rune hunter

Chapter 282 The Lion's Fangs

Chapter 282 The Lion's Fangs

The windy and sandy weather in the brown earth hills is also cruel to centaurs. The manes on their bodies will be tarnished, and then fall off, resulting in bare skin. This symptom is similar to human skin ringworm. Although it is not fatal, it is very disgusting.So this is also an important reason why the centaur tribe can live in peace with other aborigines so far—only in the area on the north bank of the Thorn River close to the Black Forest of the Yunlu Mountains, the climatic conditions are suitable for their survival.

"Grey Mane" Delta snorted subconsciously, stretched out his hand and vigorously dug the sand in his nostrils, galloped down from the top of the hill, and returned to the team.He heard many young people complaining about the damn wind and sand. Although he felt the same in his heart, as the leader of this tribal coalition army, he must always remember to maintain his majesty.

It has been the third day since they crossed the Thorn River. According to the report from the people in charge of the investigation ahead, they have caught clues to the target, but Delta is still not in a very cheerful mood.If it is not necessary, the centaur tribes who advocate freedom will generally not unite, let alone come to the south of the Brown Earth Hills to eat sand.

But the problem now is that the sudden parasitic disease has caused serious attrition to the centaur tribe, and most of them are women and young children with weak resistance.Although adult centaur warriors can rely on their strong physical strength to counteract the invasion of the disease, they still have to face the problem of an unbalanced sex ratio between men and women in the tribe. The number of female centaurs has dropped sharply to a dangerous level. To affect the reproduction of the tribe.

According to ancient historical records, once this happens, the centaur tribe will suffer catastrophe, unless they can find enough female humanoids—of course, the most suitable ones are humans with strong bloodlines, so that they can gradually alleviate this crisis.

However, at this time, a highly credible news came from the south. It was said that a team of human refugees was about to pass through the brown earth hills, and among the refugees were a large number of human women.For the centaur tribe that is in trouble, this is simply a timely rain.

Delta was not worried about the authenticity of this news, because the information sent by the other party this time was very detailed and sincere, and he even kindly reminded them that the human army protecting this refugee team was equally powerful, even the Bandit King They didn't dare to make a move easily.But this problem is not a problem for the centaur. The powerful centaur has seen the real combat effectiveness of the southern bandits, and has absolute confidence in its own strength.

What really disturbed him was another army that was responsible for diverting attention.Although the order given by that army was to attract attention and delay time, but there was no news after a whole day, which is a bit too unusual.

The centaur worships nature and admires the divine will in the dark, and his intuition tells him that some things seem to be beyond his expectations, and his future path has cast a shadow at some point.These ominous premonitions made Delta uneasy. He knew that the most sensible choice at this time should be to retreat immediately, or at least stop to assess the situation before proceeding with the next plan.

But the problem is still... As the leader of the Centaur Tribal Coalition, he must ensure his majesty.Any conservative attitude on such a big issue of life and death of the tribe will be regarded as a sign of cowardice.The centaur tribe had no way out at this time, even if they knew there was a risk, they had to go forward bravely.

A puff of smoke rose from the horizon ahead, and Delta narrowed his eyes to take a closer look... He wasn't sure what he saw, but judging by the way the smoke floated up, it should be his scouts.Although centaurs have shooting talents, their eyesight has a blemish, that is, it is only limited to a range of 500 meters, which is simply a joke.

There is nothing Delta can do about this race's natural defect, but fortunately, he has enough experience, and he can probably make a guess, so when others were about to shoot their bows and arrows, he stretched out his hand to stop them, and he laughed. Said: "That's our scout! Looking at the running posture of his splayed legs, he must be that kid Gulala!"

However, even the leader Delta who is known for his rich experience would not notice that the biggest problem caused by the centaur's bad eyesight is actually not their shooting distance, but that when their scouts find the target trace, they will often They will be found by the enemy.

"Those centaurs are coming! There are about 500 of them!" As early as 10 minutes ago, the Istaren exiles had received the information from the scouts, and because they had been warned in advance and the scouts were relatively more professional, they obtained The information is more substantial than what the centaur has learned.On the battlefield, it is often such a small intelligence gap that will affect the progress of the entire battle situation.

