rune hunter

Chapter 289 The Chameleon

Chapter 289 The Chameleon

Most of the people who have been named "sages" in human history are sages who turned the tide with their great wisdom when the racial civilization was facing a major crisis, such as the twelve sages who founded the Truth Society, or the gods The favored people walk on the earth to spread God's will and save the world from danger, such as holy nuns.

This name is not a manifestation of strength, but represents the respect and admiration of the human world.Although those legendary heroes in historical legends have saved the world many times, but few of them can win this honorary title.Under the temptation of powerful forces, it is difficult for even a hero to maintain his sincere heart, and it is even more difficult to break free from the emotions and desires of the world.In contrast, it is simpler to be king and hegemony.

However, there is an exception among these. There are some strong people who concentrate on martial arts. Through hard work, they temper themselves to the limit, and they can even break the restrictions of the rules, and then evolve their own rules.Among these strong men against the sky, there are some more maverick existences, who are called sword masters by the world!
In the adventure stories that ordinary people listen to bards tell in taverns, the figure of a sword master rarely appears, just like a majestic king cannot be easily captured by a dragon, usually a princess is captured.The protagonists of the stories are usually young people with poor roots, or descendants of aristocrats whose family fortunes are declining and depressed, which can easily resonate with the listeners.

When a protagonist like this steps out of Xinshou Village, he often meets an amiable grandpa with his granddaughter, and then embarks on the road of slaying dragons with confidence after receiving the legacy of the grandpa and granddaughter.When he becomes famous and returns to the kingdom to accept the canonization, he will be surprised to find that the old man standing beside the king looks very familiar.

After skipping the bloody plot, the king will introduce the hero: "This one is the sword master of our country..."

In short, in simple words, every Juggernaut is a strategic weapon of the national treasure level.

The above is the concept of the legendary Juggernaut in El's heart, and a girl who met by chance today instantly refreshed his understanding of this legend.

Before Estalon's prosperity, El once ran out to scout the enemy's situation alone without knowing the heights of the sky, but he happened to meet Langaria who came to the ground world, and looked at him from thousands of meters away. He almost lost his own life.At that time, El didn't know the gap between himself and the gold rank, or he couldn't understand the terrifying gap at all.

To use the simplest sentence to describe it - if she looks at you, you will die.

The eyes of this unknown girl whom he met by chance reminded El of the horror of Langaria for a moment.But with his current level, he can barely tell the difference.Langarlia's glance was accompanied by the natural spiritual power of the landwalker race, and the absolute gap in spiritual power crushed El into scum at once.But the girl's look at him was just an inadvertent mistake, strictly speaking, it was a protective rebound against El's keen perception.

The sword is the king of weapons, a symbol of faith and glory, and no one is allowed to peep and desecrate it.El has nothing to say after suffering a dull loss, but after that, he also discovered the flaw of the girl, that is, the lady's sword is obviously not able to use it freely.

No matter how good a sword is, it must be controlled by its master to show its value. The girl is like a human-shaped sword, but El didn't see her scabbard.The gold-level powerhouses that El has seen, such as the land-walking princess Langaria and the knight Leonard, have reached a level of control over their power, and mortals can't peep into their true power at all. origin.

But this is because El has experienced many battles and is well-informed, so he is qualified to slander the girl. No matter how prejudiced he is, he has to admit that the girl is powerful, and the distance between her and those strong men of the golden rank Not far away.

There are often various talented swordsmen in the sword castle lineage in history, but that is only in the conventional sense.As for the characters who can reach this level, there is no doubt that they can only be the sword masters of the new generation!

"Sword Master..." El sighed to himself, and a gasp sounded from behind him.

In fact, only El, who had stepped half a foot into the Silver Secret Realm, could perceive the power of the girl by virtue of the power of the runes. Although the others were all heroes for a while, they were not qualified to peep, and only felt a faint repressed.They didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until they saw El take a step back and step out a hole in the rock slabs laid on the ground of the manor.

Baron Farah was as attentive as a dog, and sent the girl out of his manor with the most humble gesture. At this time, no one despised his behavior.Think about it in your shoes, if you were Baron Farah, even kneeling down to lick your boots at this moment would not be a big deal... Ordinary people really don't have the qualifications.

