rune hunter

Chapter 287 The Significance of Roasted Wheat

Chapter 287 The Significance of Roasted Wheat
The little girl has a nice name called Momo. Maybe it's just a nickname her parents used to call her, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that this child is indeed a person with a story.

El had to admit that the kid named Renn caught a very interesting clue like a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.According to his brain and luck, it is a proper protagonist in the bard's story.

In addition, he was particularly saddened to find that there are many people around him who look like the hero protagonist who can be written into a long epic, such as Tiana, such as Antonio, such as Roger... only himself except.

Momo is seven years old this year, by the way, Ren is 11 years old, and his sister Vera is a little older than Momo.Those two brats were from the city, and even because their father was a middle-level military officer, they could still read, and they were barely considered half nobles.And Momo is a child who grew up in the countryside, and she had a mother until three days ago.

The mother and Momo escaped from Ensta County, where the plague broke out in the west, and wanted to go to Sword Castle to find relatives, but on the way to Sword Castle, they encountered a group of rogue bullies...or more precisely, It was Baron Farah, owner of all the farmland around here.Baron Farah is the master of this territory and has a manor nearby.He has kept a lot of private soldiers in the manor, and he will lead soldiers out to patrol every day, and does not allow any refugees to stay in his territory... Of course, there may be exceptions if it is a young and beautiful girl.

So on a stormy night, Momo lost her mother.

From Momo's simple description, El can judge that her mother must be a beautiful and intelligent lady.Needless to say the reason for her beauty, the reason why she is said to be smart is because this woman pulled a seven-year-old child to escape from the pile of dead people who were the most serious plague outbreak, and taught her daughter a lot of practical knowledge—such as It is said that wheat can be roasted and eaten.

Wheat can be roasted and eaten. This is the survival wisdom inspired by human beings from adversity. Although it sounds simple, its importance is self-evident.Such a simple knowledge, if popularized, will save many refugees who are on the verge of life and death!
Knowledge in this world is in the hands of the upper class as an intangible wealth, and the common people in the lower class have neither culture nor willingness to learn culture.If you put a book in front of a blacksmith, there is a 90.00% chance that he will throw the book straight into the furnace and burn it.

This is a world protected by the gods, and common people do not need and should not master knowledge and their own thoughts.

Therefore, in this era, almost everyone's understanding of wheat, whether urbanites or countrymen, is limited to its final product.Even farmers who cultivate the land only know how to sow and harvest according to the rules set by their ancestors.Except for a very few foodies, few people really know that immature wheat can be used for barbecue - can it be eaten without being ground into flour?

Mr. Apache, the kobold geomancer, also expressed his regret about this. It is not that he has never tried the wheat ears on the roadside, but the end result is that he was pierced and his mouth was bleeding.Due to some blind spots in thinking, this possibility was completely ignored.

Mr. Wesley also expressed his regret. As an ethical cook, he does not allow himself to cook immature crops, because even if the taste is not considered, many immature crops contain toxins and are not suitable for consumption. .

Miss Laurana also expressed regret that, as a wise person, she had not considered such details.

Leonard said with some embarrassment that he actually tried it when he was a child, but he was beaten up by his father in the name of wasting food because he did it back then. He didn't dare to try it again, and he forgot it over time.

So he received a group of eyes mixed with admiration and disdain.

"Wait a minute! My lords, what are you trying to do here?" Ren took his wooden stick and tapped on the carriage board, and shouted suspiciously: "Why do you all look so serious? Do you seem to be discussing the issue of roasted wheat?”

The kitchen group, Laurana, Pallanti and Timmy, Leonard and his adjutant Rosen, and Kenan on the night watchman's side, except for those who are in charge of daily military affairs, almost half of the senior military Gathered here under El's call, and listened to his nonsense with seriousness.

"It's not a simple matter of toasting wheat, kid." El said with a serious face. "There is a beautiful and intelligent lady who has fallen into the clutches of villains, and those of us who have indirectly benefited from her must save her." Get out of the sea of ​​bitterness."

"That's right, it is our unshirkable duty as knights to save this lady." Kenan, who insisted on believing in chivalry, nodded and said seriously.He was basically like this before, so others generally can't see any flaws now.

