rune hunter

Chapter 288 The Dragon in the Kennel

Chapter 288 The Dragon in the Kennel
Of course, Erla has his own considerations for such a group of people to run out to save the beauty as a hero.Except for his direct subordinates, Leonard was born in the Locke family, and his background is not far from that of Baron Farah, and he is more familiar with the rules of these small noble circles.As for Kenan, regardless of how twisted his mind is now, at least he was still a stubborn type of knight before, and no one else could pretend that righteous expression on his face.

Although it is said that it is to be a hero to save the beauty for the kindness of Roasted Wheat, in fact, everyone knows that this is a bullshit reason.It would be true to say that they organized an outing to bond with each other, but the more important reason was that El took a fancy to this fat sheep.

Generally speaking, the small nobles in the countryside can be divided into two types. One is the lord from El’s hometown, who bought a low-end noble title purely with gold coins, and then gave him a remote small village as a territory.Such aristocrats usually have no background strength, and just rely on the privileges of the aristocrats to collect taxes from the villagers.Such aristocrats cannot be called lords, and are not even recognized by real nobles.

The other kind of small nobles have real noble titles, either because they rely on the shadow of their ancestors, or because of their meritorious service, or because of their family fortunes and other reasons... In short, no matter what, they are still regarded as nobles by the upper class. A member recognized by the society, so the ruling power over the local area far exceeds those of the mayor-level local rich.

Nobles of this level will at least have some background and can build defensive buildings on their own territory, in other words, manors.After owning a manor, the nobles can develop their families with peace of mind, raise private soldiers, and enslave the civilians under their rule... For example, the manor built by the Locke family near the town of Lille is comparable to the South in terms of scale and force. The region is on par with the castles of some local lords.

Of course, El's goal was not a manor of that level. Unless it was the illegitimate son of the owner of Sword Castle, it would not be easy for Baron Farah to build walls around him.In fact, when El and his party arrived at their destination on horseback, they couldn't help but feel ashamed of their solemnity.

Although they have repeatedly lowered their expectations in their hearts, they still feel a little speechless facing the so-called manor in front of them.The house in front of me looks more like a shack made of wood and stone than a noble manor.From the patchwork traces, it can be seen that there was only a two-meter-high stone wall here, but recently a wooden fence was built on it.Later, it may be that it was not safe, so another layer of mud was spread on the wooden fence, and stones were pressed on it.

The Baron Farah is sitting on a large piece of fertile land, and he doesn't seem to be short of money, but he obviously doesn't intend to spend money on these buildings, and he obviously lacks aesthetics in the conventional sense.This thing looks like an unknown object in Mr. Wesley's pot, or a sandwich that was dropped on the road and run over twice by a carriage... Anyway, it's not very popular.

"This place doesn't look like a place where good people live..." El looked at the dilapidated watchtower on the fence of the manor, and couldn't help but sigh.Although Sword Castle is well-known, under normal circumstances, the brown earth hill bandits on the other side of the mountain would not dare to come and kill them.But over the years, maybe there will be that kind of stupid young man with shit in his head running around.

Originally, he had expected that the Baron Farah's territory was so close to the northern mountain pass that he should at least have the ability to resist robbers, but judging by the virtues of his manor, he might not be able to talk about combat effectiveness.In fact, when El and his party approached the manor, they could see the guards standing guard on the fence began to panic. When they arrived at the gate of the manor, the gate was still closed, and the two who had to guard the gate The guard's expression looked like he was about to pee.

"Viscount Leonard Locke from the town of Lille passed by here and came to visit Mr. Baron Farah. Please inform Mr. Baron. Leonard walked forward under El's signal and followed the communication between nobles. Said the rules to the guards.

Although the title that the Locke family once received in Istaron was a viscount, the title of Istaron has always had a high gold content, and it is more than enough to be an earl in the south.Although Leonard did not officially inherit the title, the education he had received since he was a child and the temperament he had cultivated from leading the army for a long time could not be faked. He didn't need to say more, and the guards at the gate could also see it.

After finding out that it was not a robber but an aristocratic lord, the guards breathed a sigh of relief.With a flattering smile on his face, he promised, but his eyes glanced behind Leonard.

