rune hunter

Chapter 283 Unilateral Massacre

Chapter 283 Unilateral Massacre
From ancient times to the present, countless powerful races have run amok on this land, but their rise and decline are equally rapid. In the end, only humans occupy the continent and become the undisputed rulers.

Compared with other powerful races, human bodies are not strong, but they have wisdom, are good at learning and summarizing experience, and have an insatiable desire and a reproductive ability that is as strong as a land walker. The combination of these three is this The most basic reason for racial prosperity.

An adult centaur warrior could brutally kill ten ordinary humans holding weapons, but if the other party were replaced by fully armed elite soldiers, they might only be able to deal with two people at most.Centaurs rely on their limited archery talent to be arrogant, but they will never understand that this primitive weapon has limited lethality for professional human troops.

Especially when their weaknesses have been mastered by humans, the balance of strength between the two sides will immediately tilt.But to be honest, these centaurs trapped in the wilderness didn't even understand what a terrifying enemy they had chosen.

The harsh environment has cultivated a sturdy folk, but it also limits their vision. The centaurs regard the bandits in the south of the Brown Earth Hills as the standard for measuring human combat effectiveness. This stupid negligence will eventually bring fatal Evil consequences.

Delta's intestines were green with regret, and when the dazzling light burst out in the sky, he knew that today he might have encountered a difficult nut to crack.It is not terrible to fall into a trap, what is terrible is that the strength of the target is far beyond imagination.Thinking about it now, there is indeed a problem with the information about this refugee team!
Beautiful women are also a rare resource in the eyes of the robbers in the south. Those hyenas who have no bottom line and unscrupulous methods will ignore such a fat sheep and slip away from under their noses?Don't use the nonsense that the Sahara Flame Conference doesn't allow fighting as an excuse. In the face of sufficient interests, those robbers can even betray their own fathers. Why don't they dare to do it?
When thinking of this, Delta closed his eyes in pain, he finally realized the problem that the entire centaur tribe had neglected.Of course, the hyena cannot let go of the plump rabbit. Only a passing lion can make them restrain their greedy minions.This is the cruelest food chain law of nature, but the centaur tribe, who claim to follow nature, was blinded by the immediate interests and subconsciously ignored such obvious hints.

The sudden burst of light blinded the centaur warriors, and the ensuing rain of arrows hit them head-on.Delta's heart was beating wildly, never in his fifty years of life had he experienced such a distinct sense of foreboding.He could clearly feel the power hidden in that ray of light and the rain of arrows, which was no less powerful than that of the great elder of the tribe. According to the legend, there was more than one strong man who stepped into the silver realm.

After realizing this, Delta decisively blew the horn on his waist, giving an order to retreat immediately.Although his eyes were still gray and he couldn't see the surrounding scene clearly, and he could only hear the dying cries of his clansmen, but he could feel the depressing threats coming from both sides of the ridge. Judging from my years of accumulated experience, it is likely to be a tactic of outflanking by human soldiers.

"Retreat! Retreat! Run even if you can't see me!" Sensing the hesitation of the people around him, Delta couldn't help but cursed: "Run! We've been caught in a trap! We've been tricked!"

The sudden blow filled the young centaur's heart with anger, but under the severe reprimand of the commander, they finally turned their horses around.However, such a short moment of hesitation had already wasted the best chance to escape, as a cloud of arrow rain covered their heads again, and the Istaren knights ambushing on both sides also rushed forward. Sandwich the centaur tribe's team in the middle.

Bows and arrows and horsepower were originally the natural strengths of centaurs, but now they are used by humans and turned into deadly weapons.The centaur warriors who had a trace of blood lost their courage to fight the moment they started to escape. The centaur tribe's team scattered under the rain of arrows and became disorganized. In addition, the cavalry on both sides The formation suddenly collapsed and turned into a farce of rout.

The tactics used by Ahmed are not complicated, and the most risky element is that at the beginning, you need to gamble on the habits of centaurs.If he hadn't made a special divination in the morning, he would not have chosen such a risky and weird method.But in any case, this plan has reaped results beyond imagination.The centaur tribe, which originally possessed a strong fighting force, turned around and ran away, turning the tough battle that the Istaron warriors were looking forward to into a one-sided massacre.

Delta didn't feel that his choice was wrong. He took the lead and led the tribe to break through the blockade of the human knights, completely ignoring the pursuit behind him, and fled desperately in the direction he came from with his head down.The ominous omen he sensed until now still has no contact, and it has become more and more intense, so that he has vaguely seen his own Death Star.

