rune hunter

Chapter 284 Return to Reality

Chapter 284 Return to Reality
Seeing the blue sky and breathing clean air again, El's mood brightened immediately.The weather is getting cooler in autumn, and the wheat fields on both sides of the road have begun to turn yellow. It looks like they will be harvested in another month.This year's grain growth is good, and if there are no accidents, it will definitely be another bumper harvest year.For the vast majority of civilians living in this world, this is the beauty they most want to see in their lives.

The Istaron exiles finally left the cursed land and returned to the human world they were familiar with. After experiencing all kinds of hardships, the children finally showed relaxed smiles on their faces, but the wind and sand also affected them. Tough marks were left on the face.

For a whole day, El just lay on the roof of the carriage, basking in the sun motionless. The sunshine in autumn was so abundant that people couldn't keep their eyes open, so he simply buried his head and fell asleep.The journey in the brown earth hills is already extremely difficult for ordinary people, but the responsibilities on his shoulders are even heavier, and he has experienced a series of hard battles along the way, which can be said to be physically and mentally exhausting.He doesn't want to think about anything now, he just wants to rest quietly on the soft straw stack.

Another guest was added to Laurana's carriage. Thomas, the Gold Spotter, received special preferential treatment because of his hidden identity. He could rest in the carriage during the daytime journey, and he was also treated extravagantly with a cup of hot tea.But at this time, the eldest lady will invite all the gray goblins out of the car, and then let the kobold Apache be in charge of driving, and Pallanti will guard the side of the carriage, and will kill anyone who looks suspicious.

When El rescued Sia, he didn't realize that Thomas had hidden another identity, and it was only after Laurana reminded him that he suddenly realized it.His purpose of exchanging some golden hands from Roger was just to take a fancy to his connections as a smuggler, considering that after he left the brown earth hills, he might be able to get this guy to help a little.But Laurana obviously has a bigger goal. She hopes to get information about the Truth Society from Thomas.

After escaping from Istaren, both El and Laurana thought they had escaped from the clutches of the Truth Society. After all, in their view, the surviving orphans and widows were meaningless to the mysterious and powerful Truth Society.A male lion may hunt hares, but he is never interested in ant nests, at most, for pissing.The distance between the two sides in the food chain is too far away, and there is no possibility of communication at all.

However, reality taught them a cruel lesson. When Quesaras appeared, Laurana deeply realized the unreasonable madness of truth and its ubiquitous tentacles.Now that fate has arranged for two unpleasant encounters, it is not surprising that there should be a third encounter.Just in case, Laurana decided to start to learn more about the movement of the Truth Society.

In fact, when it comes to the understanding of the Truth Society, General Hank, as the commander of the Night Watch, is an internal member of the Truth Society, while Thomas, the Golden Hand, only took on the task of transporting logistics supplies, so he can only be regarded as a non-staff member.However, although General Hank's behavior of concealing Thomas' true identity is understandable, it also reminds El that he cannot truly trust him.On the other hand, he has been stationed here as the commander of the Night Watch for decades, and he really doesn't know much about the current internal situation of the Truth Society.

"So why do you think you can get information about the Truth Society from me?" Dian Jinshou shook his head, put down his teacup and smiled wryly: "Miss Laurana, you should know what kind of organization Truth is, they only It will attract talents with excellent talents, and a smuggling businessman like me is just a small role of running errands. Don't talk about them, even if you are an employer, you will not give the details to a businessman who is not on the table like me. ?”

"On the contrary, I think a successful businessman must know his employer well, and you are obviously such a successful businessman." Laurana tilted her head and smiled, "Of course I also know that this is really difficult , so all I need is your...account book from the Truth Society!"

"Account book?" Thomas' eyes changed, and he carefully looked at the girl sitting opposite him, with a meaningful smile on his face: "I'm so disrespectful, I didn't expect Miss Laurana to be in the same company."

"Outsiders will never know that for a businessman, the ledger is the most important source of information. Even if you swore an oath to keep secrets at the Truth Society, or signed any contract, it is all related to your ledger. It doesn't matter, because it means nothing to outsiders." Laurana said softly.

"As you said, only those truly successful businessmen have the ability to get what they want from a mere ledger. Your wisdom has reached such a level, and I am deeply impressed." Thomas looked at Laurana Unknowingly, there was a bit of respect and fear in his eyes.

