rune hunter

Chapter 293 The Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas in the Dark Night

Chapter 293 The Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas in the Dark Night
"The Brotherhood of Stoneworkers is the most famous gang organization in the northern region. It was founded by the master craftsman Malinda in the year of the gray squirrel. It has a history of 120 years. The purpose of this organization was to unify the forces and expel the ancient The monsters in the mines ensure the safety of the miners. However, 50 years ago, the leader of the Brotherhood of Masonry claimed to have discovered the remains of the ancient gods underground, and showed miracles to his members."

"According to the intelligence detected by the royal spies later, the so-called ancient gods are completely non-existent. The members of the Stonework Brotherhood did not show signs of being favored by divine power, not even evil gods. However, the leader of the Stonework Brotherhood has mysterious powers. Based on the clues, the royal agents speculate that the power they possess may be the legacy left by the ancient dwarves, or it may be just some magic items, which are not enough to pose a threat to social order.”

Putting down the report in her hand, the girl sighed softly, picked up the coffee in hand and took a sip.The unsweetened coffee was extremely bitter, making the girl wrinkle her nose subconsciously.She doesn't actually like drinking coffee, but the refreshing effect of this drink is indispensable to her now.

The cool night wind passed through the cracks in the thick stone wall, making a strange whistling sound.The flickering flames in the fireplace were disturbing.The pile of documents waiting to be processed on the desk is already intimidating.All of it was unpleasant, even repulsive, and yet she had to sit through the night.

Feeling the chill in the night wind, the girl tightened some of her pajamas, and pushed the golden hair behind her ears.With her body, it is impossible to be afraid of the cold, what she cares about is the loneliness and desolation that permeates the darkness.

"What's the use of learning swordsmanship... force can't solve any problems." The girl put her hands in front of her eyes, sighed to herself, shook her head, picked up the report on the table again and began to work hard. read.

The door was gently pushed open, and the little maid who was holding a candlestick tiptoed to the girl and whispered, "Miss, it's already midnight, you should go to rest."

"It doesn't matter. With my current physical condition, sleeping for three hours a day is enough to maintain my strength." The girl rubbed her temples in pain, and said with a sad face: "I used to see my grandfather handle official documents so fast, I didn't expect that it would involve So many problems. An idiot like me can't handle it without sleep."

"Miss is not an idiot! Miss is a genius!" The little maid pouted and said indignantly: "It's just that miss has devoted all her energy to swordsmanship these years, so it's normal for her to be not good at other aspects. .”

"I regret it a little now. If I could have left some time to learn about government affairs at that time, I wouldn't be in a hurry after my grandfather fell." The girl sighed while covering her face.

"If you didn't learn swordsmanship at that time, you would have been beaten to death by the master." The little maid blinked and whispered.

The two master and servant looked at each other, laughed dryly at the same time, and changed the subject with a guilty conscience.

Under the same moonlight, crows flew across the sky and landed on the field outside the city.A haggard arm stretched out from the dark shadows, gently holding the crow's sharp claws.Not long after, a group of strong men with weapons quietly left the campsite, disappearing into the night.

Baron Farah's manor was also silent. All the coachmen and guards who came to transport the grain received steaming food and wine. People who didn't know the truth praised the Baron's generosity, and then drank until they fell unconscious personnel.For these ordinary people, just a little drug can make them sleep until dawn.When they woke up, they would find that all the grain and grass had disappeared along with the owner's family of the manor.

Baron Farah prepared three carriages for himself. Although with such a small capacity, he would definitely not be able to take all his belongings, but at this moment he couldn't care less about that much.Although the transaction went very smoothly, but for some reason, Mr. Baron was always feeling a little uneasy, and the cold sweat on his face couldn't stop no matter how much he wiped off.

Although it is true that this deal entails huge risks, and even a little negligence may lead to hatred between Sword Castle and Eastalen, Baron Farah is not particularly worried about this.Because no matter what, both parties are upper-class nobles belonging to the royal family, and this kind of crap like secretly fighting for power is really not a big deal in the upper class. This is the main reason why Baron Farah trusts El.Even if there is an accident or something happens, as long as you accept your punishment, there will always be some room for relaxation.

Baron Farah also had concerns about whether El's side would be black and white, but he thought that he had lowered his posture enough to satisfy the pride of the general.Generally speaking, those who can reach that status must pay attention to the issue of face.It's like a decent gentleman would never reach out to hit a tramp when he saw a tramp. His first reaction was to make a detour.

