rune hunter

Chapter 278 Communication Crystal

Chapter 278 Communication Crystal
The convoy, which was too long to see the end, was driving slowly on the yellowish-brown rocky road. There were so many passengers on the road that few people pass by on weekdays. Even the hard rock was trampled by thousands of feet. The edges and corners were gradually smoothed, and slowly shattered into gravel. The road was full of people and dust.

Since no one has been walking for many years, the path of this road is extremely narrow compared to the size of the team. A carriage full of children deviated from the direction of the team in the crowd, and the wheels of the carriage crossed a ditch on the side of the road. It trembled violently.The two children who were playing and playing at the back of the car didn't hold on to the car board, and were suddenly knocked out of the car, and they were about to fall to the ground.

The driver realized something was wrong when the carriage was bumped up, and when he looked back, he saw that it was too late to save the two children.However, the two children did not fall to the ground, but paused abruptly in mid-air, and then slowly landed.Although the pause was only a few seconds, it was enough for the two children to react. In fact, as long as they took precautions and protected their vitals, this height was not considered dangerous even for children.

The two children fell to the ground, rolled around twice, then got up with a playful smile on their faces, trying to climb back into the carriage.The driver hurriedly jumped out of the carriage, grabbed the two children by their ears and pulled them to his side. He lowered his head in fear and apology to the girl standing beside him.

"You two disobedient brats, hurry up and thank Lady Tiana!"

"No need, the children just made mistakes unintentionally, just let them remember the lesson from this time." Tiana waved her hand and said indifferently: "Don't worry, just follow the team."

"Oh, we are not in a hurry, the main reason is that this ghostly place is really not a place for people to stay." The driver sighed, and said with a bitter face: "Master Tiana, I wonder how long it will take for us to get out? "

"It won't be long. Our scouts have returned and reported that they saw green ahead. According to our current speed, we can leave the brown earth hills in three days at most." Although this question has been answered in this period of time Countless times, but Tiana patiently recounted it.

Manpower is limited, and the distance is dead after all. In fact, even knowing the distance is meaningless.But Tiana knew that what the driver wanted wasn't the answer itself, but the feeling of hope.The harsh natural environment of the brown earth hills has brought double pressure on the body and mind of the exiles. Faced with the never-ending sandstorm, the team has recently begun to experience emotional collapse one after another.

When they fled from Istaron, the remnants of the army led by El were regarded by the exiles as cowards who retreated from battle, and even children were unwilling to talk to them.But when El led the elite fighters away, they realized that the last sense of security was also gone.Although there is still Ahmed staying behind, but because his sense of presence in the past is not very strong, and his personal prestige is limited to the army, on the contrary, he cannot increase the confidence of the exiles like El, who is killing people.

Tiana didn't lie to the driver. It was true that there were only three days left to the edge of the brown earth hills. The scouts could go back and forth in just one day, but the news they brought back was not very happy.The other end of this road leads to the Kirk Province of the Kingdom of Auckland, where the lords have shown a very conservative attitude towards the news of the arrival of the exiles.

Although the wind and sand in the brown earth hills brought a lot of trouble to the exiles, in Tiana's view, it was a kind of training and protection for them.Although the living environment here is harsh, at least there will be no danger for the time being.Al had deterred the robbers, and no one would dare to trouble them again.But if they leave this barren land and return to the territory of the Oakland Kingdom, those local lords who have no moral bottom line will be more terrifying and troublesome than robbers.

After all, in the civilized world, you can't speak directly with a knife like you do here, and brute force may not be able to solve the problem.Tiana has suffered enough from the short-sightedness and dark psychology of these local lords.Fortunately, this time she is not fighting alone.

The hot feeling in her arms made Tiana wake up from her contemplation. She collected herself, took out her pocket, and took out a transparent crystal ball the size of a human head—it was sent by Estaren. The communication crystal that came over.It is actually very inconvenient to carry this thing in your arms, so after collecting it for a period of time, El had to donate it.

In the past, he and Tiana could use that piece of parchment to send messages, but the number of uses of that piece of parchment had already been used up, and this communication crystal naturally came in handy.However, this crystal is different from that piece of parchment, it is a magic item that only the caster can activate, so the actual contact person becomes Laurana.