"Your request is indeed very reasonable, but...the next time I came out in a hurry, I didn't bring that account with me." He pondered for a while, and said with some hesitation.

"Mr. Thomas, there is no need for us to go around. You are our prisoner now, and you are not qualified to negotiate terms." Laurana smiled lightly, showing cute little canine teeth at the corners of her mouth, and said in a low voice: "If you If we can correctly realize our current situation and clarify our position...then there is no possibility of cooperation between us."

"Of course I am very clear that you will not let me go." Thomas snorted coldly, and said with a bitter face: "I already know that you and the truth will have problems, and you will not let me disclose the news to the truth."

"I'm glad you're aware of this, but I have to say that your mind hasn't been fully opened yet." Laurana picked up the teapot, refilled Thomas with hot water, and continued with a smile: "It's not actually We have trouble with the truth, but the truth itself is going mad, and I think you have seen that too. Why can't we let you go? Why should we be afraid of you reporting to the truth? Before you reveal yourself to the truth Why don’t you consider the gains and losses of interests before your loyalty... Yes, it is interests, we are all businessmen, and businessmen talk about integrity, never loyalty.”

Al dug his ears, turned over and buried his head in the straw, deliberately lowering his sensitive hearing.A black hearted businessman lady is enough for him to have a headache. Now that two profiteers get together, there is black venom flowing out of their mouths. If they listen to it, they will feel that their spirit will be polluted.Now that he knew Laurana's plan, he didn't have the heart to continue to pay attention to this matter.No matter how many lunatics there are in the Truth Society, it is impossible to be so crazy that they line up to trouble him, so he decided to continue his rare vacation and relax his brain and muscles at the same time.

However, this beautiful wish is destined to be hard to come true. It didn't take long...or maybe a long time later, when El was already in a drowsy sleep, the sudden magical fluctuations around him woke him up from his dream.He tried his best to open his eyes and took a look, and saw a mirror erected in front of him.You don't need to guess and know that there will be no second person in this team who can use magic to connect with him.

"We have received a letter from Churkin, and he has agreed to our request." Tiana's voice came from the other end of the mirror, the girl's voice was low and soft, almost bringing El back to sleep middle.

"Hmm... good news." Al rubbed his eyes and replied in a daze.

"There is also bad news. According to the report of the scouts, there are many refugees in front of us. According to those refugees, the plague has spread throughout the northern part of the Oakland Kingdom, and now the kingdom is in a state of panic." Tiana's The voice became serious.

"Hmm... Isn't this what we expected?" El turned over and said vaguely with his eyes closed.

The plague and natural disaster broke out from the north, and first swept through the seven northern counties headed by the Timberwolf Ranstadt family. However, due to their remote location, they never received the attention of the upper echelons of the kingdom.When the plague crossed the natural barrier of the Yunlu Mountains, the entire northern region of the Oakland Kingdom fell into a dangerous situation.

Originally, relying on the power of the Temple of Life and the White Lion Family, the spread of the plague could be completely suppressed, even in the face of the black hands behind the spread of the plague.But I didn't expect that the Truth Society would sell out its teammates at such a critical moment.After the fall of Istaron, the northern part of the Kingdom of Auckland was equivalent to a wide open door, and there was no other force that could stop the plague from attacking.

It was for this reason that El and Tiana decided to take a detour to the brown hills.Although the harsh ecological environment along the way caused considerable losses to the exiles, it successfully blocked the plague's footsteps.Even if it is the plague and natural disaster that represents death, it is also helpless to face the brown earth hills where birds do not shit and no grass grows.

"There is even worse news." Tiana was silent for a while, then said in a low voice,
"Huh...huh? Can we be more unlucky? The group of psychopaths from the Truth Society have come to the door again?" El sat up and rubbed his head in pain.Tiana's words directly dispelled his drowsiness. He knew that the girl's character had always been strong, and if it was a trouble she could solve by herself, she would never use her own strength.

"I just got a definite news that our next destination - Sword Castle has closed the gates, and no refugees are allowed to enter." Tiana said.

"Uh...then just kill them." El blurted out nonchalantly. He had stayed in the brown earth hills for a long time and killed too many people, which made him almost forget the rules of the civilized world.

"Good idea, but it's not feasible." Tiana replied seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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