"Don't stop the team, keep going! Tiana immediately ordered, she got the news through the communication crystal a day ago, and she has already made all the preparations. Although Laurana just put forward a conjecture, but Tiana also gave her full confidence.

"Mr. Ahmed, I'll leave the rest to you," Tiana stood on the carriage and watched the smoke and dust rising in the distance, then lowered her head and said to the middle-aged officer.

"As long as there are no strong men of the silver rank in the opponent's army, it is only a matter of time before they are defeated." Ahmed raised his eyebrows and looked at Tiana meaningfully and said with a smile: "Of course, even if the opponent has a strong man in command, it is not considered a A question, as long as you take the initiative, ma'am."

"I will take action." Tiana nodded and said: "Not only me, but General El and his troops are about to return. Although the exact time is not certain, I guess they should have followed by this time. We will do our best Take action and completely defeat these evildoers."

"If this is the case, can you please grant me a request?" Ahmed pondered for a moment, then asked with some hesitation: "Ms. Ranstadt, you are the most powerful magician I have ever seen, I have also seen your ability in organizing and mobilizing, and it is definitely more reliable than General El... But if you want to play your best role in this battle, I hope you can follow my command."

"You have been praised. Everyone has their own strengths. Although General El has not received real military training, his judgment on the battle situation is far beyond what anyone can compare. I think this is also an important reason why you chose to support him. Tiana shook her head and smiled, "As for myself, although I don't mind obeying your command and dispatch, but before that, I think you should first know what kind of benefits a magician can bring to the army."

"Actually, I have an immature idea." Ahmed said with a serious face: "I asked Master Apache to do a divination in the morning, and the result of the divination showed that we will win, but we still need some auxiliary conditions... ..."

"The centaur troops are starting to speed up!" In the valley ten kilometers away from the exiles' team, a scout also made a report.El, who was lying dozing on the rock wall, suddenly opened his eyes, turned over and jumped up, slapped his buttocks and laughed, "They must have found the target, so they started a short-distance sprint, now it's time for us to set off!"

"Wait a minute, aren't you afraid of being discovered when you go out like this?" General Hank stopped El and asked cautiously.

"If they are in a relaxed state, they can easily detect the tremors coming from the ground, so we need to wait until they start running by themselves. At this time, they will neither pay attention to their feet nor pay attention to their back. Good opportunity." El explained patiently.

As a centaur tribe advocating the laws of nature, there is no essential difference in their behavior from ordinary beasts.When those carnivorous beasts lie quietly in the grass and hide their minions, it is the most dangerous state.And their weakness lies in the moment they pounce on their prey, because of their full concentration, they lose their defenses.The so-called praying mantis catching cicada and oriole are actually talking about this rather terrible habit.

"What do you need us to do?" General Hank asked in a deep voice. The night watchmen warriors don't have mounts, so they will definitely not participate in El's pursuit.But he knew that El would definitely make arrangements for them.

"Stay in this valley, prepare rocks and ditches. If those centaurs are defeated, this is the only way for them to escape." El pointed to the ground under his feet, and said solemnly: "I don't want You don't want to see any captives, and you don't want to see any panting centaurs, if there are any remaining troops fleeing back, you must kill them all!"

"You treat me like a beggar?" Hearing that he was only in charge of cleaning the battlefield, General Hanke's face was a bit ugly.

"I've always believed in a truth. Face is something that I have always earned myself." El shrugged and said, "Do you know why those robbers are afraid of me? Is it because Roger treats me well? Of course not, because All the guys who dared to provoke me have been killed by me. General Hank, the outside world is chaotic, and we all have to work hard to survive. If you want to prove your worth, you have to speak with facts."

Ten minutes later, two hundred Eastalenian cavalry rushed out of the valley and killed the centaur tribe without hesitation.Just as Tiana was sure that El would arrive on the battlefield in time, El was also very sure that under the leadership of Tiana and Ahmad, the troops remaining on the side of the exiles would definitely defeat the centaur.

The sound of the white lion's horn spread far and wide, symbolizing that the lion of Istaren showed its fangs again.

(End of this chapter)

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