rune hunter

Chapter 294 The Brave and Wise Mr. Baron

Chapter 294 The Brave and Wise Mr. Baron

Baron Farah was holding his wife's body and weeping in grief. Al saved him, but before he could save the others, the woman in full dress was crushed on the ground and her neck was broken. dirt.The sadness of Mr. Baron is absolutely true. In this short night, he gave up all his ancestral property, and then he was robbed and almost killed by the knife. No one can stand this. Repeated blows.

What made him even more distressed was that his savior might not have any good intentions. This group of wolf-like Istaren cavalry did not go to carry food, but secretly followed behind him. Its purpose can be imagined.In the hands of this group of people, don't even think about the gold, and even your own life is also in jeopardy.

The Istaron cavalry surrounded the thugs... or the corpses of the thugs. These thugs only looked strong and looked scary with weapons in their hands, but in fact they were only It's just the level of armed peasants, and it can't be compared with the killing machines that survived the battles of Eastalen.What these thugs relied on was nothing more than a passionate and brave spirit. They didn't even know the most basic dodge defense, and they were run over by the horseshoes of the Istaren cavalry without any resistance.

The only survivor was the man who was shot in the leg by El, because El saw him holding the box containing the gold in person, and felt that he seemed to be a small leader with status, so he was specially left for questioning .But this guy was not very sensible, seeing that he couldn't run out, he simply stopped running away, gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow in his leg, and then stared at El expressionlessly, looking like he was the Uncle same.

El especially likes to deal with this kind of self-righteous little guy. Although the man looks twice his age, he still calls this kind of person a little guy, or a brat.Generally, in this bear kid's world view, he himself is always right, and others are always wrong, so even if he knows he is eating shit, he still has to lick his lips lightly to express his personality .

There is only one easiest way to deal with such bear children, and that is violence, desperate violence, using violence to completely smash their self-esteem, and let them clearly realize that they are no different from a pile of shit.

"Who are you, dare to snatch my gold?" El turned his horse's head, came to the man, and asked in a condescending voice.

"Who are you, why can't I snatch it?" Facing El's questioning, the expressionless man sneered, and asked El with the same words, but his arrogance was immediately met with a straightforward response. rude response.

El kicked him on the head, kicked him to the ground, then jumped off the horse and grabbed his hair and lifted him up, staring into his eyes and saying word by word: "See clearly who I am I am the general of Istaren! If you don’t know what a general means, then I can tell you more vividly, I have more than 2000 people under my command, and anyone who stands up and kills you is no better than crushing a chicken difficulty!"

"Arrogant noble pigs." Hearing El's threats, the expressionless man was not intimidated, but the expression on his face became even more disdainful, and he snorted coldly: "You moths who suck the flesh and blood of ordinary people for a living , only pay attention to the fat in your stomach, don't care about the life and death of the civilians, let them leave their homes and wives to scatter...Since you like to beat the bones and suck the marrow so much, you should also be mentally prepared to pay the price!"

Al looked down at his stomach, made sure there was nothing but solid abs and no flab, so he rolled his eyes, brushing those venomous curses behind him without hesitation, and grabbed the The palm of the man's trampled palm broke his wrist bone with a click, looked into his eyes and said seriously: "I think you must have misidentified the wrong person, now I will give you another chance, tell me something useful s things."

The expressionless man spat hard on El's face, and El tilted his head to avoid it, and then patted the man's arm affectionately.A scorpion tail sneaked out from the cuff under his palm, and stinged gently.The expressionless man shuddered violently, then collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud, letting out a tragic wail.

"I'm really sorry, because there is a terrible existence sitting on the Sword Castle, so even I can only do bad things secretly with my tail between my legs." El shrugged, shook his head and sighed: "If you are still brown If you are on the side of the hilly hills, it is impossible for you not to know my name. Now the toughest robbers there will pretend to be like a grandson when they see me... But you don’t have to worry, your sacrifice will be given to others. Bring enough vigilance and lessons, and they will appreciate your selfless dedication."

