rune hunter

Chapter 286 Young Ryan

Chapter 286 Young Ryan
The teenagers didn't get the chance to beat up the homeless man, and the idiot who dared to grab the bread from the child didn't have to go three steps away before his body flew up.A quick arrow suddenly appeared in his chest and took his life.The boy opened his mouth wide, turned his head slowly, and found that there was a man in his carriage at some point.

Strictly speaking, the man was not much older than them, even if he was also called a teenager, it would not be an exaggeration.But even the naughtiest of kids wouldn't treat him like a peer.

"General... Lord General?" The young man trembled, and the wooden stick in his hand fell to the ground with a plop.In fact, when he saw the arrow, he already had the answer in his heart, but the close contact with the person he admired and admired still made his heart surge. It's all bad.

"Yo, it's amazing. I remember you, and your sister." El lay lazily on the carriage, rubbed the head of the little girl beside him and smiled, "You're the kid who isn't afraid of me, and you're so special." Catch earthworms, right? Let me see... what's your name?"

"My name is Ren, General!" the boy blushed and said loudly.

"Ren? That's right. He has a future. He knows how to find a girl for himself at such a young age." El took a meaningful look at the little girl kneeling under the carriage who was so frightened that he forgot to cry, and lifted her up. Putting her on the carriage, she wiped her crying face with her sleeve, looked at her carefully and nodded and said, "He is indeed a beautiful woman. It is indeed a good deal to exchange such a beautiful wife with a piece of bread."

"What are you talking about..." Ren curled his lips disapprovingly, "Master General, I suddenly thought of an idea."

Seeing the expression of the boy curling his lips, El vaguely felt a little familiar, subconsciously curled his lips, and suddenly realized that the kid was actually imitating his movements.He coughed and asked seriously: "What's your idea, tell me?"

"I thought this guy was a local." Ren pointed to the little girl who was picked up, with a helpless expression on his face: "A little girl like her can't run very far by herself. Right, my lord? If she is a local, it means there must be a village nearby, and there will be food in the village."

"You're a quick brain." El nodded with satisfaction, and stretched out a thumb to Renn, but before the boy could get carried away, he patted the little girl's head and continued. : "But it's not enough to have a brain, you need to have eyesight. Look at this little guy, the clothes on his body have been torn, his bones are starved, and his face is covered with mud. It is obvious that she I have been away from my family for a long time, and it is not easy to live until now."

"That's right, my lord! Think about it, at least this guy survived." Ryan shouted with bright eyes: "Look at the many refugees around, they don't have as many as we have prepared Didn’t the food reserves still survive? There must be something to eat around here, no matter what, it must be better than the earthworms in the crevices of the rocks!”

"Huh? Your idea is interesting." El's eyes lit up when he heard what Ren said, and he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.If it is only a matter of food sources, there is no need to worry about it now.There is no need to worry about the food reserves on Tiana's side for the time being, and although the army has added a group of idiots, it is not a problem to have the perfect combination of Mr. Apache, a wild gourmet, and Mr. Wesley, a gold medal chef.

Compared with the brown earth hills where birds do not lay eggs, the territory near Sword Castle is as fertile as paradise.Especially now that it has entered autumn, it is the season when the fruits are ripe.Although the dealer is not yet mature, there is no shortage of other ingredients.The fields are full of small animals running to store winter grain, voles and grouse are slowly getting fat, and the scarecrows standing tall in the farmland can't drive away groups of crows.

But in fact, these small things are usually attractive enough to children, and for the more than 2000 strong men under his command, they are not enough to get between the teeth.Under the leadership of the kitchen duo, the Eastalen warriors stuffed almost all the things they could replenish and swallow into their stomachs along the way, but even so, they could at most maintain a three-point full state. Don't even think about it.

When El led three hundred warriors to accompany Roger to kill people, before he left, he ate a full meal with the tragic feeling of farewell. After escaping from the ground, the carnival feast that night made Roger His face turned green from eating.Don't look at the mountains of gold and silver in his arms, he still can't get food in that ghostly place.

Even the robber's family has no food left these days, and everyone's life is difficult, so it's not surprising that General Hank led the night watchman troops to live under the fence.