The guard at the door does not have to be brave in battle, but he must have a clever mind, otherwise he is making trouble for his master.The group of men and women who came galloping on horses all carried a terrifying murderous aura on their bodies, and they had the smell of the other side of the mountain at first sight.Fortunately, Leonard spoke in time, and the guard put his heart back to his stomach, but then realized that the Viscount Lord is definitely not the highest-ranking leader in the group.How can there be any reason for the dignified noble master to come forward to talk to him in person?Unless there are more background figures standing behind him.

The guard didn't dare to look any further, and quickly ran in with a promise.Not long after, he ran back again, but at this time there was a false smile on his face, and he smiled at Leonard: "I'm really sorry, the master is entertaining the most expensive guest, so I can't come out to greet you , I hope you can understand. I will take you in now. Your men can rest in the manor, but keep quiet and don't disturb that distinguished guest.

Although the words were polite, there was a hint of restraint inside.It's hard to imagine that a guard at the door of a baron's house has any qualifications to show a respectful attitude towards Leonard.Such a dilapidated place, how can there be any distinguished guests who would appreciate it.

El pouted, jumped off the horse and led the others up.As soon as the gatekeeper's face changed, he was about to speak when he heard the sound of a weapon being drawn out of its scabbard, and then seeing Pallanti's cold eyes, he immediately shut his mouth and didn't dare to say no more.A guard like him who guards the gate has at most received a little more training than the armed peasants, so how could he be able to withstand such murderous eyes.

The guards lowered their heads and honestly led the group of people to the manor. To El's surprise, the buildings inside the manor were well built.Although it also lacks aesthetics, at least the board looks like a courtyard of a noble family.After thinking about it for a while, he immediately understood the reason - the outer wall was not only a guarantee of safety, but also a sign of weakness.If some robbers wandered over and saw the fence built with such virtues, they might not be able to say anything.

I didn't expect that Baron Farah actually possessed such wisdom, or maybe there was someone behind him pointing him out.But that would mean adding some trouble.El shook his head indifferently. Anyway, with a young lady with him, this level of trouble is nothing more than trouble.

He soon saw Baron Farah himself. Unlike the local tyrant and bully he imagined, although this guy was a little overweight, he was far from the special envoy of the Kemal family.Moreover, he is also a very well-dressed person. Judging by the outfit on his body, it is no problem even if he goes to a banquet in the city... Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is for the sake of welcoming that distinguished guest.

When El came in, he happened to see Viscount Farah coming out, but he was obviously not greeting his group, but seeing them off with the most humble gesture.El looked up, and suddenly felt a bright light in front of his eyes, and saw a girl in a heavy suit and a red cloak coming out of it.

The young girl is young, her appearance is beautiful with three points of heroism, and she is also a rare beauty, but at this time El didn't notice her appearance at all, what he saw was a sword!

From the moment the girl appeared in front of his eyes, El felt a sting in his eyes, and a blue light flashed in his eyes subconsciously.But when he opened the Eye of True Sight, what appeared in front of him was an indescribable sword light!Just now his eyes felt stinging, but his keen perception came into contact with the sword light, but now he deliberately targeted it, which immediately caused the sword light to bounce back.

The girl raised her head as if aware of it, and glanced inadvertently, and what appeared in El's eyes were two tiny sword lights flying over.With a muffled grunt, he took half a step back, and the ground under his feet suddenly sank into a sand trap.At the same time, El stretched out his hand subconsciously, blocking Pallanti's eyes.

Among all the people present, Pallanti was the most sensitive to swords, and she had already touched the edge of silver, and was in need of similar training.However, El still covered her eyes under the whirling of his mind. This sword light was too sharp, and it was harmful to the defenseless Pallanti.

The girl snorted lightly, smiled apologetically at El, blinked her eyes and retracted her gaze.Since she was a stranger, she didn't intend to speak, just nodded to Baron Farah, and then passed El.

"My lord, please rest assured that there will be no problem with this matter. Let me take you out." Viscount Farah also nodded politely to El, still focusing all his attention on the girl in front of him.In front of the girl, he was as humble as an old yellow dog wagging its tail.

For this kind of differential treatment, El has no objection at all.In fact, he was already drenched in cold sweat, and among the team behind him, he could feel that the faces of the people at that moment were all solemn.

When did Jianbao train another sword master?
(End of this chapter)

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