rune hunter

Chapter 281

Chapter 281
The thunderous sound of horseshoes broke the dark silence, and the heavily armed knights marched slowly in a long dragon under the deserted moonlight.Except for the sound of horseshoes, the knights remained silent, but they were full of strength, looking like a pack of wolves walking on the ground at night.

The mountains on both sides of the road gradually rose, blocking the moonlight from the valley, and the road ahead was hidden in true darkness.The leading girl knight raised her arm to signal the troops to stop. She jumped off the horse and squatted on the ground, grabbed a handful of soil and put it near her nose to sniff carefully, with a look of caution in her eyes.

"All troops stop advancing and rest in place in this valley, and no open flames are allowed." Pallanti threw away the dirt and shook his hands, and quickly said to the knight behind him.

As this order continued to pass to the rear, the forward troops of the Istaron warriors spread out in all directions in a well-trained manner.For any regular army, night marching is a must-do homework in the military drills, but in fact, as long as the army can do this, it can be called a strong army.

The difference between Istaren warriors and those so-called strong troops is that the basic requirement of their drills is to be able to carry out night marches after small-scale engagements.Compared with the training they received at the beginning, this situation can be said to be more than enough.

"What happened? Why did you stop?" Following the troops of Istaron soldiers arriving one after another, El, who followed behind the troops, also came to the mouth of the valley. After looking at the surrounding situation, he couldn't help but frowned. asked with a frown.

"We are very close to them, and the soil on the ground still has their smell. Those centaurs will pass here for no more than three hours." Pallanti said with certainty.

"Very well, they definitely don't know that we came so fast. Even if they want a woman, they won't be so eager to rush overnight. The camp must be not far away." El nodded, agreeing with Pallanti's words judge.He got off his horse and sorted out his weapons and luggage, and said to Pallanti: "I'll go ahead to check the situation, and you can organize the rest of the follow-up troops."

"General! Army! Great! People!" Pallanti stared at El, and said word by word: "You put the commander's job on me, but you yourself are going to be a scout at this time?"

"It's just a personal interest." Ergan coughed and said with a smile: "What the commander has to do is to let professionals deal with professional issues. Isn't this called knowing people and doing things well? So Miss Pallanti, you have to obey orders. "

Lolita Knight gave a military salute expressionlessly, then turned and walked away with a cold face.El shrugged, untied a bundle of rope from his mount, and slipped into the shadows when no one was looking.

Ten minutes after the Istaron warriors entered the valley, General Hank led the night watchmen to catch up from behind.The night watchmen, who are also elite troops, have been fighting demons in the ancient ruins for thousands of years, so it is no problem to march in the night. It is only because they do not have horses that the speed of their march is hindered.

In the evening battle, El's troops suffered multiple casualties for the first time, but at least they were still within the acceptable range of losses.And the Night Watchmen who fought to the death with the Devil's Cult were really hurt this time, and even less than half of the soldiers who survived in the end were able to take up arms and fight.

With the strength exposed this time by the Devil's Cult, it would not have caused such terrible damage.However, the night watchman warriors are in a state of collapse of faith, and many of them are fighting indiscriminately and self-defeatingly, more than doubling the number of casualties that could have been controlled.

Born to fight and die in battle, this is the most basic glory of a true fighter. When they lose their spiritual support and are at a loss, it is not surprising to make such a choice.People who don't understand the glory of warriors are not qualified to comment on their right or wrong.

After experiencing such a high-intensity battle, the night watchman warriors also consumed a lot of physical strength, but when they heard that there was another fish that slipped through the net—another troop of the centaur tribe was planning to loot the exiles from Istaren However, General Hank followed up with his soldiers.

After the night watchman set up camp, Pallanti, who was thrown down by El to organize the defense, came over and invited General Hank and his current adjutant Kenan in the name of Miss Laurana.

Although naked flames cannot be used in order to avoid being discovered by the enemy, this kind of small problem is not difficult for Miss Laurana. She evenly sprinkles a layer of inconspicuous gray powder on the charcoal, so that the lighting effect produced by lighting it is very limited. It is impossible to find it outside the valley.Although it doesn't have much heating effect, it can make do with it if it is used as lighting.

