rune hunter

Chapter 290 The landlord's family has no surplus

Chapter 290 The landlord's family has no surplus
"That lady is a direct descendant of the Beifeng family, and she is also the most potential genius in the family in the past hundred years. If it is not troubled by the outbreak of the northern plague, the lady should have embarked on the road of experience by now." Baron Farah said that As a young girl, the admiration was beyond words.Although his words were hard to pronounce, El could probably understand that his feeling was indeed correct, it was a sword embryo that had not been polished.

Although Baron Farah was afraid of the identities of El and the others, he was unwilling to talk more about the girl in front of outsiders.Jianbao has kept this young quasi-juggernaut in the snow until now, and the outside world has hardly heard of it. Naturally, there are some reasons that cannot be said.After expressing his compliments to his master, Baron Farah immediately changed the subject and began to ask about El's purpose.

"I don't know if General El is passing by my manor this time, what's the important thing?" Baron Farah led everyone into the living room, ordered the servants to bring refreshments, and smiled earnestly at El.Of course, he wouldn't feel so good about himself that he thought that the dignified general came here just for himself, and with his status, he was not qualified to provoke such a big shot.

"Mr. Baron, I believe you are also aware of the recent outbreak of the plague. Istaron has fallen, and General El was ordered to lead the surviving refugees to migrate southward, just passing through Sword Fort." Leonard coughed, according to the time when he came The designed script said: "The ancestors of the White Lion family had some friendship with the Beifeng family. We hoped to get some help and supplies in Sword Castle. But in the past few days, we have received reports that Sword Castle has been closed. , coming and going is not allowed, so I want to find a local person to understand the specific situation."

"So that's how it is..." Hearing Leonard's explanation, Baron Farah was obviously relieved, but then he sighed bitterly: "You don't know the situation here, there is nothing you can do about it. Since After the plague broke out on a large scale, the northern region fell completely, and no region was spared. So far, the longest-lasting one is Earl Kemal. It is said that he got the news from Istaren in advance and immediately blocked it completely It is only now that they have built their own city. If refugees are allowed to enter the city, even Sword Castle cannot afford the consequences."

"Accommodating refugees is indeed dangerous, but won't there be any problems if we leave them alone like this?" Leonard asked again with doubts.He has not experienced the last war in Istaren, and his impression of the refugees is still on his own team. It is difficult to understand that there will be such shit-stirring sticks as the Cursed Sect.

"It's true. It's not an option to let the refugees go. At present, there are nearly [-] refugees gathered outside Sword Castle. Once a problem occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable." Baron Farah sighed and said: "But fortunately, Sword Castle is also actively Answer, the reason why that young lady came here is to collect last year's surplus food from us local nobles, and then distribute it to the refugees in a unified way."

"So that's the case, but it just so happens that we are here for this." Leonard and El looked at each other, then turned to Baron Farah and said: "Our team is relatively large, even if we can get support from Sword Fort, we can solve it." There is no fundamental problem, so I have to find a way out. I think Mr. Baron’s land is fertile, so there should be no shortage of grain. If possible, we hope to buy a batch of grain from you, and the price can be negotiated.”

When the issue of food was mentioned, Baron Farah suddenly turned into a bitter face, and said with a sigh: "If you want to talk about other things, I can help you find a way, but this food... To tell you the truth, at this moment I really don’t have any surplus on hand! Don’t look at the wheat growing well this year. The weather was not so good last year, and no one’s family has much food. If you come half a day earlier, I can also squeeze it for you Come out a little bit. But you also saw it just now, the lady came in person and asked us to hand over all the remaining food reserves. This is also for the stability of the Jianbao area, of course we are obliged..."

"Mr. Baron, it doesn't make sense for you to say that." Leonard frowned and said unhappy.The sword castle girl actually came here for food, which was indeed beyond what El and the others expected in advance.However, as a member of the minor noble class, of course Leonard would not believe the nonsense of Viscount Farah.Members of this small aristocratic class are characterized by three points in their words and one line in their actions.No matter how loyal he is to Jianbao, it is impossible for him to hand over all the stored food for his own benefit.

"The world is difficult, and I really can't do anything about it." Baron Farah had a heartbroken look on his face.

"Five times, we will pay five times the price." Leonard looked at El's face and stretched out a palm.

The corners of Baron Farah's eyes twitched fiercely. Looking at Leonard's five fingers spread out, he swallowed with difficulty, his eyes hesitated for a moment, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The rest of my family is left to The food for self-preservation..."

