rune hunter

Chapter 274 Soliciting and Persuading

Chapter 274 Soliciting and Persuading

Thieves King Adrian's True Legacy?If you asked this question to an ordinary robber, he would be very excited to tell you that the legacy of the Thieves King has been dug up by our great Lord Roger?If you don’t believe me, look at the mountain of gold coins over there, that’s enough to buy the wealth of a country!

For the bandits who were born and raised in the brown earth hills, these gold coins are wealth far beyond the limit of their imagination.But in the eyes of discerning people, this is undoubtedly an absurd joke.As a legendary hero 1000 years ago, how could the majestic king of thieves care about mere gold?It's as ridiculous as a general putting sticks in his armory as a reserve weapon.How can real treasures be measured in gold coins?
As a smuggler, the Gold Spotter would never believe it. Although he was nicknamed the Gold Spotter, in fact, the currency he used in the smuggling process rarely used gold.No matter how many guards you hire, it's a foolish idea to have crates of gold coins to and fro.

The only valuable specialty of the brown earth hills is the underground veins, but the aborigines lack the technology to extract them.Therefore, all the time, the golden hands were exchanged for the metal ore in the hands of the robbers with the standard weapons eliminated by the Oakland local lord's army. The profits can be imagined.

El wouldn't believe it either, not only because he had seen the world in Istaron, but also because of the weapon "Windmark" he had now.Back then, the Dragon Tooth Bow and Dragon Leather Armor that Master Powell helped him make could already be called heirlooms, and even the jazz who was born in the royal family was envious of them.But compared with the current wind mark, it is not on the same level at all.This was Adrian's exclusive weapon back then, and it could cut even space.

Although El's strength is not enough to display the true power of the wind marks, he has not forgotten what Laurana once said - any item that can affect the rules of time and space can be called a divine weapon!

The title of artifact would scare people to death, so how could it use gold coins to measure its value?Back then, Master Adrian went in and out of the treasury of the courts of various countries with two artifacts in his hand. Why do you think he had the nerve to only take gold coins?

After defeating Adrian, Laurana didn't take a second look at the treasure that was opened. Instead, she calmly accepted the two weapons of the Deceiver and Windscar, and then just mentioned El, and never discussed it again. The problem with these two weapons.Based on how well El knew the young lady, he knew that there must be some tricks in it.

Although Roger wanted to believe it, as a victim, he had to face a cruel reality - Adrian didn't need to cast too heavy bait, for the robbers, such a number of gold coins was enough to make him They are crazy.

Now that everyone believes that this is by no means Adrian's real legacy, the question arises - where is this guy's real legacy?

All the people present were not related to the thief king, or it could be said that they were all victims of a conspiracy. Of course, it was impossible to get real clues.But since the shadow councilor Quesalas knew the plan back then, he must have something to do with Adrian, and only he could have real clues.

If this premise is true, then Quesalas' subsequent behaviors will naturally be reasonably explained.Even within the Truth Society, there are probably only a handful of people who understand this plan, and of course no one will deliberately pursue it.As long as all the witnesses present are silenced and then a crime scene that can't be dealt with is fabricated, then he can take over Adrian's inheritance quietly.

The soul fragments left by Adrian have been wiped out, so he doesn't have to worry about the consequences of doing so.

There were no fools in the audience present. Hearing what Laurana said, they immediately felt reasonable in their brains.According to historical records from ancient times to the present, no matter what kind of conspiracies and tricks, the starting point is the same, that is to obtain benefits.No matter why Quesalas made such a frenzied behavior, it must be related to interests, and the interests are heavy enough to drive him to act outrageously.From this perspective, the answer given by Laurana is not necessarily accurate, but there is absolutely no mistake in the general direction.

Only El doesn't think so, because he knows that Laurana can't be so kind to help everyone answer their doubts, there must be something hidden in it that he can't think of, but now that the answer has been recognized by everyone, he doesn't have to It's too much to demolish one's own people.

"Is that so? It's just for an inheritance?" General Hank sighed, the wrinkles on his face increased a little after such a short time.He smiled wryly: "The loyalty of thousands of our Night Watchmen is actually not as valuable as the inheritance of a dead man in his eyes!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that's the case. Someone once told me that the worldview of the big men is different from ours. As for the big men of the Truth Society, I have every reason to believe that their brain structure is completely different from that of normal humans. Same." Al shrugged.