"Don't you need to consider the attitude of Sword Castle?" Leonard hesitated and asked in a low voice.

"You all know that there is no door open at Sword Fort. Now I heard that tens of thousands of refugees have gathered there. In the past, we didn't necessarily think they would give face. It's better... let's do it ourselves." Er said meaningfully. He turned his head and saw the standard commercial smile on Laurana's face. He couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and quickly asked with a smile, "Miss, what do you think?"

"I don't care, but don't you need to communicate with Miss Ranstadt about this kind of thing?" Laurana reminded "kindly".

"This is a small problem. A few of us will go and solve it in a few minutes. There is no need to alarm that lady." El nodded very confidently. Among the people present, he was the only one who knew the lower limit of the Dancing Light Snake. .

"Just a few of us?" Leonard looked around inexplicably, and couldn't help but drip a drop of cold sweat from his forehead.With the strength of these people present, it is really not difficult to flatten an ordinary manor, and to be honest, it is too luxurious.What is a baron?If all of you here are titled according to the normal situation, it will scare him to death.How many private soldiers can he support with this little field he planted?It takes only half a day to release a Pallanti to kill all over the house.

The problem is that the high-ranking officers on my side go out collectively. Once something goes wrong, it is estimated that the army here will collapse directly.Relying on Ahmed and General Hank alone may not be able to support the 2000 people.

"Take it as a distribution of benefits, let's go out for an outing together to relax and connect with each other." El said half-jokingly. To be honest, after leaving the brown earth hills, he suddenly returned to the peaceful world of human civilization. Some of them are not suitable.In the past few days, other people have also looked unmotivated. It seems that they have indulged themselves too much in that ghostly place. Now they put on human skin again, but they feel a little restrained.

In other words, this group of bird people has become accustomed to the life of licking blood, and they can't help but get some bandit breath.They need to really relax now and do some good things that can improve morality and restore conscience, such as saving a beautiful lady who has fallen into the clutches of the devil, to recall the feeling of being a beast in clothes.

Of course, there is a deeper reason, which is also a reason why El didn't say it, but everyone knows it.Since Sword Castle does not open its doors to welcome guests, the people of Eastalen will have to do their own food and clothing for the rest of the journey.And the villainous baron who jumped out suddenly looked like a fat and tender sheep.

"There is a saying that goes well, give a smile first, and a sword later. Everyone is a person of status, so don't be as knowledgeable as a small person like him. Let's go and talk to him first to see if this guy understands." El got up from the carriage, stretched his muscles and bones, and showed a harmless smile on his face.

"Hey, my lord general! Can you take me with you!" Ren's bright eyes grabbed El's sleeve, nodded and begged: "You must take this little girl with you, ride a horse How inconvenient it is to hold her. I can take her, and I can also ride a horse, and it’s just right for two children to use one saddle!"

"You can still ride a horse?" El lowered his head and glared at Ren, kicked his ass, and said angrily, "What else can you do, you little bastard? I'll give you the general! You can ride a horse? Do you have a horse? We're leaving in three minutes, where can you find a horse?"

Three minutes later, Al was shocked to find that he had once again underestimated the brat's abilities.This little bastard actually brought Ahmed's horse over, how did he do it?
"Master Ahmed owes me a favor." Faced with El's question, Ren replied calmly: "When I was in the Brown Earth Hills, one day Lord Ahmed gave himself a fortune-telling, saying that he would be killed that day. The bones in the hodgepodge choked, so he was afraid to eat what was in his bowl that day. Just in time for me to take the earthworms to change..."

"I see, let's go." El waved his hands expressionlessly.

The children cheered and jumped away, and the adults...including the older boys and girls looked at each other, their eyes were strange, and they were all ashamed.

"I have to have a good talk with Mr. Ahmed when I get back." Er wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead and said in a low voice, "If he continues like this, how will he educate the next generation?"

"I swear in the name of Mother Earth, this has nothing to do with me." The kobold said immediately.

"I know!" El said angrily, "If he can correct his faults, which round will I be the general now?"

The crowd was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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