"The wheat outside is about to ripen. What's the use of keeping last year's old grain?" Leonard put down his hand, looked into Baron Farah's eyes and said earnestly: "We are survivors who escaped from the epidemic area. The plague is terrible. There are no outsiders here today. Let me tell you something that you may not like to hear - so many provinces in the north have failed to stop the plague, how long can the sword castle last? Besides, even if the closure of the sword castle has an effect, you Aren't you still outside now? Shouldn't you have made plans earlier?"

Of course, Leonard's persuasive words could not be his impromptu speech. This kind of seductive speech weighing pros and cons is full of Miss Laurana's style from head to toe.However, Laurana didn't consider such an accident at the time. The remarks that were originally secretly provocative, in line with the current situation, turned into bitter persuasion.

Baron Farah looked at El, who was sitting by the side and did not speak, hesitated for a long time, patted the table heavily and shouted viciously: "Five thousand catties of flour, one thousand catties of black beans, this is to be handed over to Jianbao share, if you want it, then get ten times the price!"

In all fairness, this price cannot be said to be Baron Farah's insatiable greed. In a catastrophic year, it is not surprising that the price of food is increased by a hundred times.Baron Farah is not a fool either. If he had to hand over the food, he wouldn't get a dime, so he might as well sell it for money and run away secretly.Although the wheat in the field was about to ripen, no one dared to say whether Sword Castle could last until then. Instead of waiting with a fluke mentality, the money in hand was more real.

Leonard looked back at El with some hesitation, which was somewhat different from the script they agreed upon before they came.According to their pre-conjecture, the Baron Farah would not let go easily even in the face of pressure. After all, for these little nobles who depended on the land for their livelihood, food was their lifeblood, and it was impossible for them to spit out a single hair.

As long as Baron Farah refuses to let go, they can take the opportunity to make trouble, but they didn't expect this guy to be cowardly.

"Ten times is fine, but the amount is too small." El pondered for a moment, nodded and said.As long as this guy has food, it's easy to deal with. As for the price, it's not a problem. Anyway, he doesn't plan to use money to buy it.But this food is really a drop in the bucket.If you want to maintain basic combat effectiveness, a soldier must consume at least three catties of food every day.There are more than 2000 people under him now, and such a small amount of food is not even enough to fit between the teeth.

"My lord, the landlord's house doesn't have any surplus grain..." Baron Farah said with a mournful face, "Look at the wheat growing so well this year, it must be a bumper harvest. Who would store so much old grain? If it wasn't for the outbreak of the plague , we are still selling at a low price!"

"Mr. Baron, I don't know if there are any manor owners like you around here. We hope to collect as much grain as possible." El was indifferent to Baron Farah's frustration, and said in a deep voice with no expression on his face.

"There are indeed a few friends who are facing the same predicament as me. If you have such a need, I can contact them immediately." Baron Farah nodded quickly and said: "However, my lord, there are also some friends who don't know how to adapt. Deadheads exist, and their loyalty to Sword Castle is admirable, so I'm afraid there won't be much leeway in this regard."

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is room for negotiation." El waved his hand and said indifferently.

Baron Farah was about to speak when he suddenly felt a chill behind his back, and saw the woman in a hood standing behind El approaching his ear, a standard commercial smile appeared on the half of her face exposed under the hood , said in a low voice: "Mr. Baron is really a loyal and honest person. I guess a loyal person like you must be deeply trusted by Sword Castle, so much so that the eldest lady came here in person."

"Right now, there are groups of refugees on the road. If everyone turns in the food stored in their own homes, they will inevitably take risks on the road. With the wisdom of that young lady, she must have thought of a proper way. A famous person like you , At this time, you should stand up and organize a unified dispatch. If the nearby manor owners send the food to you first, and then unite everyone's strength to escort it, there is no need to talk about safety."

"You mean..." Hearing Laurana's devilish whisper, Baron Farah was confused at first, then gradually opened his mouth wide, his eyes became brighter and brighter, but his hands trembled uncontrollably.He understood the meaning of Laurana's words, but it was precisely because of this that he fell into uncontrollable excitement and fear.

"That's what happened... We are just a group of passers-by, and we are not familiar with Sword Castle. It would be best if we can reach a deal with a wise gentleman." Laurana narrowed her eyes and smiled softly: "But if this is the case If the scale is different, the price will have to be renegotiated."

"I understand, I understand!" Baron Farah nodded desperately, the corners of his mouth trembling, but his face was full of smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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