Of course, there are not no shameless people, especially in the aristocratic circle, as long as there are enough interests, no one will take face seriously.Baron Farah, who betrayed a lot of people, is such a scumbag himself, so he is ready for this.As long as he runs away overnight tonight, even if the Istarenians repent, they will have nothing to do with him.

The beginning of the plan went very smoothly. The people of Eastalen are organizing their own troops to move the grain with all their strength. It is not a problem to transport tens of thousands of catties of grain and grass with their manpower, but they have to clean up their innocence without anyone noticing. Suspect, that is a rather technical job.While the group of Eastalenians were busy, Mr. Baron and his cronies opened the back door and slipped out quietly, seemingly without attracting anyone's attention.

But after leaving the manor, the uneasiness in Mr. Baron's heart became even more intense. He huddled in his carriage and looked around nervously, always feeling that something was following him.When the lights of the manor completely disappeared into the night behind, this strong sense of uneasiness suddenly reached its peak.Baron Farah shivered violently, jumped up and shouted at the groom: "Go back! Don't go any further! Let's go back immediately, back the same way!"

The groom who was driving the horse subconsciously reined in the horse when he heard Baron Farah's order.However, when he turned around, before the astonishment appeared on his face, his head suddenly exploded like a ripe watermelon.

Skull fragments mixed with blood and brain matter splashed onto Baron Farah's face, and the baron's fat face lost all color in an instant.He opened his eyes wide and wanted to scream, but found that his neck seemed to be clenched and he couldn't make any sound.A group of strong and strong men walked out slowly from the darkness and surrounded the three carriages.

The murder weapon that smashed the groom's head was a hammer, which was a small hammer of fifty coppers a piece in the blacksmith's shop, but such an ordinary hammer was inserted into the waist of the strong men, which symbolized another meaning.

Baron Farah stared blankly at the hammer, his face full of despair. He was about to speak when he was roughly dragged out of the carriage by a big man who kicked his ass, causing him to fall to his knees with a plop. land.

His head was trampled on the ground and he couldn't lift it up. He could only hear the screams of the guards who were dying. The guards on the carriage raised their hands and surrendered, fell to the ground and killed them one by one mercilessly.An aristocratic woman in a pleated skirt was pulled out of the carriage, her screams stopped abruptly after a loud slap on the face, followed by the tearing of fabric and a low whimper.

"Let her go! I beg you, let her go! I'll give you all the money and whatever you want!" Baron Farah shouted at the mob with his head propped up.Immediately afterwards, he was pulled up by someone's hair, and a big expressionless face appeared in front of him, uttering a sentence indifferently: "Where is the gold?"

"In my car! Under the seat I'm sitting in!" At this time, Baron Farah didn't have the time to think about why they knew about the gold, and he didn't have the ability to think about whether the people of Istaren had done something, because a handle The sharp dagger was just below his neck - the only reason he's still alive is because the thugs haven't got the gold yet.

The expressionless man climbed into the carriage, rummaged around, and jumped out with a small box.He weighed the box to the others and nodded in affirmation.

"Leave no survivors, and deal with it more cleanly." The man with a deadpan expression said to the others.

Baron Farah closed his eyes in despair, and felt the dagger under his neck sticking up. Just as he began to pray to the gods he believed in for the last time, he suddenly heard a dull whistling in his ears.Baron Farah opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the thug holding the dagger fell backwards, with a long arrow that was still trembling in his head!

The sound of roaring horseshoes broke the silence in the darkness for an instant, and then a horn rang through the sky, and the white twilight illuminated half of the night sky.In the white halo, one can vaguely see the knights lined up and launching a wave-like charge, but in the blink of an eye, that wave crushed over with lightning speed.The surrounding thugs were overwhelmed by the momentum of the knight's charge, and were completely submerged by the wave before they had time to react.

The expressionless man was the quickest to react, he was about to run away holding the small box without saying a word, but just as he turned around, he was shot in the hollow of his leg by a fast arrow, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

He struggled and wanted to get up, but a horse's hoof fell from the sky and directly trampled his fingers into a puddle of flesh. The indifference on the man's face was finally broken, and he screamed involuntarily.

"Boy, you are very brave, you dare to steal my gold?" El's voice came from the horse, and it seemed chilly in the darkness.

 It’s a shame to cut off the toothpaste on National Day hahahaha... I wanted to ask for votes, but after looking at my morals, I found that this is simply too shameless

(End of this chapter)

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