to expand his strength.Compared with the local bandits who can't stand on the table, these two regular troops who have lost their spiritual support are undoubtedly the most suitable men to recruit.

Of course, he himself knew that this idea was unrealistic. These two troops obviously didn't look like they could be bought with mere gold coins.It's not that these people really don't love money, it's just that they don't care about this kind of problem now.In terms of their physical strength, even if they want to make money to support their families, there is absolutely no need to work for a mere bandit leader.There are many lords in the Kingdom of Oakland who can afford it.

Apart from money, Roger really didn't have anything else to offer.What he relies on is nothing more than knowing the reason and moving the emotion on the basis of personal friendship.

As for Roger's thoughts and intentions, El guessed six or seven points. He must have no other cards, and he just wanted to take advantage of the night watchman's loss of direction to make some tests.People's hearts are hard to fathom, and it's possible that General Hank will be disheartened and degenerate, so he may take his soldiers to become robbers.

It's hard to force people to have their own aspirations, and besides, the two sides were enemies and not friends before. El didn't bother to ask about such crap, but after Laurana's instigation, a somewhat crazy idea suddenly turned in his mind.

El took Laurana to the Night Watchman's camp, greeted Cavalier Kenan, and sat beside General Hank.General Hank was still in a daze like a statue, and didn't pay any attention to other people's intentions. Instead, Cavalier Kenan coughed and told the night watchmen next to him to retreat.

Compared with other distraught night watchmen, Kenan's nerves recovered faster.Maybe it was because he was treated as a criminal for no reason at that time, and the impact of his friend being killed by Quesaras was too violent, and the hatred for Quesaras became more clear, so when the other night watchmen were still struggling , on the contrary, he got used to it and temporarily took command of the army instead of General Hank.

Although this guy was very rigid before, it was just a matter of personality, and it didn't mean that his brain was not good.Seeing El and Laurana approaching, he knew that the other party must have something serious to talk about, otherwise, the current awkward position of the night watchman would not be very attractive.

"I don't know what advice you two have come here?" Kenan found two glasses of rum from outside, and asked for his chief while handing them over.

"It's not about giving advice, just coming here for a chat." Seeing that Laurana didn't mean to speak, El nodded and said, he took a sip of the rum, looked at the absent-minded General Hank and asked: "I thought this guy's nerves were as strong as his body, but I didn't expect that he was just a little bit wronged like a bitch."

His words finally aroused the other party's reaction. General Hank frowned and glanced at El, snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice, "What do you know..."

His voice was hoarse due to lack of water, and Kenan quickly handed him another glass of wine.General Hank grabbed the wine glass unceremoniously, raised his head and drank it down, sighing heavily.Although he still looks very haggard, he has recovered his spirit after all.

El showed no sympathy for his decline, curled his lips and said with a sneer: "Isn't it just being tricked, what's the big deal. Do you still remember the tragedy that happened in Istaron? There is also a psychopath of the Truth Society, Suddenly went crazy and summoned monsters to destroy the city, you are still alive, what about us? Only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled are left."

When he first entered the Night Watchman Fortress, El told the Night Watchman about the tragic history of Istaron.Looking back now, the two experiences were quite similar, which made people on both sides feel a sense of sympathy.

"Why? Why did Truth do this?" General Hank couldn't help asking a question that everyone wanted to know.If the people of Eastalen only regard the Truth Society as their enemies, the night watchmen have always been the loyal dogs of the Truth Society. They have proved their loyalty for 1000 years, but in return they were killed and silenced.This made General Hanke unable to understand anyway. Could it be that the top management of the Truth Society really had a brain twitch?
"Speaking of this, don't you mean that you really didn't know about Adrian's plan before?" Seeing General Hank's tangled look, El couldn't help asking.

"Before you entered the ruins, Ms. Laurana also looked through the historical documents in our collection, and that's all we have." General Hank shook his head helplessly and said: "Besides that, all the information about the inheritance of the night watchman's mission The documents and scrolls were all taken back by the Truth Society hundreds of years ago. The history of the origin of the Night Watchman has been lost for many years and cannot be traced. The only fact that can be confirmed is that we are actually the same as those robbers, and we are also the same special remnants."

"Hmm, this at least proves one of my assumptions." Laurana nodded suddenly.

"What are you trying to say?" Al asked suspiciously.

"What do you want to hear?" Laurana tilted her head and looked at him and asked back: "The reasoning process or the final conclusion?"

"Let's revisit it from beginning to end. Even if it's just a guess, it's better than sitting here and racking our brains." El rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, actually this story is not complicated, it's like a jigsaw puzzle. Each of us holds a piece of the puzzle in our hands. Although there are still some missing pieces after we collect them, we can almost see the pattern on the jigsaw puzzle clearly. " Laurana stuck out her tongue and carefully licked the rum, cleared her throat and said seriously.

"First of all, put aside the deception of the illusion that Adrian designed for us, and just start from the beginning of the story. We all know that Demyant was a barren land 1000 years ago, and the refugees were led by a pioneer knight A city-state symbolizing hope was established here..."

"Skip the history and get straight to the point!" Al said impatiently.

"I've already started the topic." Laurana rolled his eyes at him angrily, and continued angrily: "Later we found out that this well-known history actually hides a very crucial truth, that is, the core of the earth. This wild land is not really uninhabited, at least the ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Church have been stationed here since the end of the barbaric era, silently guarding the seal of the center of the earth. And the well-known pioneer knight, at least with The ascetic reached an agreement. He built a castle and a city-state above the cave where the seal was hidden, covering all the passages leading to the seal's location, and then helped the ascetics of the Darkmoon Church in the city built a temple."

El nodded, expressing his understanding of the passage, but General Hank and Kenan had blank expressions of "What the hell are you talking about?"Obviously they don't even know anything about the secret of the seal in the center of the earth.

"I guessed that Adrian's real identity was one of the sages who founded the Truth Church, but then I thought that, from the perspective of time and experience, his grandfather, the pioneer knight Caseros, was closer to this identity. So I overturned my conjecture and re-deduced, and immediately discovered an interesting problem."

"Because the Truth Society itself is a secret society, the identity of the founder was kept secret back then, but what is certain is that the Twelve Sages of the year were veritable heroes. Although it is recorded in history that Caseros was just a family He is a pioneering knight who has fallen in the middle of the road, but he was able to lead the refugees to establish a large-scale city-state in a barren land in just a few decades. His ability and prestige can be seen. With his ability, in fact, there is no need to do this It is a kind of thankless hard work, so I guess his real purpose is to protect the seal of the center of the earth."

"The sages of the Truth Society wanted to protect the Seal of the Earth's Core?" El obediently raised his hand and asked, "Didn't you say that it is indestructible and cannot be used by mortals at all?"

"Although this is indeed true, we must also realize the fact that no matter how strict the rules are, there are always loopholes to exploit." Laurana took a sip of the rum, narrowed her eyes and smiled: "The story goes to the end. Here, the first piece of the puzzle appears, but it is not our puzzle, but a clue from Earl Kemal. We all know that it is almost an open secret that the Kemal family has demon blood, but the upper class of the Oakland Kingdom Turning a blind eye to this, it is very coincidental that the territory of Earl Kemal is close to the brown earth hills, and this surname also appeared in the illusion created by Adrian. So we can boldly assume that the Kemal family They are indeed in the demon camp, even important members of the demon cult, but they have actually cooperated with Caseros or Adrian, or it can be said that they are human spies who penetrated into the enemy. And the content of their cooperation is naturally It is to study the seal of the center of the earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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