rune hunter

Chapter 295 An Enemy Beyond Imagination

Chapter 295 An Enemy Beyond Imagination

When the people of Eastalen saw the figure of Sword Fort, the first thing they saw was the giant sword tomb in the center of the city.After the death of the Sword Master of the North Wind, he buried his sword in the center of the city. Later generations built a giant rock sword with a height of 72 meters on it to commemorate the Sword Master of the North Wind during his life. brilliant experience.

The giant sword stands on the ground, and it looks full of inviolable majesty from a distance.But now this kind of majesty has been seriously desecrated. Looking from a high place, the periphery of Jianbao City is dotted with refugee camps everywhere, like ugly scars, destroying the beautiful environment around the city. Exhausted.

Although it is well-known in the upper echelons of the kingdom, the city of Sword Castle is actually not that big, and its permanent population does not even reach 3.On the outskirts of the city, the number of refugees gathered now has reached as many as 3.The food consumed by [-] people a day is an incalculably huge number. The wheat fields near the city have long been gnawed into wasteland, and there is not a single grass root left, whether it is raw or ripe.As for the other aspects of eating, drinking and lazing, not to mention, Sword Castle has been closed for twelve days, so one can imagine how smoky the place is.

Although he expressed his dissatisfaction with the sword castle's closed door thanking guests, when El saw the scene in front of him, he began to understand the difficulties of the sword castle owner.If it were him, it would be impossible to lift the blockade at this time, otherwise, even if the problem of plague infection was not considered, the influx of 3 people would still crush the city alive.

Until last night, Al hadn't paid much attention to these northern refugees, but the facts quickly slapped him loudly.He thought that the so-called Brotherhood of Stoneworkers was nothing more than a gang of ragtag gangs, but the other party played a trick that surprised even Laurana.

Not long after El followed Baron Farah out of the manor, some "enthusiastic people" knocked on the gates of other manors, and explained to them an amazing conspiracy in a very urgent tone—it turned out that Baron Farah wanted to send these The grain was resold to a smuggler, and he had absconded with the money! "

Under the circumstances at this moment, no one is still in the mood to verify the truth. Almost all the lords and lords quickly got up from the bed, and with the mentality that they would rather be trusted, they sent out the private guards they kept in their manor. They rushed towards the manor of Baron Farah in a mighty manner.

And not long after the main force in their manor left, that is, when El saved the life of Baron Farah, another group of thugs took advantage of the gap and rushed into the manor of these lords.Armed with torches and weapons, they dragged the noble lords, their wives and children out of their homes and hanged them at the door, then looted all valuable valuables, and set fire to the entire manor.

Baron Farah only lost his wife and property, and his friends had nothing left.After dawn, El sent scouts to investigate and returned. The information showed that none of the surrounding nobles who gathered Baron Farah together could escape the catastrophe of last night. Nine manors were burned to the ground. None survived.

Of course, what is even more shameful is that after the murder, this group of murderers and arsonists left their handwriting in a grandiose manner, using the blood of the dead to write on the wall, "This is the fate of idiots who defy Istaren..." With such arrogant statements, a shit pot was firmly buckled on the heads of the people of Istaren.

After evacuating from Istaron, although he has experienced various battles and tribulations, El has never encountered such a strange thing. The mood of the enemy in the palm of your hand.And Laurana, who was the chief wise man under him, also received a lot of stimulation after being placed in this way.Since last night, the smile on her face has been so weird that it is hard to look directly at it.

The envoy to Sword Castle once again brought back news of the rejection. Sword Castle expressed its regret and condolences for the tragedy in Istaren, but at the same time said that it was also in a state of being overwhelmed and unable to provide assistance.Before this, everyone regarded this stuff as meaningless social rhetoric, but now it seems that the situation there is really not optimistic. At least El can be sure that in front of this group of refugees supported by the Masonry Brotherhood, the sword Fort will never have good fruit to eat.

When Sword Castle came into view and was about to contact the refugee camp, the exile team stopped cautiously. Tiana and El got together again to discuss the next step.

The members of this meeting included the current manager Andlov under Tiana, secretary Laurana, and two involuntary guests under El's hands, Thomas the Gold Toucher and Baron Farah.In fact, these people can be said to be the most flexible characters in the current exile team.Like it or not, they must now come together to solve the problems at hand.

