rune hunter

Chapter 273 The Answer to the Story

Chapter 273 The Answer to the Story

"Dihuang Irisian retrieved rocks from the dark moon, divided them into 12 yuan stone slabs, and placed them on the twelve leylines, using the power of the dark moon to re-suppress the order of the earth, so these stone slabs are also called It is the seal of the earth core. The order rules of the earth vein nodes suppressed by the earth core seal have been greatly strengthened. But the other way around, it may be because the order law of these earth vein nodes is the weakest, so the earth vein nodes are needed. Seal of the heart to suppress."

Laurana handed the glass of rum to the campfire, and carefully poured some of it into the ground near the campfire.The soft soil that was dried and cracked by the campfire quickly absorbed water, and the soil that was farther away from the campfire naturally had a significant difference in water absorption capacity.

"This is actually a very simple truth. It is precisely because the flames dry the moisture in the soil that the land here needs water more. If you want to extinguish this pile of campfires, you need a large glass of water. Earth Phoenix Elise Ann The idea is that if you bring in a river and turn it into a lake, it will naturally be impossible to burn again."

"But the Truth Society seems to have other ideas?" El couldn't help but said, recalling all the inferences about Adrian.

"Although I don't know the specific process, but I think at least in the era of Caseros, the philosophy of the Truth Society has not changed. He still has a protective attitude towards the seal of the center of the earth, so he cooperated with the Dark Moon Church to transfer the earth to the center of the earth. The secret of the Heart Seal is hidden."

Laurana sighed, and continued: "The following is the historical record that we are familiar with. This period of history is not of great significance, so it should not be very different from the facts of the year. Caseros only left one daughter, and He delegated his powers to the parliament. However, due to the lack of heritage in the city-state of Dimiant, this idealized parliamentary system soon fell into a quagmire of corruption. After Adrian was born, their mother and son were expelled from the castle by the parliament After the council took control of Demient, they quickly discovered the secret of the Seal of the Center of the Earth, but they still didn't know that Caseros had another hidden identity, that is, the founder of the Truth Society--the Twelve Sages! "

"The purpose of saying so much before is actually to explain the growth experience of the protagonist of our story - Mr. Adrian. I have made an inference before, that is, Adrian and Lucius are actually the same person , he is the grandson of Caseros. As a secret society, the Truth has always tended to develop new members from within, and Adrian, as a descendant of the founder, will naturally be absorbed. We don’t know what happened in this story , but the final result is the destruction of Dimiente, which is essentially a secret plan aimed at the Seal of the Earth's Core."

Laurana took out the notes she had studied just now from her pocket, shook them and said, "This is Quesalas's personal notes, and it can also be said to be the second piece of the puzzle. Don't grab it... Of course, Mr. Shadow Councilor can't be stupid To record all the secrets in the notebook. There is no substantive content in this notebook, but it records some of his own experience in daily life. However, some information revealed in it is very interesting, for example, this Kui Mr. Salas's views on certain matters are full of personal conjecture ... Of course, we can also say that it is a personal opinion."

"What does this have to do with Adrian?" El just in time pulled back the young lady who was about to get off topic.

"Well, well, in short, one problem that can be deduced is that it seems that shortly after the establishment of the truth, there were different voices inside. Because saving the world is not like the story sung by bards Simple as that. A hero naturally has a way of saving the world, but a group of heroes coming together can cause chaos due to different values.”

"That's right, this is a malady that the Truth Society itself has to admit. There are a hundred people who are looking for the truth, and there are a hundred truths." General Hanke nodded and admitted: "But if it involves Major events are generally evaluated by the council of elders, and then voted to make a decision."

"Obviously, no matter where there are non-mainstream dissidents, even the Truth Society is no exception." Laurana said with a smile: "Mr. Adrian and his grandfather have completely different ideas. Just like the one before us The problem is that Earth Phoenix Elise Ann’s method is to pour out the bonfire with water, and Caseros and the Dark Moon Church have also reached a consensus on this. But Mr. Adrian sees the problem from a different angle. He thinks it’s not just a cup of water. Water, but a stream. A stream can put out the flames, but it can also turn this place into a swamp."

"Wait a minute, isn't the water and fire you're talking about the confrontation between the rules of order and the laws of chaos? What's wrong with establishing order?" Because of all kinds of brainwashing before, El was extremely sensitive to the concept of laws, so he couldn't help asking road.

