rune hunter

Chapter 299 The Raven and the Giant

Chapter 299 The Raven and the Giant

Walking all the way from the outside of the settlement, El and Tiana soon found more suspicious clues.Different from the stinking shacks on the outskirts, when they entered the settlement, they found that the living environment and standard of living here were not the same as those outside. Significantly improved, at least like a place for personal living, basically reaching the minimum living standard line among the exiles.

However, El also noticed that for the refugees living in the inner area, some unknown stone sculptures that may be used for religious sacrifices were placed outside the tents. There were portraits and animals, and the carving techniques were very rough. Unwanted junk for two coppers on the carpet.However, these statues were respectfully placed outside the tent door, and all the statues were engraved with a mysterious symbol that he did not recognize.

There were also people patrolling the night in the settlement. Judging from their attire, they were definitely the same group of thugs who attacked Baron Farah. However, they obviously didn't have enough vigilance and walked around according to the prescribed route as if it were a routine. Occasionally, they chat with each other with a smile on their faces, and they look no different from ordinary farmers.

A 12-member team walked past El and Tiana without noticing anything unusual. Judging by their indifferent looks, it seemed that even if there was an abnormal situation, it was not worth paying attention to.El silently exchanged a glance with Tiana, both of them were a little puzzled.In their imagination, an organization like the Brotherhood of Stoneworkers, which can organize the migration and gathering of [-] refugees, must have a complete and smooth organizational structure inside.With the strength they have demonstrated, it is basically impossible for such rookie-level omissions to occur.

"They still have secret whistle?" Tiana thought for a while, and guessed with some uncertainty.

"They don't have secret whistle." El glanced at the surrounding environment, and said with certainty: "But... there may not be other warning methods, we can try it."

El picked up a small stone from the ground, studied it carefully around, then put the stone on his finger, aimed at a tent support in the distance and bounced it.

The support of the tent was a branch cut from an old poplar tree. It was not special in itself, but it was selected only because it was strong and tough enough.The stone that appeared suddenly hit the middle part of the bracket impartially, and with a click, the thick branch broke from it, and the tent it supported also collapsed.

A stone, a tree branch, these are extremely inconspicuous things, even if someone opens their eyes wide in the dark, they may not be able to notice them, but when a tent collapses, the sound is enough to attract the attention of the night watchmen. Especially after a woman's scream came from the tent, the tranquility in the night was broken in an instant.

These temporary tents were originally impossible to be strong, and it was normal for them to collapse occasionally. Although the night watchmen were attracted by the sound, they didn't have any intention of reaching out to help.Most of the people wanted to watch the excitement, and wanted to see if the screaming woman would jump out of the tent with her butt naked for everyone to feast their eyes on.However, what came out of the tent was a man's cursing. The owner of the tent seemed to have a lot of status, and just a scolding made the night watchmen flee with their heads in their hands.

The farce of this midnight horror subsided quickly, and the surrounding neighbors were not even alarmed.The only ones who were frightened were probably the birds that perched on the tents, fluttering in the night sky for a long time before slowly falling down, as if to protest that humans had disturbed their dreams, these birds opened their mouths wide and made a piercing cry ——

"Quack... quack..."

"Crow?" El looked at the flying birds hovering over the settlement, his eyes moved slightly.

"So it's a crow?" Tiana squinted her eyes, stretched out her hand and pointed at the crow in midair, opened her palm, and said suddenly after a moment of silence: "These crows don't have magical fluctuations, and they are not animals controlled by humans."

"That's not necessarily true." El shook his head and said, "When I was hunting in the mountains, I heard that there is a kind of person with a special talent who can understand the language of animals and communicate with them in depth... that should be Isn't that magic?"

"You're talking about druids, that kind of people are more lonely than the ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Church, and they almost never appear in the human world." Tiana thought for a while, and denied El's guess: "But your thoughts Yes, there is more than one way to drive animals, maybe the Prophet Muhammad has a secret method that we don't know."

"Anyway, at least let us discover their secret eyeliner, which is a good start." El's eyes were fixed on the movement in the sky, and the blue light in his eyes flashed away, and he noticed A different crow, that crow was a whole circle bigger than ordinary crows, and its wings were nearly one meter long. It looked like an eagle.It's just that it is mixed with other crows in the night sky, and it is impossible to find it without careful observation.

