rune hunter

Chapter 277 Conditions that cannot be agreed

Chapter 277 Conditions that cannot be agreed

Hawkeye and Shepherd, an idiot and a lunatic, this is Roger's evaluation of the two people, and this evaluation has also been unanimously affirmed by the leaders of all parties.These two guys are also powerful in the southern region, but in terms of their respective strengths, they are not enough to pose a threat to Roger.

But it was just these two marginalized characters who somehow entangled the army of centaurs and demons and killed them in a mighty way, which made everyone present look very ugly.Although it has been known for a long time that these two guys have colluded with the other two major forces, no one has ever imagined that they have such great energy.

The men and horses of the two sides met by the Thorn River and stopped at a distance of 300 meters.Bandits are not good at defense, so Roger also put on an offensive posture.Of course, he also made a lot of preparations during the half a day when he got rich, and he also joined the ogre thief group, so he was full of confidence.

Generally speaking, according to the unwritten tacit understanding between the robbers, whenever the two sides lined up and were at war, they usually would not really fight.Bandits like to fight with the wind. If there is an all-out war, both sides will have to pay an unbearable price.It's just...the other party is neither a human being nor a robber, and no one can tell whether they will behave or not.

Seeing that the bandits were getting ready, the centaur's charging formation gradually slowed down and stopped far away.At this time, a big black-skinned human being wrapped in a turban squeezed out from their team, and after a few words with the leader of the centaur, he slowly ran over on horseback.

Similarly, the demon army on the other side also stopped, and some demon cultists with strange tattoos came out of the team, one of them carried a longbow behind his back, his hair was combed back smoothly and he had a beard, A middle-aged man who looked like an aristocrat also stepped forward.

Without the introduction of others, El probably guessed the identities of these two people.The big black man with a turban on his head is the "shepherd" who is regarded as a madman by the robbers, and the middle-aged man who looks like an aristocrat with a longbow is "the idiot's eagle eye".

There has never been a shortage of vicious and vicious robbers, and the word "crazy" is not derogatory for them.But one can imagine what kind of thing a guy who can be called a "lunatic" by the robbers will be.It is said that the reason why he got this nickname is that he likes to chop up the people he kills to make fodder, and feed them to the goats raised in his family.

And the story of the Hawkeye is even more bizarre. He is a robber and a "believers" at the same time, but no one can tell what god he believes in.Belief in gods is of course not a problem. The problem is that this guy was originally a determined demon hunter, but he didn't know what was wrong in his mind, and he turned to the side of the demon cult.

The way these two guys think about problems is completely different from that of normal humans, and no one can tell what their exact purpose is.

"I am here on behalf of Sergey, the current leader of the Demon Cult, to pay tribute to the hero who opened the treasure of the Thief King, the great King of Thieves Roger!"

Hawkeye stopped at a distance, dragged his neck and shouted in a bard-like tone.He drew a cross on his chest, then turned his eyes to the night watchman troops flanking the bandit troops, and said loudly: "Lord Roger, we did not come here to covet the treasure that should belong to you, but to hear about our mortal enemy, The Night's Watch has lost their stronghold and is under your wing! As long as you hand over those hypocritical defenders to us, you can gain the firm friendship of the Demon Order!"

After hearing what Hawkeye said, Roger snorted expressionlessly, took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Hawkeye! You used to be a member of the South, you should know what day it is today! In the flames of the Sahara Fighting for any reason is not allowed in the brown earth hills during the convention. How dare you break this rule now? We have nothing to talk about, leave one of your eyes as the price for breaking the rules, and take your monster to hell Go back to the ground!"

"That's really hard to say..." El, who was hiding and listening attentively, couldn't help curling his lips.Regardless of whether there is a rule of the Flame Conference, if he is standing in Roger's position, he will never agree to such a condition.

Friendship of the Demon Order?What's the point of that?Even the meanest bandit has the occasional virtue of being good at gambling, but what about those demons?Their own heads are so muddy that they can't tell if they're talking or farting. Who expects these things to know what friendship is?

Not to mention the fighting power of the night watchman itself, which should not be underestimated. If any little guy dares to come to the door and shout such crazy words, where will this make Lord Roger, the king of robbers, lose face?If there is really an exchange of interests, Roger may still consider it. Such a worthless "friendship" is simply a joke. If he doesn't reject it immediately, it may affect his prestige in the hearts of his subordinates.

