rune hunter

Chapter 279 Salvation and Evolution

Chapter 279 Salvation and Evolution

When El gathered his troops and returned, he found some commotion in the rear of his allied forces.He saw Hawkeye's corpse hanging on a sharp wooden thorn, his proud eyeballs had been gouged out, and his face was bloody.Another thing that attracted attention was Xi Ya. For some reason, her situation didn't seem too good, and she was surrounded by her own people and couldn't escape.

As early as when she was exploring the underground ruins, Xi Ya was seriously injured because of her bravery and fell into a near-death state. However, due to the strong recovery ability of the groundwalker's blood, she recovered in a hurry after leaving the ground, and she still seemed to be fine. Like a child, he followed everyone to dance and carnival.

However, there has never been a free lunch in the world, and this ability to recover quickly must have its flaws. Although it looks fine from the outside, in fact, Xi Ya has not fully cultivated until now, and her combat effectiveness is at least Three floors lower than usual.

But with this girl's carefree personality, she naturally doesn't care about such a small problem.After hearing the news of Roger's war, she immediately rushed over to help enthusiastically, but after the battle, she once again got herself covered in bruises.Originally, with Xi Ya's recovery ability, this flesh and blood injury could be recovered after a short sleep, but unexpectedly, an accident happened at this time.

After hard work, the night watchmen finally defeated the demon army gathered by the demon cult. A bunch of heretics with tattoos on their bare heads failed to escape, and all of them had their heads chopped off.And Hawkeye, who was a traitor, was captured alive, which was what Roger specifically mentioned to General Hank before the war.

At this time, Roger was still on the other side of the battlefield and did not rush back, and Hawkeye was sent directly to the rear.Xi Ya was bandaging the wound, and when she saw this guy being thrown in, her expression darkened.She took a sharpened stick and beat Hawkeye across the head and face, demanding loudly who had leaked the news to him.

Everyone can understand the reasons for Sia's anger, because everyone knows that after last night's carnival, she waited alone in Roger's tent until dawn.Originally, I thought that I could have sex with my man after finishing the business today, but I didn't expect Hawkeye and Shepherd to jump out again, and the resentment of the dissatisfied girl can be imagined.

But what surprised everyone was that Hawkeye actually said that the information was given to him by the poisonous widow, which was tantamount to slapping Xi Ya in the face!If it were someone else, maybe they would have thought about it, but how could Xi Ya doubt her mother, she took it as a provocation from Hawkeye, and directly picked out his eyes.

Everything that happened next produced a dramatic change. Suddenly, someone among the onlookers jumped out to stop Xi Ya from continuing to commit violence, and questioned Xi Ya's suspicion of murder.On the other side, some mercenaries belonging to the Poison Widow also stood up and expressed doubts about the doubters.Some people, as a neutral person, repeatedly reiterated Xi Ya's status as Roger's woman, and asked to wait until Roger came back to handle it personally.

The robbers were divided into several factions and quarreled endlessly. At this time, Hawkeye unexpectedly showed his true colors of idiots again. He expressed great indignation at other people's doubts, and said loudly with a straight face: "Everyone knows that Hawkeye never lies. talk!"

Of course everyone knows that this guy doesn't lie, because he has always regarded himself as a believer, and this is where the nickname of idiot comes from.But also because of this, this basin of sewage is completely on the poisonous widow's head.This kind of provocation to death broke Xi Ya's nerves in an instant... So there was the corpse stuck on the wooden pole that El saw later.

Xi Ya vented her anger without thinking, and immediately detonated the fuse.Robbers are not good at arguing right and wrong, and prefer to speak with knives.Especially after the war, everyone's eyes were red, and they couldn't suppress the urge to violence. When they took up weapons, they just slashed without saying a word.

Xi Ya, who had calmed down a little bit, felt that something was wrong, and she was a little scruples when she made a move. In addition, her combat power had been weakened a lot, and she couldn't suppress the situation for a while.When El rushed over, she and her men were surrounded and could hardly hold on.

El looked at the chaotic situation in front of him, frowning slightly.After thinking for a while, he took out an unused stinky potion from his pocket, and dropped it directly to the ground. With a bang, the green stinking cloud dispersed loudly.

This irritating smell is not fatal to humans, but if given a choice, no one would like to stay in a latrine that has not been washed for ten years.As the stinky cloud rose, everyone covered their noses and fled away in embarrassment.At this time, the obvious difference is seen. Ordinary robbers are afraid to avoid this area and flee from this area. Only three or five guys with gloomy faces are still surrounding Xi Ya and refuse to give up. Judging by the posture, it seems that they must Its put to death.However, relying on the efforts of a few of them, it is not easy to succeed in full view.