"Well, don't let these disappointing things affect everyone's emotions." Roger was silent for a moment, rubbed his face and stood up and said: "In any case, we escaped alive and got Adrian's Gold coins, this is something to celebrate. As for the bad debts from 1000 years ago, let him die. If you have a drink now, get drunk now, General Hank, let your brothers rest, drink some wine and find a woman to relax."

General Hank didn't speak, just shook his head.No matter how tempting Roger's proposal was, the night watchman warriors at this time were not in the mood to attend the robber's carnival banquet.If it weren't for the ethics of professional soldiers to keep them restrained from alcohol, kung fu should have fallen into drunkenness by now.

Of course, there is never a free lunch in the world, and Roger's proposal naturally has his own intentions.Human desire is like a ferocious beast, even if it is locked in a cage, it is difficult to tame its wildness, and once it is released, it cannot be dealt with.If these night watchman warriors who have lost the support of their faith can be completely indulged, they will soon fall into the group of bandits.

"Don't you see how sad these loyal dogs who have been abandoned by their owners feel?" El coughed, curled his lips and said, "If I were you, you should let the girls carry the barrels over now , sent to them."

Roger thought for a while, nodded and said: "You are right, I am not thoughtful."

While he was turning to leave, El moved quickly to General Hank's side, raised his glass and asked in a low voice, "Dude, have you figured out a way out yet?"

"The dignified night watchman turned into a dead dog on the side of the road overnight. Does anyone want to come up and have a bite of meat?" General Hank smiled bitterly. It's not that he doesn't understand Roger's intentions, but he's just not in the mood to talk to him at this time. theory.He didn't expect El to stick it up with a stern face, and he was a little surprised when he said such straightforward words.

"The one who should be worried is not me, but you." El tilted his head and glanced at the night watchman's camp, with a disdainful smile on his face: "Your more than 1000 brothers fled from the fort in a daze When I came out, I didn’t bring any food supplies, nor did I have enough ordnance...Roger might not be able to afford it after today.”

"He's the biggest rich man now." General Hank said in a low voice, looking at the mountain of gold coins that didn't seem to decrease in the distance.

"So what if he increases his golden mountain tenfold? Where does a place like the Brown Earth Hills get enough rations for 1000 people?" El raised his cup and pointed to the bonfire in front of him and said: "And now it's the Sahara Flame Conference. During the convening period, all aboriginal forces are not allowed to engage in any conflicts. Where do you think he can find food for your brother?"

Facing El's questioning, General Hank fell silent. This is indeed a problem that he has to face.The previous supplies of the Night Watchmen were specially transported by the Truth Society, and they also tried to grow edible mushroom crops in the underground fortress, barely able to be self-sufficient, but all of these were created by Quesalas buried by earthquakes.Now there are more than 1000 soldiers in the night watchman without any logistical supplies, not to mention combat effectiveness, how long they can live is a problem.

The living environment of the brown earth hills is not suitable for large-scale human gatherings. If the treasure hunting team organized by Roger hadn't happened to catch up with the Sahara Flame Conference, it would have been impossible for so many people to gather here.The habit of the robbers is that they eat and wait to die like today and no tomorrow. It is tantamount to fantasy to ask them to squeeze out a ration for the night watchman.

"Don't you have food?" General Hank glanced thoughtfully at the camp of the Istaron soldiers.He had to admit that these heavily armed troops were more threatening than the night watchman warriors, but the more elite troops naturally consumed more resources, even if their reserves were not rich, they were definitely more reliable than bandits. "

"That's right, there is food, but the food on our side is even more precious." El put away his smile, and said to General Hank seriously: "I told you that we are exiles from Istaren. We There is a huge team of more than 6000 people, more than half of them are women and children who are helpless, and we leave the best food to those children."

"That's what it should be." General Hanke nodded and said, "Children are the hope of the future... But this means that you don't have any food left, right?"

"That's true, so I'm not here to negotiate a deal with you." El stood up and patted his butt, lowered his voice and said to General Hank: "I just want you to know one thing-there are many civilians on our side, Women and children were ruined by a lunatic who can be compared to Quesaras. They need help very much now, and they need the selfless protection of a knight with a sense of justice. If you are still thinking about the future of the night watchman, So keep that in your mind."

(End of this chapter)

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