El exchanged a look with his subordinates, and his heart began to struggle.This is like a group of hungry wolves excitedly ran to the doghouse to dig eggs, but unexpectedly a Tyrannosaurus rex popped out of the doghouse.With such a huge contrast, if a timid person came over, he would probably faint from fright.

Although Leonard and the others are no rookies, they won't panic and lose their composure, but El still sees writing on the faces of his own people: "Where did this wild sword master come from?"

Even the smile on Laurana's face couldn't hold back, the eldest lady looked back to see that Viscount Farah hadn't returned, and decisively took out a small crystal ball and began to beat it.This information is very important, and Tiana must be notified in time so that she is prepared.

"Boss, are we still standing here stupidly?" Timmy whispered behind Al.

"Nonsense, don't go here, don't forget that we are here for justice." El gave him an angry look and said angrily: "Isn't she just a better little girl? Just a cat or a dog is qualified to be called a saint."

"Didn't you say it yourself, boss?" Timmy grinned and said aggrievedly.

"Didn't you call me a general before? I'm a good general?" El curled his lips and said disdainfully: "That's just a polite name. A real sword master is not only about force, but also everyone approval."

While talking, Baron Farah also came back from the outside.After seeing off the unknown girl, his back also straightened up, showing the reserved manner of a nobleman.He walked two steps to El, and said with a cordial smile: "Because I received distinguished guests and neglected all the guests who came from afar, I am really terrified. I hope you can understand my difficulties."

Of course, Baron Farah didn't dare to neglect the vicious gang of unknown people in front of him. Maybe he had such thoughts before, but when he saw the hole stepped on by the guest's feet, those little thoughts naturally disappeared.In front of that young lady, he is a loyal dog, but this guest can make the young lady look at him highly, so he is naturally not an ordinary person.

El also nodded reservedly, but did not respond to Baron Farah's greeting, and still let Leonard speak for himself. This is a pretentious technique exclusively used by great nobles that he learned from Tiana.

"You are welcome, Mr. Baron, and we have no intention of offending that honorable lady." Leonard stepped forward and smiled in front of Baron Farah: "Let me introduce myself, this is Viscount Leonard Locke of Lille Town, And this lord is General El from Istaron."

This time, it was Baron Farah who stared round with a shocked expression. Lille Town, as a battleground on the border between the White Lion Family and the Kemal Family, was not without fame in the kingdom's aristocratic circle.Although the northern nobility has a short history, it still maintains its gold content because of this. Although Leonard's title is only one rank higher than him, he is already a rare guest in the eyes of Baron Farah, otherwise he would not offend that lady. The risks are open for business.

The Locke family is a die-hard loyalist of the White Lion, so it is not difficult to guess the identity of the person who can serve this Viscount.Baron Farah had already seen the silver emblem on El's chest that symbolized the general of the kingdom, but he was too young to believe it.It wasn't until Leonard personally introduced and confirmed his guess that he woke up like a dream.

The prestige of the White Lion family can be said to be well-known in the kingdom, and Baron Farah, who is also a royal family and came from the Sword Castle family, knows them well.They belonged to the royal faction, but because their power had expanded to the point where they could establish a country, they were suppressed by the frightened royal family and their old enemy, the Southern Party... Baron Farah was not ignorant of those bad things ten years ago.

But because of this, he is very aware of how terrifying the generals from Istaron are. It is said that the minimum standard for selecting high-level generals in Istaron is the silver rank. It sounds like an unimaginable joke to change it to other places .He didn't really believe it at first, but the fact that the young lady could take another look at the general before leaving was enough to explain a lot of things.

In terms of status, the general of Istaron is no less humble than that lady. At this time, Viscount Farah suddenly had an impulse in his heart, and he really wanted to chase that lady back. She should be the one to receive the general.

But the matter has come to this point, the other party is obviously coming for him, and he has no intention of climbing for the time being, Viscount Farah can only bite the bullet and smile, bend his straight waist again, and put on a humble attitude to accompany him: " I didn't know that it was the general who came here in person, this really made me feel very frightened, I hope you don't blame me."

"It's okay." El nodded, then nodded reservedly and said, "Mr. Baron, the lady who just left should be the new generation heir of Sword Castle, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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