"This is not a question of right and wrong, but a question of quantity. Although we humans are in the camp of order, we cannot be regarded as pure order creatures in essence, otherwise there would be no such heterogeneity as the devil's order. Although Establishing rules of order is beneficial to our living environment, but when the rules of order reach a certain level, it will turn from quantitative change to qualitative change. There is a saying that goes too far—that’s what it means.”

Laurana's words reminded El of the stone tower that held the Seal of the Earth in the illusion. Because of the infection of the order rules of the Seal of the Earth, the nearby rocks gradually entered a state of absolute order, regardless of the surrounding terrain. How to reverse the changes for thousands of years, the nearby rocks have not changed at all.After experiencing vicissitudes, these rocks were separated from the earth and turned into indestructible strange stone towers.

"Adrian believes that Dihuang is not a human being after all, but a servant of Gaia, the god of the earth. The legend about the seal of the earth's core is not that she wants to save humans, but to save the earth. Although the earth has been saved, But humans may not be able to benefit. Although humans claim to be the rulers of the earth, from another perspective, humans can also be said to be parasites on the earth. In fact, the god of the earth has never been the main god believed by humans. How could it be possible to expect special favors from the God of the Earth?"

Laurana raised her foot and stomped on the ground twice, and said with a smile: "Humans need soft soil for cultivation and sowing. If the soil becomes as hard as rocks, the consequences can be imagined. So Adrian chose another method. The method is to attract the power of the law of chaos from the demons of hell to counteract the law of absolute order of the seal of the center of the earth."

"He destroyed the entire Demient just for this kind of nonsense?" El asked in disbelief.

"Demyant's destruction should have a reason that we don't know, but Adrian at least anticipated this risk, so he left a backup in advance, and that is the Night Watchman." Laurana turned her head and looked at The surprised General Hank nodded and smiled, "If I'm not wrong, the so-called inheritance of the Night Watchmen should be a treasure that can restrain the power of demons. Adrian arranged a storage in the ruins of Dimient. The devil's lair in the abyss is used to counteract the influence of the order rules of the seal of the center of the earth, and then order the night watchman troops to hold on to the fortress to prevent the spread of demon power."

"Although what you said is very reasonable, our inheritance documents have been confiscated by the Truth Society, and the original mission and purpose have long been forgotten." General Hanke said in a deep voice.

"If it's just an inheritance document that records history, something that is too hard to wipe your ass, how can the truth care about it?" Laurana asked angrily: "This is the third piece of the puzzle, but it is a pity that it has been taken care of." One of your commanders sold it for a good price. So we go on - Adrian's first plan failed due to accidental factors unknown to us, and an army of demons devoured Demyant, and he finally Then you have to sneak into hell to cut off the passage between the two planes."

"However, at this time, Adrian left another backhand, which is the bait of the Thieves King's treasure. He carefully arranged a deception to attract robbers to flood into the ruins of Demyant one after another. There are these dead ghosts Moistened with flesh and blood, even if the demon power entrenched in the ruins of the city-state cannot expand, it can still multiply and continue."

"It's not just that, he must have a deeper plot." Roger's voice suddenly sounded from behind. This guy sneaked down from the high platform at some point, and hid behind him with a barrel in his arms, secretly listening to Lola. Na tells stories.But when Laurana talked about this, he couldn't help but say something.

The robbers who got the gold coins were all praising Adrian's richness and Roger's generosity loudly, but these words were not pleasant to Roger's ears.Knowing Adrian's true intention is nothing more than feeling a little worthless for the sacrifices of the predecessors, but if that damn bastard is playing monkeys like this and has the purpose of saving the world, Roger can't accept it anyway.

"That's right, there may be another purpose, that is, Adrian made this place into a space-time coordinate. The space where the mortal world and hell intersect is usually extremely fragile. If he wants to return from hell, This is the most suitable coordinate point." Laurana clapped her hands and smiled: "Simply speaking, there are many benefits and huge benefits. As long as you go back and forth with a purpose, the profits you can earn are enough to establish three years ago. Mient."

"I'm much more comfortable hearing you say that." Roger shrugged and smiled, "But what I want to know more is, why did that damn shadow councilor Quesalas insist on killing people?"

"That's understandable." Laurana spread her hands and sighed, "From the perspective of the Truth Society, even if it's for the purpose of saving the world, it's not nice to talk about colluding with the devil, as long as we all die If it is lost, this matter will naturally disappear in history with the passage of time."

"From his own point of view, there are certain benefits to doing so. If the robber who unearthed the treasure of the King of Thieves and the night watchman who stood by his post died together, then... no one will pursue Mr. Adrian's true identity." Inheritance?"

(End of this chapter)

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