"I probably already understand the situation. In other words, there is at least one wise man who is good at planning in the opponent's camp, and he also has a very strong force in execution." The Baron asked: "Mr. Baron, what you just said about the current Patriarch of the Sword Castle Northwind Family Michelle's serious illness, is it a rumor or a confirmed fact?"

"This is an undoubted fact, Ma'am." Baron Farah said in a deep voice with red eyes. Ever since he learned of the tragedy of other manor owners, his mental state has not been very stable.Although these people were cheated because of greed, those old grains can't be said to be traumatic to these little nobles. In fact, these people have a good relationship with him in normal times, and even have relatives. Contact, otherwise I wouldn't trust him so much.But now the instigator is still alive, and those innocent nobles have encountered unexpected disasters. How can Baron Farah be at peace?
"The current Patriarch's sudden illness happened last month. The old Patriarch is a great swordsman whose strength has reached the silver rank. He has always been in good health. No one thought that he would suddenly fall ill, and he did not deliberately cover it up News. Because of the sudden illness of the old Patriarch, the eldest lady who was practicing in the sword tomb had to stand up and take charge of the overall situation. Although the ability of the eldest lady in this area was limited due to her inexperience, with the help of the Beifeng family in Sword Fort Prestige, some problems that usually arise have been properly resolved, until the news of the outbreak of the plague spread, and the influx of refugees from the north..."

Baron Farah slammed his fist on the table, and said through gritted teeth, "It must be the conspiracy of those untouchables!"

"Mr. Baron, please forgive me." Tiana looked at the emotional Baron Farah, sighed but did not stop him from venting, the girl turned her head and continued to ask Thomas: "Mr. Thomas, you are a famous person in the country. The big businessman has a deeper understanding of the Masonry Brotherhood than we do. Regarding the incident that happened this time, can you please share your opinion."

"You are honored, Ms. Ranstadt." Thomas put down his teacup and bowed in greeting. He put himself in a very humble posture in front of Tiana. Although he did not know the specific identity of this lady, in this team No matter how much she can be overestimated, she can be on an equal footing with El in the team and can let the devil lady act as a secretary.

So Thomas settled down, thought carefully and said, "To be conservative, we haven't been able to confirm that our opponent is the legendary Masonry Brotherhood, but this style of behavior does have their characteristics. Masonry The Brotherhood used to be a pure organization for the protection of collective interests, and later gradually developed into a secret gang that ruled the underground gray industry in the north. Although they are still in the name of protecting the rights of gang brothers, in fact, this group of people is doing all kinds of evil in private , Robbery and kidnapping are commonplace."

"However, that's only for general situations. In fact, this kind of petty trouble will never be brought to the table. A large-scale operation like last night's is not quite like what they can play. But if we say If this is what they do, then maybe only one person can do it, and that is the current prophet of the Brotherhood of Masonry - Muhammad."

"Prophet? I haven't heard that there are still prophets in the Kingdom of Auckland." Tiana looked at Andlov suspiciously, and the latter also looked blank.

"It's just what he claimed. Just like those cultists who don't know what to believe in, Muhammad also claimed to have received a metaphor from God." Thomas said with a wry smile: "But this person is more powerful than his predecessor. It is more worthy of the name. I don't know the specific situation, but in the past ten years, it is this person who has further developed the Brotherhood of Stone Workers, and has developed believers and organizations in various provinces. Apart from him, Stone Workers Another well-known figure in the Brotherhood is Hercules Hagnan, but that one can tell by his nickname that he is definitely not a person who can use his brain."

"If this is the case, then there is a reasonable explanation for the refugees in front of us." Tiana nodded, and said to El: "From my experience, if there is no special organizational behavior, it is absolutely impossible There are so many refugees who escaped from the epidemic area. If we assume that the Brotherhood of Stoneworkers has mobilized its hidden forces in various provinces to bring these refugees together in an orderly manner, it can explain a lot of things.”

"You mean to say that although these refugees outside look like refugees, they are actually organized by the Brotherhood of Stone Workers, a team similar in nature to ours?" Seeing Tiana's eyes, Ai Er immediately understood what she meant, but after comprehending, he couldn't help feeling chills down his back.

This time the problem... is a bit troublesome.

 Hmm... You always think that the IQ of the eldest lady is against the sky and affects the protagonist's pretentiousness, so the enemy with high IQ that you were looking forward to appeared.Eleven prize quiz: Istaron is Tika, Brown Earth Hills is Xiya, who is the girl who will be given lunch in the Jianbao area?There are hints in the previous article, if you guess correctly, there will be benefits~
(End of this chapter)

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