At this time, the shepherd also said: "Great ghost wolf king, we have no intention of being your enemy, and the children of the grassland are not interested in your gold. But the centaur tribe has encountered some difficulties and hopes to add some women to reproduce. If you If you can provide us with some women, you will gain the friendship and recognition of the children of the grassland!"

Compared with Hawkeye's untechnical nonsense, what the shepherd said was more sincere.Their purpose is also not gold, but women.On the other hand, if Roger wants to make a career in the brown earth hills, he really needs the support of the northern centaur tribe.But the problem is—this is also a condition that Roger cannot agree to.

Living resources in the brown earth hills are scarce. Due to cost considerations, many baby girls will be abandoned from birth, because it is difficult for them to have the physique of men to fight for the right to survive.But because of this, the women here have also become a scarce resource.That's why the poisonous widow hid her precious daughter tightly, and wouldn't scatter eagles when she didn't see a rabbit.That's why the bandits were so excited when they saw the exiles from Istaron, and rushed to catch up with them to die.

Roger wouldn't mind buying some female refugees from El for gold to replenish the population if possible.But he was also very aware of El's attitude, so he never mentioned this matter at all.As a result, someone actually came to him to ask for a woman. How could Roger not be angry?
"Our girls will only marry real heroes! If the centaurs behind you have any kind, let them come and grab them with their own abilities! But shepherd, you must understand the consequences of doing so! You and Hawkeye What you did is challenging the order of the Brown Earth Hills!" Roger said in a deep voice.

The conditions put forward by Hawkeye and the Shepherd seemed simple, but it was not unacceptable to the robbers who valued the gold coins they got before their lives.Isn't it just to betray an ally? It's not like I haven't done this kind of thing before.As for women... Anyway, I am also a bachelor, so it doesn't matter if the woman I send out is not my own.

But Roger couldn't agree, and he couldn't even show the slightest hesitation, otherwise he would plant the seeds of disaster for internal division.

"These two guys put forward conditions that Roger can't agree to. This is definitely out of good intentions. They keep saying that they don't want gold, and if a robber doesn't want gold, is he still a qualified robber?" El said to the two men. Hypocrisy and snorting, but also gloating, intending to see how Roger handles this crisis.Unexpectedly, the shepherd's eyes turned slowly and locked on the side of the Istaren warrior.

"Master Ghost Wolf, we don't intend to break the rules." The shepherd rolled his eyes, with a weird smile on his face, and pointed to the direction of the army's flanks: "Neither the night watchman nor the devil's order can be counted as brown earth hills." The aborigines, the hatred among them does not conflict with our rules. As for our request, it is not that there is no other choice. I heard that there is a team of refugees from Istaren who are going through the brown earth hills. Among them were a large number of young women..."

" dare to hit us with ideas?" Al, who was already thinking of soy sauce and didn't want to get involved, couldn't help being stunned when he heard the shepherd's words, and then a standard businessman appeared on his face. A smile, accompanied by layers of murderous intent.

El was very allergic to the Missy's iconic smile, and firmly believed that every time the Missy showed this smile, she must be planning a sweaty conspiracy in her heart.But today he subconsciously laughed like this, and suddenly felt that he seemed to understand some of Laurana's feelings when she smiled.

This commercial standard smile is usually only given to the dead in the eyes.

"Brothers, we have work to do." El smiled and said to the Istaren warriors beside him. Although his voice was not loud, it was clearly conveyed to the ears of all the warriors with a piercing chill. .Many soldiers couldn't help shivering when they heard this voice, but they didn't do anything else.Unlike El, who planned to retreat from the beginning, as professional soldiers, they were ready to fight the moment they entered the position, and there was no need for additional mobilization.

It is because of their calmness that they appear scary.No one knows what kind of power they will erupt when they are provoked.

On the other side, Roger also made his own answer.This time, he glanced back at El and General Hank, remained silent for a few seconds, then turned his head and drew out his long knife, pointed it at the shepherd, and said in a deep voice:
"Go away! Or die!"

 It was an accident yesterday... umm, it was definitely not because of too many hard-handed Kawen

(End of this chapter)

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