Like Xi Ya, whose strength has reached the edge of silver, even if she can't exert her due combat power, ordinary people don't want to kill her head-on.And this kind of tenacious vitality is even more perverted with the support of the blood of the land walker. Even if she stands there and makes you stab a dozen times, she can still be alive and kicking.

Therefore, the guy who still refuses to give up at this time is either mentally ill or has a ghost in his heart.

A robber covered his mouth and nose, resisting the stench and pulled out a dagger from his waist. Seeing the crowd disperse, he realized that today's plan might fall short, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.He snorted, and the dagger in his hand was suddenly covered with a layer of black light that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, and he stabbed straight at Xi Ya's chest.

Xi Ya, who was also in tears from the stinky cloud, didn't notice the abnormality of the dagger at all, but the dagger failed to stab her.The robber who was secretly assassinating the killer only felt an irresistible force coming from behind, and he was dragged out involuntarily.

He turned his head subconsciously, and saw a pair of blood-red eyes full of murderous intent staring at him, accompanied by a murderous intent that made him shiver uncontrollably, and screamed: "This is our own problem! Why do you..."

El punched the robber in the stomach, and the whole fist sank into his body, directly tore his muscles, and grabbed his spine through the internal organs, and squeezed into two pieces with a click.

"Are you reasoning with me?" After tearing the robber's body in half and throwing it on the ground, El curled his lips and asked strangely.His voice was very soft, but everyone around who heard it could not help but shudder.The other robbers who besieged Xi Ya also saw this scene, looked at each other, and immediately ran away without saying a word.

The robber wants to be reasonable?This is simply a big joke.Only the weak try to reason.Although El seems to be a reasonable person, he can never reason with robbers.Al firmly believed that, for these hopeless scum, violence was the most straightforward reason.

El has no interest in those escapees. He has a very professional adjutant who is very professional in killing and making up knife, and he is very happy to deal with such small troubles.He went straight to Xi Ya, stretched out his hand and asked with concern: "This beautiful lady, do you need help now?"

After the battle, Xi Ya couldn't support her body and half-kneeled on the ground. Her body was bruised and her biological armor was also damaged. She looked like a squashed hedgehog, which was naturally not beautiful.Hearing El's teasing joke, Xi Ya's full of gratitude suddenly turned into anger, she opened his hand angrily and said, "I owe you once, pervert!"

"I'm sorry, you don't have such a big face yourself. Roger should owe me once." El said with a curled lip. He didn't take back his hand, but pressed Xi Ya's shoulder, and a slender scorpion tail came from him. It quietly protruded from the cuff of his hand, passed through the tough biological armor without hindrance, and pierced into Xi Ya's body.

Xi Ya wanted to struggle subconsciously, but suddenly her face changed, and a strange color flashed across her eyes.Her body trembled slightly, and the speed of wound recovery suddenly accelerated by at least three times, and her heart, which was already a little tired due to excessive blood loss, began to beat vigorously.But on the surface, the girl suddenly calmed down, curled up her minions and closed her eyes like a cat being comforted.

Although Little Langa is still in her infancy, she is a real landwalker royal cub, and the power hidden in her bloodline far exceeds that of Siya, who is of lower bloodline.This kind of power is not only manifested in the oppressive aspect, but in turn can lead to the hidden power in the low-level blood.

The bloodline of the landwalker is extremely powerful and inclusive, and can almost integrate the bloodline genes of all creatures in the world, and extract strengths from them to strengthen itself.Although the blood of the sword spider possessed by Xi Ya is low-level, it is a combat unit that has survived the evolution of the Landwalker tribe for thousands of years. Its potential can be imagined.Little Langa's royal bloodline is the key to unlock the genetic chain. As long as the composition of the injected hormone is slightly adjusted, the toxin that is fatal to humans will become a drug that stimulates the potential of the landwalker's bloodline.

Although Xi Ya's body is only gradually recovering from the injury on the surface, El, who is standing beside her, can detect with his keen perception that earth-shaking changes are taking place in her body.Strips of dark blue vein-like patterns spread from her heart, slowly but firmly wrapped around her limbs, until her neck and cheeks.Because this kind of pattern is hidden under the skin, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish it with the naked eye. The surrounding robbers are afraid of El's fierce name and dare not take a second look. No one noticed the abnormality for a while.

The dark blue pattern finally spread to the top of Xi Ya's head, and the look in the girl's eyes dimmed for a moment, and then was replaced by another strange color.In the depths of her eyes, a mysterious symbol full of vicissitudes of life emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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