"Hey... hello? Can you hear me? Miss Tiana?"

As soon as Tiana took out the crystal ball, she heard Laurana's unique accent with a narrow taste coming out of it.In fact, there should be two real communication crystals in order to realize the voice transmission between the two parties.As an alchemist, Laurana finally found a solution. Although the eldest lady has repeatedly stated before that that the method is not very reliable, at least this time the sound effect is still very clear.Even through the crystal ball, Tiana could vaguely hear the sound of Laurana desperately beating some kind of alchemy instrument.

"I heard." Tiana followed the method taught by Laurana before she left, put the crystal ball in front of her, almost touching her lips, and responded loudly.This posture looked very ridiculous, which made her suspect that it was Laurana's trick. Generally speaking, if there is a need to use this communication crystal, it must be extremely important information. At that time, who would care about the posture? Good or bad question...

"'s too loud! Stay away, yes, a normal distance is fine, the quality of this thing is surprisingly good..." Laurana on the other side also lowered the volume obviously, talking to herself for a while before Back to the topic, he coughed and said seriously: "How is the situation on your side? There is no trouble, right?"

"The bandits have all evacuated, and the wind and sand are still there. Other than that, everything is as usual. We have reached the area around the Gray Rock Valley, and we are still three days away from Kirk." Tiana quickly reported her location , Laurana said that the signal of this communication crystal is unstable, and the duration is unpredictable, so she can only pick the most important thing to say first.As for the troubles that have arisen on my side in the past few days, those that have been resolved are naturally not troubles, so there is no need to talk nonsense.

"Very well, our affairs have basically been resolved, and there are still some small troubles to be dealt with, but it won't take long. But I have to tell you some bad news... There is a troop assembled by the centaur tribe They have spotted our team, and they are likely to be close to you now. Their purpose seems to be to kidnap the young women in our team." Laurana spoke at the same speed on the other side.

"Centaurs robbing human women?" Tiana half-closed her eyes, flashing all kinds of relevant knowledge records in her mind, suddenly her eyes changed, and she asked coldly, "Could it be an infectious disease?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, this is the only possibility." Laurana's voice also became low: "The brown earth hills border the Yunlu Mountains to the north, if the plague has spread from the north, those centaurs It must be inevitable. But it seems a bit far-fetched in terms of time."

The infectious disease mentioned by Tiana and Laurana is not the natural disaster plague that Istaren once faced. For the human world, the plague in the traditional sense is the plague.The development of human civilization is bound to be accompanied by the large-scale planting of crops and the establishment of cities, and these two also provide a good environment for the rat race to thrive.But for centaurs, most of their infectious diseases come from parasites on the body.

Legend has it that the fall of the Centaur Empire was also an important factor in the sudden decline in population caused by the spread of infectious diseases.Because centaurs advocate primitive life customs and seldom pay attention to hygiene, their body functions are gradually destroyed by parasites.It is different from the indiscriminate death of human beings in the face of the plague.If an infectious disease breaks out in the centaur tribe, the old, weak, women and children must be the first to fall, and the adult warriors in their tribe can expel the parasites by relying on their strong physical recovery ability due to years of exercise. go out.

The final result is that whenever an infectious disease breaks out, the adult warriors of the centaur tribe will become a group of bachelors...

Both ends of the communication crystal fell silent at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle. After a while, Tiana coughed lightly, nodded with a blushing face, and said, "I see, this side will be ready, and your side will be prepared." need any help?"

"As long as you are ready, we will come back as quickly as possible!" Laurana said.

After closing the communication crystal, the faces of the callers on both sides sank.Although I didn't elaborate on it in the conversation just now, there is one issue that is worth paying attention to.

People who escaped from Istaron are very sensitive to the problems related to the plague.What Laurana actually wanted to say was that the diseases of centaurs are different from those of humans. There is no need to worry about this, but no one can guarantee what kind of changes they will have when they encounter the plague and natural disasters that spread from the human world .Under the control of the Cursed Sect, the harsh natural environment of the brown earth hills may not be able to stop the invasion of the army of death.

The exile's journey has not yet seen the end, and the dark shadows are coming quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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