rune hunter

Chapter 275

Chapter 275 Make a Break

Al never thought that such a thing as a sense of justice would have something to do with him, because this word is stupid from the inside out.He prefers to use another word to describe himself, which is conscience.He is not a knight full of justice, but a hunter with a conscience.

He also didn't believe that General Hank would take his "sense of justice" to heart.If it was the Kanan knight before entering the ruins, maybe there would still be a little sense of justice in his heart.However, General Hank, the leader of the night watchmen, was over forty years old, and his way of thinking about problems naturally couldn't be as simple as that of young people.

So this is not a good reason, but a suitable step.There are many choices before General Hank. He can stay and become a robber, or he can wander around with the people of Istaren, or he can go back to his old club to report the situation.But in reality, he didn't have many choices.

Staying in the brown earth hills is definitely not a long-term solution. Maybe Roger can rise to become a powerful party by virtue of the wealth he unearthed, but with the weak foundation here in the brown earth hills, it is definitely not a matter of success in three to five years.Besides, as El said, although the robbers have become richer, the total amount of living resources has not increased. With Roger's current power, it may be really difficult to support thousands of elite soldiers.

There are no unresolved favors, why should the dignified night watchman warriors hide in this remote place and eat chaff?
Among the remaining options, no matter where they want to go, traveling with the people of Istaren is the most suitable choice.El's prestige has won the respect of the leaders of all forces, even the wildest wild hyena knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.In contrast, the night watchman who has been hiding from the world all year round is not well-known and even less well-known.

Of course, if El blatantly said soliciting words, it would hurt the self-esteem of the night watchman soldiers.At this time, a "step" full of justice and reasonableness is sent out, which normal people can accept emotionally.

Although El has always considered himself uneducated, his ability to judge certain issues is very precise.Although he also knew that if Laurana was asked to solicit her, the eldest lady would be able to eloquently speak in less than 10 minutes, making General Hank work hard with gratitude.However, he still insisted on handling this matter by himself, even if General Hank had other ideas, it didn't matter, there was no need to completely squeeze out the use value of these poor guys.

This is the respect between soldiers, and it is also a "conscience" approach.

General Hank did not disappoint El, and when the Istaron warriors were about to leave the next morning, he followed with the Night's Watch troops.More than 100 night watchmen chose to stay, some of them were willing to degenerate, while some thought that with their own strength, they could gain a higher status in the bandit circle.Everyone has their own ambitions and it is inconvenient to force them, but most Night Watchmen still choose to trust their commanders.

General Hanke's complexion was very ugly. Nearly one-tenth of his personnel had been lost, which made him, the commander of the self-proclaimed elite unit, feel a little ashamed.Roger's face was also very ugly. Although he knew in his heart that it would be unrealistic for the night watchman to stay, he was very upset that only so few people were left in the end.

"General El, General Hank, I don't know what your plans are in the future?" Although he was upset, but since the matter had come to a conclusion, it would be difficult for everyone to face any further entanglement, so Roger shrugged and smiled. , and turned to ask the whereabouts of the two people.

"We Istarenians plan to seek refuge with Lord Churkin, but we haven't received any reply from him yet." El briefly mentioned his destination.

"Wild Boar Churkin? I've heard of that man's name before I joined the Night Watchman, but I don't know what has changed over the years." General Hank nodded, and said in a deep voice: "No matter that Whether the actions of Mr. Quesaras, a shadow councilor, were due to personal will, we night watchmen have always been soldiers loyal to the Truth Society, and we must go back to find a real answer. But before that, we can also help Istaren refugee protection until you reach your destination."

"Frankly speaking, I don't think it is necessary for the Eastalenians to be escorted. You don't know that the reputation of General El and the Eastalenian warriors has spread throughout the Brown Earth Hills." Roger shook his head and laughed: " And then again, their team is moving at the same speed as a turtle crawling, so why hurry?"

"It's just that we have to run away while you are celebrating the holiday." El said with a curled lip.The Istaron warriors have mounts, but the Night Watchmen don't. No matter how crazy the Truth Society is, they won't equip a group of soldiers guarding the ground with mounts.These big guys need to shake off their thighs and run wildly behind their buttocks.Besides, who is in the mood to stay and eat and drink at this time?