Laurana was sitting by the dimly lit campfire, holding Quesaras' notebook, writing and drawing with charcoal pencils.Beside her was a special guest who was staring at the bonfire with a cup of coffee in a daze.

According to the rules of robbers, once you have committed an act of betrayal, you must have the awareness to bear the price.Roger originally planned to kill the golden hand, but Laurana exchanged the golden hand with the favor he owed El.

As the most powerful smuggler in the brown earth hills, the strength behind the golden hand really made Roger a little scrupulous, but at this time, it would be difficult to explain to his subordinates and women if he didn't kill him.At this time, the deal proposed by Laorana was equivalent to a step, and he couldn't wait for it, so he just threw out this hot potato.

Of course, Laurana is not the kind of good person full of justice and compassion. She also has her own purpose in saving some golden hands.So in the end, the two sides reached an agreement that Roger annexed the manpower and territory left by Golden Hand, and Laurana promised to take him outside the Brown Earth Hills.

As for whether Mr. Thomas has the courage to make a comeback in the future, that is not important to Roger and Laurana.

"Miss Laurana, why isn't General El here?" General Hank glanced around with the light, but didn't see El's figure, but saw that the Istaron warriors had already entered a resting state. His night watchman is indeed stronger by three points.

"My general doesn't worry too much. I'm making you laugh." Laurana shook her head helplessly. She put down her notebook and said with a smile, "We are not far from the enemy. General El has already gone to scout for information."

"The dignified general is going to be a scout himself?" General Hanke's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.As a commander, fighting side by side with one's soldiers through thick and thin is something one should do, but to be a scout himself?If something goes wrong, and the army doesn't even know how you died, how will you fight the next battle?
"Personal hobbies, personal hobbies!" El's voice suddenly came from a distance, and his figure quietly emerged from the darkness, carrying two pheasants with their necks broken.

"An unexpected harvest, there is a supper tonight." El smiled and threw the pheasant to Pallanti, ignoring the latter's murderous eyes, sat down next to Laurana, and said loudly: "Palanti Tee, I know you have good grilling skills, don't deny it, do you think I didn't see you sneaking last time? Get rid of these two chickens... well, it's an order! General Hank, you're still standing there doing it What, aren't you tired after driving for half the night?"

"Looking at your relaxed appearance, you seem to be in a good mood?" Seeing that El returned safely, General Hank tactfully did not continue to dwell on his dereliction of duty, and took Kenan to sit down.Everyone was in a hurry before, mainly because they were worried that the strength of the centaur army would pose a serious threat to the exile's team, but judging by El's current expression, the situation is obviously more optimistic than previously imagined.

"There are not many centaur troops, only about 500 people, and the camp is only six or seven kilometers away from us. Perhaps they think that another army can contain us, or that the exiles are easy to attack, so they don't They didn't send more troops, and they didn't have any vigilance... Compared with their southern neighbors, these guys have no experience and no technical content, and they just rely on their personal bravery to bully the weak and fear the strong."

Al shrugged, shook his head and smiled.

"The combat effectiveness of the five hundred centaur troops should not be underestimated. If we catch up and fight them head-on, we may not be able to take advantage." General Hanke thought carefully and said cautiously.

"There is no need to fight them head-on." El curled his lips and said disapprovingly: "Anyway, we are on the same road with them, just hang behind them and walk slowly. I guess they will not march in a hurry during the day, and speed up at our speed." You can keep up with just a little bit of footsteps.”

"We won't fight? Then what about the refugees you are protecting? If we want to follow behind without letting them find out, we must at least keep a distance of more than five kilometers. It will be too late..." General Hanke said Halfway through, seeing El's half-smile expression, he suddenly realized: "You also have a hole card?"

"I can't talk about the hole cards, but if I didn't settle the refugees well, how could I dare to go for a walk in the ancient ruins with Roger?" El glanced at the stables outside the camp, sighed and said: "Actually The reward for these hundreds of horses is not important, what is important is that we must show our deterrent strength, and those robbers can only completely dispel their crooked ideas when they witness it with their own eyes."

"Like Roger, you are a bastard who likes to hide cards, and you don't have any gambling products." General Hank snorted coldly.

"No, no, you're wrong, I'm not the same as him." El looked into General Hank's eyes and said meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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