So in order to survive, and for the tribe's fighters to survive as much as possible, he must escape at all costs and break through the encirclement of the enemy.

"Lord Delta, there is no way for us to continue running like this, we should turn around and fight those treacherous humans!" A young centaur approached Delta and shouted loudly, pulling its neck.

He didn't get an answer from Delta. Just as he was talking loudly with his head tilted, a sharp arrow pierced his head. The young centaur's body weighing nearly [-] kilograms suddenly stagnated while running, and his neck couldn't help it. The ground bent back at a full ninety-degree angle, and even the body flew off the ground.

Where did this arrow... come from?Delta watched the best fighters of the younger generation in the tribe die before his eyes, and his back was soaked in cold sweat in an instant.He didn't want to think about the answer to that question, because that answer would take away any remaining courage in him.

The long trumpet sounded on the northern hills, which was the direction the centaur had come from.Hearing the long sound of the horn, all the centaur warriors shuddered subconsciously. They seemed to see the phantom of a white lion roaring calmly between the sky and the earth, and then lowered their heads and cast their eyes on themselves.

Delta looked up and saw a human cavalry appearing on the hill. They were wearing the same armor and equipment as the pursuers behind them, but their momentum was completely different.The moment they lined up in two lines and charged from the hill, a substantive white shimmer shone from the feet of the horses, and they were connected to each other, looking like a giant white beast from a distance. It opened its bloody mouth wide, baring its fangs and slamming at its prey.

"Rush over! Otherwise we will all die!" The desire to survive made Delta burst out with the final bravery, he shouted, and led the remaining centaur warriors under him to charge without hesitation.When this human cavalry appeared, he knew in his heart that he had no chance of surviving today.But these young people who followed him were the future hope of the centaur tribe, and they must not be allowed to be buried here.

Even if only half of them can escape, the centaurs have no natural enemies in the north of the brown earth hills. As long as the bloodline continues, they will have a chance to restore the glory of the tribe one day!With such thoughts in mind, Delta rushed to the front of all the soldiers with the thought of dying, and faced the leader of the human cavalry head-on.

The two sides passed by each other in an instant, Delta's head flew high, and his body crashed to the ground.Fenghen trembled slightly, and wiped off the blood stained on the blade. He was very dissatisfied with the blood of this prey—it seemed that only the blood of the silver rank, or those who were at the peak of silver, could bring him pleasure. .

Feeling Fenghen's silent accusation, El couldn't help but shook his head, the silver strong is not a cabbage in the field, how can he be an ordinary character that can be encountered casually?He settled down and focused his attention on the next centaur warrior in front of him.He didn't expect Tiana and Ahmed to arrange such a wonderful battle plan, directly defeating this centaur team, and he only got the job of cleaning the battlefield after working so hard to come here.

But since they are enemies, El has no reason to feel sorry for their stupidity. It is the best choice for him to be able to defeat the enemy while ensuring the minimum loss.It's just that if it's just a defeat, it's hard to say whether these centaurs will hold grudges and entangle themselves endlessly.So it's better to take advantage of the current opportunity to wipe out this centaur army, so that everyone can sit back and relax.

Hearing the sound of the lion's tooth horn in the distance, General Hank, who was ambushing on the only way for the centaur to retreat, sighed. Based on his intuition as a soldier, he knew that he might not gain much today.The strength of the Istaren people far exceeded his expectations. Since this army dared to escort the refugee team through the majestic brown earth hills, it showed that they were not afraid of any wolves, tigers and leopards on this land.

"Hey, old buddy!" Thomas, who was thrown beside him with his hands behind his back, suddenly said, "It's convenient..."

"Why do you think they left you?" General Hank didn't look back, sighed and said in a deep voice, "Those young people are not simple at all, and they left you as a test for me."

"It's impossible, how would they know..." Dian Jinshou subconsciously shook his head, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but froze.

"There has never been a troop that does not need logistical supplies. As long as you are a soldier, you will understand this truth. And the forces that can deliver supplies to the Night Watchmen in the Brown Earth Hills must also be inseparable from the Truth Society. When you attack that little girl By the time I was there, I had already exposed my details. Since then, the tone of their speech to me has been obviously different, and it is obvious that they have discovered the problem."

General Hank smiled bitterly: "Because I didn't tell them your identity, I lost their trust. Sorry, my old friend, I have to take care of these hundreds of mouths, so I can't let you go."

Thomas shrugged pretending not to care, but after turning his head, a drop of cold sweat involuntarily flowed down his forehead.In his mind, the mysterious smile of the hooded girl appeared involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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