The eyes of Roger and El collided quietly, and there seemed to be a spark in the air.El felt that he had a clear conscience, so his eyes were calm.And Roger's eyes flickered twice, and he calmly persuaded:

"There are very few friends in the Brown Earth Hills who can entertain friends, but according to our customs, once a real friend is a guest, they must entertain them with good wine and meat for three days. How much will it delay?"

"That's kind of interesting." El tilted his head and nodded, watching Roger's eyes become meaningful: "Although I don't think we are friends, we have fought side by side after all, so we have Let's be more friendly. Why do I feel that you seem to have ulterior motives in your words? We are all smart people, so you might as well speak out if you have something to say."

"I haven't said that clearly enough?" Roger asked back with a hurt expression.

"I'm a rough person who doesn't like to go around the corner." El waved his hand and said with a strange smile: "Why don't I call Miss Laurana over and let her guess? Do you think she can guess what underwear you are wearing today? color?"

A drop of cold sweat remained on Roger's forehead, and he immediately raised his hands to signal his surrender.Although Laurana also played a vital role in the treasure hunt this time, he still deliberately ignored her existence, preferring to argue with El than to take a second look at the eldest lady.From an academic point of view, this is called the difference in IQ affects the distance.In the vernacular, it is that a donkey and a horse cannot play happily together.

"Well, I admit, there is indeed a little trouble." Roger said with a wry smile: "If the two of you can stay for one more day, I can pay you..."

As soon as he said this, he saw a bandit galloping in from outside on a horse, rushing all the way in front of Roger, and shouted out of breath, "Boss...they are here!"

Roger's face changed slightly, he didn't make a sound, he just took off the water bag from his saddle and threw it over.The robber took the water bag and took a few gulps of it desperately. Finally he managed to catch his breath, and then he calmed down and said in a low voice, "Hawkeye and the Shepherd have come together. Helping people, it looks like there are at least a few thousand people from a distance."

"Understood, you go down to rest, and go out with another group of brothers to continue observing." Roger nodded, patted the robber on the shoulder to let him leave, turned his head to El and Hank with a wry smile, "I'm afraid you will still I really can't go."

"Hey, hey, we've all heard it. There are thousands of people. Our friendship is not worth making me work so hard for you." El snorted coldly with a full face of guard.Although I don't know what happened, but I can guess with a little brainstorming.It was nothing more than Roger's sudden wealth, which made other forces jealous.In the face of sufficient interests, the so-called Sahara Flame Conference does not allow internal fighting, and naturally it becomes shit.

People die for money, birds die for food, this is the cruel reality that has never changed through the ages.

"You don't know those two bastards... one is an idiot and the other is a lunatic. No matter how crazy things they do, it's not surprising." Roger said very seriously: "Within the territory under my jurisdiction, that is, brown In the southern part of the hills, you can pass unimpeded, but those two bastards don't care about my order, nor your reputation. They don't even think about profit and loss, and most of the time, they burn, kill and loot according to their own preferences."

"So, if we don't intend to help, you are going to release these two mad dogs to bite people." El's face couldn't help but sink.

"If they would listen to my orders, they should have joined the carnival of the Flame Conference at this time." Roger also knew that it was difficult to explain clearly at this time, so he stopped explaining, but simply said: "I will do it." The facts are fair, and the other bigwigs have no objection to this point, and these two bastards were unwilling to join the group at the beginning, but now they want to take advantage of it. How can there be such a good thing in the world? I will unite everyone and give them a hard time. lesson, and you should stand with us, at least for now."

"Well, it's interesting to say that." El nodded, turned to look at General Hank, and asked for his opinion with his eyes.

"I've heard of Hawkeye... Does this person seem to be in collusion with the Demon Sect?" General Hank pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked.

"That's right, Hawkeye has been hooking up with those devil's servants for the past few years, and this time he seems to have brought in the hands of the Devil's Order," Roger said.

"No matter what our real inheritance mission is, at least each of our night watchman soldiers swears to fight the devil to the death!" General Hank patted the long sword on his waist and said seriously: "Now we are leaving Before that, make a break with these demons!"

 I'm almost busy, theoretically resume the update

(End of this chapter)

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