While talking nonsense, Erhan suddenly saw Baron Farah put down his wife's body, picked up a shovel from the ground, and staggered over.Seeing the mixed look of fear and anger on his face, El sighed inwardly, shut his mouth and stepped aside.

The once expressionless man was still screaming. The Landwalker's toxin had increased his body's perception ability to the limit, and at the same time, his pain had also reached the limit. Even a real warrior might not be able to bear that kind of despair.At this moment, the man's face had a few blue veins popping up, his face was flushed like an eggplant due to severe congestion, his body twitched involuntarily without the slightest power to resist.

Baron Farah staggered to his side, raised his shovel and patted him on the head.This time because he used too much strength and was excited, he missed the hit.The man began to curse while screaming, cursing all the nobles with the most vicious words.Baron Farah took a deep breath, raised the shovel again, and hit his face accurately.

El stood aside, watching Baron Farah swing the shovel and slap the man again and again.Mr. Baron whipped for 5 minutes, and he didn't stop until he was exhausted. He turned his head and showed El a smile that was uglier than crying.Panting for breath, he smiled bitterly and said, "Master General, thank you for allowing me to avenge this."

"I didn't expect you to have deep feelings for Madam." El pouted, half-jokingly.

"My lord, you are joking." Baron Farah sighed, sat down on the ground, wiped the cold sweat from his brow and said to El: "I now believe that this is not a drama arranged by you, General, so what are you going to do now?" What about me?"

"This is too hurtful." El squatted down, picked up the box containing the gold bricks on the ground as if nothing had happened, shook and smiled at Baron Farah: "I borrowed this money from a girl, if you don't pay it back You don’t look good when you go back. As for you, Mr. Baron, I suddenly feel that you are a bit interesting... Let’s not talk secretly, even if I have such thoughts, I still saved your life tonight, no I know if you are interested in continuing to cooperate with us?"

"Continue to cooperate? Just because of a moment of greed, I only have this pair of underwear left. What qualifications do I have to cooperate with you, General?" Baron Farah immediately raised his head when he heard El's words.He is really single now and has nothing to lose.However, El's saying this means that he still has value, and this is not a disgrace to Mr. Baron at this moment, but news that is worth gratifying.

"Tonight's script is a bit unexpected." El looked at the thug's corpse on the ground, nodded thoughtfully and said, "Mr. Baron, to tell you the truth, I have seen many lunatics on this road. Neuropathy can be regarded as having some understanding. You must not be negligent when dealing with them, and everything must be prevented. After all, you are a local lord, and you must have a deeper understanding of Sword Castle than us. I think that in the future journey, we may be able to use To your mind and some contacts. If you are willing to continue to cooperate with us regardless of the past, then I want you to promise that at least a safe property will be prepared for you."

Baron Farah's eyes lit up, and he was obviously moved.This condition is no different from a life-saving rope for him now, and he has no reason to refuse it, and he has no other choice.Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, he is so humble and obedient after being tricked by El, and he is completely unmanly, but for a small nobleman like him, manliness is not a meal.

For Mr. Baron, it was already tacit understanding that this kind of black-and-white activities among the nobles, and he really couldn't blame others for being tricked by his own incompetence.On the contrary, El was able to save his life, which made him secretly grateful, because if he followed him, even if he couldn't make a fortune, at least he was unlikely to be regarded as a pawn that was sacrificed at will.In the circle of intriguing aristocrats, it can be considered lucky to serve a humane master.

Generally speaking, this kind of person will have the disadvantage of indecision, but when Baron Farah saw the sturdy and strong Istaren cavalry around him, he put this worry behind him.

Just when Baron Farah was determined to agree, he saw El's face suddenly change.Before he could speak, El dashed up to the roof of the carriage, stood on a high place and looked into the night.

"What's behind that hillside to the west?" El held his breath for a moment, then bent down and asked Baron Farah.

"West hillside?" Baron Farah was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly turned his head and looked over there.Although he couldn't see very far at night with his eyesight, but with his familiarity with this area, he could at least guess about seven or eight points.

"That's Baron Downton's estate over there. They even sent us food today." Baron Farah took a few glances and said with certainty.

"Oops, this time we fell into a trap." El's expression sank when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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