The huge crow didn't open its mouth to croak, but turned its head sideways as if listening to the voices of other crows.Not long after, the other crows calmed down and landed on the tent one after another, while the big crow flapped its wings, turned and flew in another direction.

"Follow that crow, it must be looking for its owner." El said to Tiana, pointing in the direction the crow flew away.

The big crow flapped its wings twice, passed through the barriers of the tents, and landed in a huge but extremely inconspicuous tent.There is no way out around this tent, but it is surrounded by other tents, and it is impossible to find the mystery hidden inside from the outside.The surrounding tents seem to be quiet, but if you look closely, you can still discern a clue.The people living in those tents didn't really fall asleep. Their breathing was even and strong, almost undetectable in the dark, but because of this, they didn't have the natural snoring of normal people.

The big crow didn't scream after breaking into the tent, but quietly folded its wings and landed on the perch specially prepared for itself, shook its feathers, chose a comfortable position and squatted down.

A faint light was lit from the tent, followed by a slight cough, and then an old and frail voice asked, "What happened, Hemchacha?"

The big crow showed a look of impatience in a very humane way, opened its mouth and closed its eyes after a "quack" sound, as if it felt that such a trivial matter was not worth wasting energy.

There was silence in the tent for a while, and the old voice said again: "When people are old, they are easily frightened... Heim Chacha, go and check it again."

The big crow opened his eyes and looked at his master helplessly. After confirming that he was not joking, he couldn't help but shook his head, stood up, stretched his bones and feathers, spread his wings and flew out of the tent.

El and Tiana, who had already followed the trail of the big crow to the vicinity but could not find the entrance, were at a loss when they suddenly saw the big crow fly out again, this time he did not fly far away, but flew high into the sky Among them, he took a deep breath and let out a loud "croak", and suddenly countless crows flew up in the entire settlement, covering the moonlight in the sky for an instant.

"No, let's retreat." El's wild intuition sensed the malice from these birds, so he immediately stopped Tiana's footsteps, and the two retreated carefully along the original path they came from.

The crows flying all over the sky not only alarmed El, but also awakened others from their dreams.Er took Tiana back a few steps, when he felt the ground tremble slightly, and then heard a voice that was almost roaring like a beast: "Heimchacha! Shut your beak! ! Otherwise, I will crush you to pieces!"

Compared with the noisy crow, the roar of this voice is more likely to wake up the refugees in the entire settlement, but the big crow obviously doesn't take this threat to heart.It flew through the air and croaked, which sounded like harsh laughter.The owner of the other voice cursed, and then El felt the ground tremble again, and then he saw a huge monster crawling up from the tent near him.

It was a giant carrying a hammer. His height was at least three meters, almost comparable to the ogre chief El had seen, but compared with the big belly of the ogre chief, this giant was physically stronger. His muscles are sharp and angular, looking like cast iron ingots.

The stone hammer in the giant's hand was more than two meters long. The head of the hammer was a square piece of granite, about the size of an adult, and its weight could be imagined.The ground tremor that El felt just now was actually the effect caused by the giant picking up the hammer from the ground.

Al just took a look, and he was sure that this giant must be the "Hercules" Hagnan that Thomas called. There can't be a more terrifying warrior in the Masonry Brotherhood than this giant in front of him. El felt a vague sense of oppression, which made him a little out of breath.

The giant was carrying his huge stone hammer, looked at the big crow in the sky, and scolded while digging his nostrils: "Heim Chacha, are you in heat when you come out screaming in the middle of the night without sleeping? Is the white striped chicken not satisfying you anymore? What the hell, do you still miss that girl? But you don’t have the capital! Although you are a bird, you can’t put yourself under the girl’s ass, can you?”

He opened his mouth full of obscenities, which almost made the big crow fall from the air.The big crow flapped its wings desperately twice, and let out a loud "croak" at the giant angrily.

"Huh? Did the prophet say there are little mice?" The giant flicked the booger off his finger, turned his head and looked in the direction of El and Tiana with a grin.

 Adhere to the morals and ask for tickets by the way, and one more thing, getting married in the imperial capital is too expensive%>_<%
(End of this chapter)

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