rune hunter

Chapter 300 The Eye of the Crow

Chapter 300 The Eye of the Crow
The nickname "Hercules" Hagnan is said to come from an astonishing act he made more than ten years ago. Kicked out of the house and went to work in the city.An aristocratic gentleman heard that he was both strong and strong, so he brought him here to see how much strength he had. After Hignan ate two roasted pork legs, he was alone Carrying five hundred catties of grain on his back, he ran around the nobleman's manor ten times, shocking all the onlookers present.

But these are all legends from a long time ago, and their credibility is very doubtful.What really made Hagnan famous, or rather infamous, was something else.About ten years ago, he was favored by a lord because of his amazing strength, and he was hired with a lot of money as the captain of the guard in his territory.But at that time, Highgnan indulged himself because of his self-confidence in power, and he had already embarked on an evil path.He only served as the captain of the guard for three months, and then lost his temper because of a trivial matter, rushed into the lord's castle, took away his property and his precious daughter, and fled.

The poor girl's body was found three days later, badly mutilated.The frightened and angry lord issued a reward of up to [-] gold coins, placing him among the most dangerous wanted criminals.On the other hand, Highgnan simply smashed the pot, ran to the mountains with the treasure, and gathered a group of criminals to become the bandit leader.

However, three years ago, this big robber who could scare children from crying just by hearing his name met his scourge, or from another perspective, he could be called a noble person.When he was robbing the road, he accidentally stopped the carriage of the prophet of the Masonry Brotherhood. Under the constant teaching of the Prophet Muhammad, Hagnan finally realized his mistake, so he put down his butcher knife and reformed himself, and joined the Masonry Brotherhood with Muhammad. Yes, become a good person, a person who is useful to society.

The above information about Hercules Hagnan emerged from El's mind in an instant, and he was directly labeled "meaningless".No matter how weird his dark history was, there is only one feeling for this man now, and that is strong!Suffocatingly powerful!
Looking at the steel-cast giant in front of him, El instantly thought of the obsidian-built Titan that destroyed the city wall of Istaren, and the suffocating sense of oppression emanating from his body seemed unexpectedly Being able to reach the level of the young lady in Sword Castle—although there is still an ant-like gap between the two, it can at least show that this man has reached the end of the Silver Secret Realm and climbed to the top of the Silver Rank. peak.

El doesn't know exactly how powerful the peak silver-ranked powerhouse is, but among the characters in his memory, there are at least two such monstrosities.Earl Snake of the Truth Society pulled the whole of Istaron into the abyss with one person, and Katyusha, the Silver Crusader, was able to fight head-on with the land princess Langaria without losing the wind. Among the army of thousands of undead Come and go freely.

The Masonry Brotherhood is a mere gang organization, can it afford to support a big man of that level?It would make people laugh when they said it, and Al would never believe it.But the deadly threatening signal from his wild intuition kept reminding him that even if this strongman hadn't reached the real peak state, he was by no means an ordinary character he could deal with now.

The moment the giant appeared, El was already withdrawn, but he didn't expect that this guy came back and noticed this side before he took a few steps.Although Tiana's phantom magic is an excellent cover, it is only for ordinary people. The giant in front of her is obviously not an easy character to play.

Seeing that Hagnan's eyes were still out of focus, El mentioned the heart in his throat and put it back a little bit. As a warrior, he knew very well that a strong man who can reach this level definitely lacks the perception of threats. ability.Maybe Hegnan just subconsciously sensed that something was wrong, and hadn't really found the trace of the two of them, but El didn't have the guts to gamble on his IQ, so he pulled Tiana back quickly without hesitation.

"I seem to smell the smell of little mice." Hagnan looked at the dark and empty narrow passage, wrinkled his nose and said displeasedly: "Heimchacha, aren't all the mice in the camp killed by your brother?" Have you eaten all of them? There will still be mice patronizing this shitty place? You won’t be blind because of your old eyesight, right?”

The big crow screamed angrily, and flapped its wings a few times in mid-air. The other crows roared and flew around it, forming a black vortex over the settlement.In the center of the vortex, a washbasin-sized eye suddenly appeared, emitting a light that ordinary people couldn't detect, covering the entire settlement.

"They are using a kind of detection magic, and they will find us soon." Tiana said worryingly, looking at the giant eyes of the crow in the sky.