Although Ren has a quick mind, he is still young after all, and his lack of vision is understandable.Perhaps for him, the king of children, being able to catch a few rabbits under the trap is a major victory.Although El was not much older than him, but as a general, he had to consider more issues.Although what Ren said sounded naive, it opened up a new way of thinking for him.

El turned his head and looked at the refugees surrounding the convoy with meaningful eyes.The exile's ranks would never stop without his or Tiana's orders.And these groups of refugees did not dare to get too close to the rolling wheels, for fear of being hit under the wheels and directly crushed to death.The little girl picked up by El was a special case—she lay on the side of the road and failed to get up when the others were dodging the convoy. Fortunately, she met a "good guy" before being crushed to death.

What Ryan noticed was only the problem of these refugees escaping here alive, because for a child, after experiencing the wind and sand of the brown earth hills, he will have a personal experience of the difficulty of the long journey.But what El noticed was another problem. He found that there seemed to be some unstable factors hidden among these refugees.

As the saying goes, dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry, and when people are forced to do nothing, they will often do whatever it takes to survive.Don't look at these refugees kneeling pitifully in the dirt and begging to pray. The homeless man who snatched the little girl's bread just now is one of them.If there were no armed guards in this team, maybe these guys would turn into beasts in the next moment.

The arrow that El just shot stunned the nearby refugees. After the homeless man fell, all the surrounding refugees either ran away or lay on the ground trembling and not daring to look up. This is a normal reaction.It's just that with El's keen perception, he can feel that there are a few malicious eyes still lingering around the team.They are afraid of the majesty of the archers and dare not show their faces, but their relentless determination looks like the most annoying hyena in the wasteland.

"Interesting, is this considered natural selection? You can't underestimate these people who escaped from the plague..." El sighed silently in his heart.An ordinary vole is certainly not worth the trouble, but if the mouse is fat and big enough, it will be a good appetizer.

El was still thinking about it. On the other hand, Renn had handed the bread back to the little girl's hands—of course, it was impossible for him to not have extra reserves.This time the little girl didn't hesitate anymore, she opened her mouth wide and took a bite, stuffing her mouth full, puffing out her cheeks like a squirrel and looking at Ren.

"Don't worry, I didn't save you just now because I didn't count. Now that the general has saved you, no one will dare to touch you, you know!" Ren took the water bag on the carriage and handed it to the little girl, with a serious expression on his face. There was a smirk on the face: "Swallow the bread, tell me your name, and then tell me, where can I get food? Who can get food?"

"What can she know as a child?" El came back to his senses, and couldn't help saying, looking at Ren's treacherous expression.

"Master General, don't underestimate this kind of brat." Ren raised his head and smiled at El: "I can tell by looking at her eyes that she is a person with a story!"

"Aren't you a brat too? Bastard!" El beat his head angrily and cursed: "Also, who did you learn this kind of crazy thing from?"

"Eh? Isn't that what the storybooks say?" Ryan looked surprised.

"Have you ever read a book?" El also looked at Ren in surprise, thinking that I had never seen what a book looked like when I was a child, and was just listening to the bard in the tavern.You kid has the talent to play hooligans, but you are also educated?The future is limitless! "

While the two of them were staring at each other, the little girl who was squatting aside finally slid the bread down with the water.She patted her chest hard, let out a long breath, turned her head and whispered, "Yes..."

"Ah? What's the matter?" El didn't respond, and asked casually.

"There is food, it's everywhere." The little girl stood up and pointed to the endless wheat fields on both sides of the road.

"You mean wheat? Isn't it still ripe?" Ren asked in a daze.

"Unripe wheat can be eaten when it is roasted." The little girl nodded vigorously.

"Can you eat roasted wheat?" El opened his mouth wide, and suddenly discovered that the potential of human wisdom is indeed infinite.He is a hunter in the mountains, and he has never grown wheat. He only knows that this kind of crops are harvested and then husked and crushed before they can be turned into flour to make bread.He subconsciously looked at Ren, and found that the kid also had an expression of "I'm from the city, how could I know!".

At this moment, a group of snow-white alpacas flew across the minds of the two of them at the same time.

"Then why don't you eat it?" Even in the shock, Al grasped the point keenly.

 I caught a cold again two days ago, please forgive me...

(End of this chapter)

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