rune hunter

Chapter 292 Peepers

Chapter 292 Peepers

Driven by huge interests, Baron Farah broke out an astonishing power of action. It took less than a day to gather all the grain handed in from several surrounding manors. Under the call of the lady, the surrounding people None of the lords had any doubts.As for how they would deal with the problem after they found out, that was not something Mr. Baron needed to consider. Now that he had made up his mind to leave, there was no psychological burden for betraying his friends.

Even the power of ants cannot be underestimated. This kind of little nobles who rely on the land for food are like voles in the field. If you don’t dig them out, it’s hard to imagine how much reserves are hidden in their caves.The food gathered by the nine lords exceeded 100 catties, and the carriages carrying the food were lined up outside Baron Farah's manor.And the accompanying coachmen, servants and guards of each family also have a scale of more than [-] people.

It is not an easy problem to openly resell under the eyes of so many people.But Baron Farah doesn't need to worry about this issue.Since he got so much food according to the agreement, Er naturally didn't mind being honest and trustworthy, and settled the account with him without saying a word.

Baron Farah took the small suitcase from Mr. Thomas, and felt an unusual weight at the beginning, which almost dislocated his arm.Mr. Baron was not surprised but delighted. Taking advantage of the absence of outsiders, he couldn't wait to open the box. Suddenly, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his crotch almost turned into a warm swamp.

Inside the box are neatly placed two rows of 20-yuan gold bricks, each of which has the imprint of "99%" engraved on it, exuding a faint strange brilliance.This is not an ordinary gold coin circulating on the market, but a high-purity gold brick purified by professional alchemy potions. In addition to its own value, it can also be used as the basic material for making magic items, so its value often exceeds the equivalent weight. Ten times more than ordinary gold.

Another point that needs to be pointed out is that this kind of purified gold bricks can only be found in the secret vaults of those ancient families with a real deep heritage, and it is also one of the hard currencies that only circulate in the upper class, because this kind of Gold bricks have a slight purple halo after purification, so they are also called purple gold.

When Istaron fell, Antonio ordered the family treasury to be opened to everyone.The White Lion family has been stationed in Istaron for 300 years. Needless to say, relying on the wealth accumulated in the Yunlu Mountains, they can come up with a rare mineral vein to trade with the Temple of Life. If you want to pack it away, you will know how rich this family is, and it is no wonder that it will attract the suspicion of the royal family.

At that time, Tiana was appointed by the FireWire as the vice president of the college and the family enshrined mage, and had the right to use 70.00% of the human and material resources in the city. It was precisely because of her appointment in the face of danger that the current team of exiles was finally organized.Although the time was short at that time, she also rushed to transport a lot of important materials, including light and valuable property like this batch of Zijin.With such a large amount of assets as the backing, the magician girl will naturally have the confidence to speak and do things.

Of course, in the eyes of Baron Farah, these purple golds are far beyond their own value. This is like the silver emblem on El's chest, which is a symbol of social class.A low-level nobleman like him is extremely fanatical about this symbol representing the upper class.At this time, Baron Farah's mind was covered with a layer of purple-gold light, and he didn't notice that the value of this box of purple gold had exceeded the price of grain, and Laurana, who was always careful about budgeting, didn't even open her mouth this time.

El didn't pay attention to the small suitcase either, but instead focused on the mountains of grain.Although these were old food from the next year, it was still too extravagant for a group of stray dogs like myself.Not only him, Leonard, Timmy, and Kenan were also staring at the food in a daze, with green lights in their eyes.In all fairness, these people are all heroes, and no matter what, they will not be so mixed up that they can't eat.But it is precisely because of being mixed up to this point that one can deeply realize the value of food.

On this side, Baron Farah was holding a small suitcase and was very excited. When he suddenly saw Laurana looking at him with a half-smile, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He didn't pay attention to the things under his feet, and fell into the mud , the small suitcase in his arms fell to the ground, and all the gold bricks inside fell out.

Baron Farah let out a howling like a pig butcher, and before he stood up, he leaped onto the small box, using his body to block the glow from the golden brick.He lay down on the ground without hesitation, picked up the gold bricks and stuffed them back into the small box as quickly as possible, then got up in a panic, hugged the small box tightly in his arms, and rushed into the room with his head covered. own manor.

