rune hunter

Chapter 276 Centaur and Ogre

Chapter 276 Centaur and Ogre

The territory opened up by Caseros back then was very vast, and even the total area of ​​the brown earth hills now is equivalent to the sum of the three provinces of the Kingdom of Auckland.Centered on the Devil's Throat, which was the ruins of Dimint, the Thorn River divided the brown earth hills into two.Although Roger is known as the king of robbers on the brown hills, in fact, the territory he can control is only the southern region.

The brown soil hills border the Yunlu Mountains in the north, and the geographical environment is closer to a wild land than in the south. There are almost no traces of human activities, so it is naturally impossible to attract the attention of robbers.However, this semi-civilized natural environment is just suitable for the development of those humanoid tribes, and has always been occupied by the centaur tribe alliance.

And underground, the fall of Demient created a huge fault zone, and even directly tore open the passage in the dark region.What the night watchmen are monitoring is only a part of the upper ruins of Dimiant, and in the darker depths, the entanglement of underground creatures and demons has never ceased.The poisonous widow's precious daughter, Xi Ya, is carrying the blood of the land walker, and its origin may lie in this.And the remnants of the devil's order in the legends of the outside world do exist.

The south, the north, and the underground world constitute the three major spheres of influence of the Brown Earth Hills.And now Roger is about to face the pressure of the other two parties. After digging out the treasure, his prestige has been established, but at the same time it has attracted coveted vicious dogs.In the face of sufficient interests, any rules are farts, so he must show deterrent strength to gain the right to speak. At this time, the attitude of any ally can tilt the balance of both sides.

General Hank had originally planned to leave, but after hearing about the movement of the Demon Sect, he immediately changed his attitude.With the support of diametrically opposite ideas, the two sides naturally formed a deadly enmity.In the past thousands of years, the history of the night watchman and the demon cult's love and death is enough to write a great book.At this moment, the night watchman soldiers were full of depression and worry, and had nowhere to vent their worries. They didn't expect these gophers to dare to show their heads.

The Night's Watch is desperate for a kill, so there's no way they'll miss the show.

Of course, this has nothing to do with El.He didn't have such an iron friendship with Roger, and he didn't have such a deep friendship with General Hank. He didn't have any reason to let his soldiers participate in this dog-eat-dog struggle.So although he agreed to Roger's request to help out, he was also prepared to retreat.

Thanks to the remuneration paid by Roger in advance, the Istaron warriors are all mounted on horses. Although these horses are not the same as real war horses, if they just retreat immediately when they see something wrong, there should be nothing wrong with them. question.

When Roger ordered his men and horses to line up, El led the packed Istaren warriors to the outermost side of the team.Turning a blind eye to the contempt of the robbers around him, he made no secret of his intention to retreat.Fortunately, Roger also knew that he couldn't count on his troops to contribute. What he could really rely on was the leaders of the parties who participated in the distribution of spoils last night.As people with vested interests, in order to defend the interests they have obtained, it goes without saying that they will huddle together and cooperate with all their strength.

The troops assembled by Roger before are all elites from various forces, and there are still many losers on their way.Before this, no one would have thought that Roger could actually open the treasure, so they didn't make much preparations.What surprised them was that Hawkeye and Shepherd, who originally belonged to the southern forces, had defected to the other two sides, and their news was so well informed that they couldn't wait to kill them the next day. The problem was very intriguing.

But now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Roger was also prepared in advance, so he sent scouts early, so he got the information in time and got enough reaction time.Since the morning, there have been people from various forces leaving the settlement on fast horses, and by noon, groups of people and horses had gathered.The Sahara Flame Festival was originally a festival where the aborigines gathered together to revel and celebrate. People from all sides are rushing here, and it's just a matter of arriving sooner or later.

Perhaps because they couldn't see the right way, the two enemy groups wasted more time than everyone expected on the way, and they didn't arrive near the settlement until evening.At this time, Roger had assembled nearly 6000 troops, including the night watchman.

The Thorn River, which traverses the brown earth hills, is turbulent, and there are very few places where the two sides can cross.In the direction where the setting sun was setting, a layer of black shadow was suddenly cast among the flame-like clouds.