"Let's hide in the tent, let's talk about it later." El said without thinking, he chose a tent on the side of the road at random, and saw two men with naked buttocks crawling out of the blanket in panic. When they came out, they rushed over and knocked them unconscious with a punch, and pulled Tiana to shrink under the blanket.

"Oh, hell!" There was a disgusting stench from the blanket, and Tiana couldn't help but swear subconsciously, but the girl had the experience of sleeping in a pile of dead people. It's okay to bear with this little problem.As soon as the two of them put the blanket on, they felt an inexplicable and strange ripple sweeping across the sky, and they shivered at the same time.

"What the hell is this?" El only felt a chill sweeping over his head, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and couldn't help but swear.He is not someone who has experienced big scenes, but tonight this ghostly place is full of weirdness, which makes it difficult for him to calm down.

"It's sorcery!" Tiana whispered next to his ear. El was inexplicable and was about to ask a question when suddenly the ground trembled, and the two bounced off the ground involuntarily.

"No, I've been spotted! You retreat first, and I'll cover you!" El grabbed Tiana's waist the moment she was bounced up, and pushed her to the other side. The tent above her head was suddenly ripped open. , The crow's crowing noise instantly deafened the ears and could no longer hear other sounds.El raised his head, and saw an unusual starlight floating in the sky not far from him, and Hagnan's sledgehammer fell just below the starlight.

El didn't know how the opponent used to determine his position. It was obvious that Tiana's phantom magic hadn't expired, and the opponent's mark looked like a prophecy that was a little bit off.Hagnan's sledgehammer fell, smashing the tents in that area and the refugees inside into a big pit, which is why the ground trembled violently just now.Although the two of them were not discovered in the first place, the distance from the giant hammer is definitely not safe.

El didn't dare to take luck as a bet, so he pushed Tiana away decisively, letting her escape alone.With the girl's ability, as long as she stays out of the enemy's sight range, it is not difficult to escape smoothly, which is why El dared to cooperate with Tiana.

"Since there are guests coming, there's no need to leave in a hurry..." An old voice suddenly echoed in the air, and immediately after that, the crows in the sky turned into a black curtain and enveloped them.Blocked the road from the inner area of ​​the settlement to the outside world.El didn't need to look back to know that Tiana was stopped. It seemed that the other prophet chose to make a move.

Of course, he didn't dare to look back at this time, because a gaze full of tyranny and murderous intent had already locked on him.From the moment he exposed himself, Hagnan turned his head sharply and stared at his figure firmly.

The giant grinned, looking very ferocious. He strode a distance of nearly five meters in one stride, came to his weapon in two steps, picked up the giant hammer with one hand and carried it behind him, looked at El and said with a smile: "Oh! Heh, where did this little mouse come from, it looks like it has some skills? Come on, let me give it a try!"

With a sullen face, El raised a middle finger to Hagnan in silence, then took off the Dragon Tooth Bow from behind, bent the bow and set an arrow.

"Oh? Don't you know who I am? Do you expect to use that kind of toothpick to pick my teeth?" Hagnan couldn't help showing a sarcastic expression when he saw El's movements.He wanted to continue talking, but when El raised the dragon tooth bow, he suddenly closed his mouth, raised the sledgehammer and rushed straight at El.

Just as Hagnan raised his foot, a quick arrow pierced his chest. The arrow penetrated less than half a point into the muscles of his chest, and then the shaft of the arrow twisted into two pieces with a click.El's arrow could pierce the horned demon's scales, but it could only leave a shallow scar on his muscle where no blood could be seen.

The straight-line distance between Magnum and El was 20 meters, which to him was just two or three steps a breath away, and to El, it was enough for him to shoot two more arrows.

When the giant took two steps away, the second arrow roared towards him. Hagnan didn't see any trace of the arrow at all, but felt the tingling pain in his right eye, and subconsciously tilted his head. A fast arrow with a little bit of starlight slashed across his cheek, bringing out a deep bloodstain.At the same time, Magnum's right eye also trembled suddenly, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of the eye.

Feeling the burning pain on his face, Magnum's anger was instantly ignited. He opened his throat and roared, and the muscles in his body swelled at the same time, and the whole person grew up out of thin air!
El didn't shoot the third arrow, he turned and ran with the dragon tooth bow on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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