Since the place where he and El traded deliberately chose a secluded corner, this scene did not attract many people's attention.As witnesses, El and his party did not pay any attention to him at this time, as if they did not see the farce at all.

Pallanti stared straight ahead expressionlessly. After a long silence, his eyes changed, and he subconsciously wanted to grab his sword hilt.El, who was standing beside her, waved her hand seemingly casually, and opened her palm to the side.

"I feel it..." Laurana returned to El's side, huddled under the hood and said in a low voice.

"Well, there are still voyeurs." El curled his lips, and said in a low voice: "We did have omissions before. Baron Farah is a greedy and lustful manor owner. He doesn't have the guts to spy on our team, so the voyeurs must There are other people. They should not be from Jianbao, otherwise they should have jumped out when they saw our transaction like this, not to mention they are too busy to take care of themselves now, how can they care about such trivial matters."

The reason why he and Tiana felt that something was wrong before this was because of these vague peeping eyes.With his and Tiana's perception ability, if it is an ordinary peeper, it will be revealed at a distance of 300 meters, but this time, the peeping they received is so weak that it can almost be ignored, and there is no peeping gaze. source.El once regarded this feeling as his own illusion, but after they deliberately arranged Baron Farah Lufu, they finally caught a clue.

"After ruling out other possibilities, even if the final answer is unbelievable, it must be the truth." Laurana covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

In this area, apart from the local Sword Fort forces, the only possible threats are those refugees.I have to admit that due to the existence of Tiana, the order of the exile team gave everyone an illusion that it was nothing more than that.But in reality, organizing a team of six to seven thousand people in an orderly manner is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.This is also the reason why Tiana is so busy every day, and the conference delegates under her can't help at all-anyone else doesn't have this kind of leadership.

When El realized this, he immediately discovered his negligence.Even if Tiana was so troubled by this team of exiles, what would the [-] refugees gathered outside Sword Castle have to rely on?

Laurana was right, after eliminating all possibilities, the remaining answer, no matter how unbelievable it is, must be the truth.No one can single-handedly gather refugees to such a large scale, so there must be a large-scale organization hidden among the refugee group.El has seen many examples of this type before, such as the sect of the curse, such as the Truth Society, in short, it is not a good thing to cover up.

Although the possibility of these two old opponents is not ruled out, El is more inclined to the choice of "unfamiliar forces", because this organization relies on its own unknown investigative methods to spy on itself unscrupulously, which seems reckless and greedy.These guys look like bandits from the brown earth hills, which means that they are almost the scum of this level.And El has always been very experienced in dealing with this kind of garbage.

The easiest way is to discard moral integrity and compare the lower limit with them, who is more bachelor.Do you feel that your life is worthless so you dare to work hard?Kill as many as you like, and the problem will naturally be solved by killing them until they are clear-headed.

"Mr. Thomas, do you have any advice for reference on this kind of issue?" Laurana turned around and asked the goldsmith who was willing to serve as a prop by her side.

"You're joking. I'm a merchant in the lower district. I haven't heard of a plague outbreak outside before this. How can I know the situation of those refugees?" Thomas the Golden Hand coughed, lowered his head and said humbly.

"It's too self-effacing for you to say that, but it's true that I'm asking in the wrong direction." A trace of thought flashed in Laurana's eyes, and she slowly said to Thomas: "I can provide you with some references. clues, such as... This should be an underground social organization of the common people. The strength of the organization is not particularly strong, but its members are widely distributed, at least with branches in the northern provinces. They have one or many seemingly mysterious abilities , so it will develop the characteristics of personality worship. Therefore, this organization should have some religious characteristics, but there is no real god's favor. The sword castle is not urgent, which shows that the two sides have communicated. If you think this way, maybe they also have An openly legitimate identity..."

Thomas, the golden hand, stopped the eldest lady's reasoning speech with cold sweat on his face, calmed down and said: "If you infer from the conditions you mentioned, then there is only one possibility that meets the conditions in the northern part of the Kingdom of Oakland - that is Brotherhood of Stoneworkers!"

(End of this chapter)

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