Experienced horse thieves have already estimated the approximate number of enemy cavalry from the vibrations on the ground, about 3000 horsemen, but they also admit that this number has no reference value, because the opponent's concept of "cavalry" is slightly different from that of normal humans. different.

The tremors on the ground became clearer and clearer, even with the naked eye, it was an army of centaurs rushing from the upper reaches!
In ancient times, before humans ruled the land, centaurs were once one of the most powerful races on the land. They had the running speed of steeds and the dexterity not inferior to humans, and their talent in archery was second only to elves. The most critical point is - their fertility is extremely strong, which is also the basis for the development and growth of the tribe.

The centaur once established a prosperous empire on the wilderness and grassland, and wherever the horseshoes went, it was the territory of the empire.However, this tribe failed to continue to develop its own civilization after that.They admire natural gods and primitive customs, refuse to accept new things, and stubbornly believe that their race already has perfect talents and does not need to continue to evolve.

Needless to say, the once glorious grassland empire quietly disappeared under the wheel of history. When humans ruled the land and established many empires and entered the feudal era, the centaurs who insisted on the primitive tribal system were gradually pushed out to the barren land. In the eyes of humans, it became a humanoid creature of the same level as ogre goblins.

Even so, the fighting power of this race should not be underestimated. The size and strength of adult centaurs far exceed that of ordinary humans. They are born to be the best cavalry and archers. To deal with robbers, it is a completely one-sided massacre.

The number of adult centaur warriors who rushed to attack this time was more than 500, which was at least the combined strength of three centaur tribes.When the leaders of all parties standing beside Roger observed this scene with their naked eyes, their faces immediately turned green.But that alone is not the worst news.

On the other side, more than ten meters away from the centaur charging formation, there was another team advancing side by side.Their speed may not be as fast as the centaur, but the aura they created is impressive.

At first glance, it seemed that the army had no organizational system at all, even centaur warriors could form a basic charge formation, but this army was scattered and had no formation at all.But even so, their sense of presence is so strong that people cannot ignore it, because this is an army composed of demons!
Cerberus, lemurs, horned demons and other various demon troops were mixed together and rushed forward in a chaotic manner.Although the species of these demons are very similar to those in the Demient ruins, their aura is vastly different.If the monsters in those ruins were sick and lacking in nutrition, then these demons are now strong fighters.Seeing that the demonic aura erupting from them is so strong that the air in the sky is distorted, it must have been carefully nursed by the demonic order.

Although Roger's side has a slight advantage in manpower, it may be difficult for these bandits to engage in positional warfare.Roger noticed the wavering of his subordinates, and frowned slightly.He turned around and gave the ogre chief who was following him a wink. Groom nodded knowingly, grabbed a thick buffalo horn from his waist, put it near his mouth, puffed his cheeks and blew it hard. , The low and penetrating horn sound spread far away.

The sound of the horn echoed in the valley for a long time, and soon there was a echoing drumbeat from the rear.The sound of orderly and powerful war drums sounded one after another, accompanied by the footsteps of the marching troops, so that everyone couldn't help but look back.

In a mountain not far from the settlement, an ogre carrying a war drum slowly turned out from behind a stone, followed by another.Groups of small, green-skinned creatures swarmed out from under the ogre's feet, muttering words of incomprehensible meaning, shaking their heads and jumping up and down.This troop of humanoid creatures, who had no idea where it was hidden before, joined the team of bandits on the beat of war drums, and under the command of Groom, they stood on the other side of the flank opposite El.

32 adult ogre warriors, [-] goblin warriors, including a goblin witch doctor with oil paint on their faces. This is the size of Groom's bandit group, and it is also Roger's biggest trump card so far!
"Since there is such a hole card, why expose it now?" El watched the ogre thieves join the queue on the other side, and couldn't help but said to himself.

"After all, it's not a real army, and creatures like goblins are notoriously bullying. If you expect them to cut in decisively when the battle is in a fierce state, I'm afraid it's impossible." Laurana whispered with a smile: "Besides, This hole card was not prepared for this kind of accident, it was nothing more than to drive ducks to the shelves."

"Who is it prepared for? Isn't it for us? This kid is so thoughtful. I don't know what cards he has." El narrowed his eyes and peeped at Roger's facial expression, and said with some gnashing of teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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