Chapter 349 The Great Prince (2)
"Concubine Rong did not follow the emperor's wishes. Concubine Rong recently teamed up with Concubine Jing and had conflicts with Duke Hu and Concubine Li. This seems to be not what the emperor wants to see." Concubine Zhuang sat opposite Concubine Hua, knocking Holding the tea lid in his hand, as if he had seen through Concubine Hua's thoughts, he said, "The concubine the emperor wants to establish must be in line with the emperor's wishes."

"Empress Empress—" Concubine Hua hesitated to speak.

Sitting in the position of the queen, it is basically impossible to completely meet the emperor's wishes, because the queen is the mother of the future emperor.

But why Concubine Shu?When will concubine Shu get well?When did the emperor start colluding with Concubine Shu?

"A few days ago, someone saw that Concubine Shu often went to the Changchun Palace, saying that she was going to see the Nineteenth Lord, and she said in her heart that she felt guilty for the Nineteenth Lord. But who didn't know that the emperor had the same heart for the Nineteenth Lord. Feeling guilty, occasionally when I leave Yuqing Palace to go out on business, I will take a detour and go to Changchun Palace to secretly visit Lord Nineteen." Concubine Zhuang raised her brows lightly, as if intentionally or unintentionally bringing up the belated news , "Before, everyone doubted whether Concubine Shu's illness was really cured, otherwise she would not come out to meet people. I didn't expect that she could really hide her anger."

"She is that kind of person." Concubine Hua couldn't help interjecting.

Because of the death of his own daughter, he had an unclear relationship with Concubine Shu.

Concubine Hua was told that Concubine Shu is a cannibalistic bone spirit, but she is hated to death.

"I don't know who she said sweet words to, otherwise, how could the body recover so quickly after a long illness." Concubine Zhuang's eyes flashed sharply, as if she had caught something.

In fact, everyone knows it well.There is only one person who has this ability to heal Concubine Shu.Because the hospital has been in the hospital for so long, there is nothing to do about Concubine Shu's illness.

"The emperor knew about this and acquiesced." Concubine Zhuang raised her eyes and shot at the empress who was sitting in the upper seat.

The queen could not hold back.Through the screen, the prince who listened to their three conversations came out in a hurry from behind the screen and said, "I helped Concubine Shu, didn't I hit Concubine Rong? Could it be that Princess Li is not from the Palace of the Protector? For the sake of the protector?"

"His Royal Highness, don't you know Princess Li's temper until now?" Concubine Zhuang personally went to the Duke Protector's Mansion to beg someone, and she had a deep impression on Li Min, "Princess Li never plays cards according to common sense. She Mother-in-law can't do anything with her. Your Majesty, I don't even know what to do with her."

The latter sentence is the key point.

The queen bowed her head and took a sip of tea, and said to the prince: "Today, you take the third and eighth masters to visit the eldest prince."

"Mother's queen?" Zhu Ming's face showed an incomprehensible astonishment.

The queen inevitably lost her temper with the prince: "If you can't even handle this matter well, my palace will see that it's okay to let the grandson of the emperor go instead of the prince."

Concubine Zhuang helped the queen with a soothing word: "His Royal Highness, you are now the East Palace, and the emperor always said that you are brothers and respectful. If you hadn't led the younger brothers to see the elder brother who was sick, it would be unreasonable both emotionally and rationally. Since The Eldest Prince returned to the palace today, just settled down, and invited the imperial doctor to see it, now is the time for His Highness the Crown Prince to show up. Otherwise, this opportunity will be filled with people scrambling to perform in front of the Emperor."

Zhu Ming frowned, understanding what Concubine Zhuang meant, but the queen only named Ba Ye, why did she even name the third child.Is it afraid that the third child will also set up his own family to grab the crown prince?

However, Concubine Jing's independent action this time did irritate the queen a bit.He colluded with Wang Shi to mess around with that cheat book, and as a result, he almost ended up in the same fate as Wang Shi.

"Is there any mystery in that Xu family's cheat book?" Concubine Hua may not have intended to say such a sentence.

Those who listened were all very interesting.

The queen's face darkened slightly.

Li Min calculated the time when the crown prince was deposed, and it happened to be the same year when her biological mother Xu died.

There is no coincidence here.Perhaps because of a series of huge events that happened that year, such as the empress being bestowed to death and the prince being deposed, the death of an official's wife in the Xu family seemed so trivial that almost no one noticed.

News came from the palace, saying that yes, Doctor Liu was treating the Eldest Prince.Then, the prince led his brothers to visit his elder brother who was seriously ill, and sent an invitation, hoping that Zhu Li could go with him.

Zhu Li, as the protector of the country, of course cannot easily meet the eldest prince who is on the cusp of the storm.There will be suspicion of changing to serve the First Prince.However, Zhu Li was young, and he was invited by the prince to visit his brother as a member of the royal family, so he could go.

Zhu Li, who received the invitation, agreed without thinking.Then I went to my elder brother's study room, and told my elder brother who was working: "His Royal Highness invited me to visit the eldest prince together. Who do you think I should bring with me?"

Zhu Li rested the brush in his hand, turned his head, and looked at Gongsun.

Gongsun said: "My lord, I think that at least someone who can report to the princess should be brought along."

Sooner or later, when the people in the palace can't do anything about the Eldest Prince's illness, they will definitely let Li Min into the palace.

Zhu Li understands what Gongsun means, but Li Min's medical skills of observing words and expressions, is anyone who can easily copy them, I'm afraid that those who have gone there will see the eldest prince's condition and can't see the reason, turn around and give Li Min a misrepresentation up.

"If my sister-in-law can go to find out first—" It's good to be young, and it can be a fantasy, Zhu Li casually said such a nagging sentence.

This sentence was heard by both Zhuli and Gongsun.

Facing Zhu Li's eyes, Gongsun nodded: "You can take a risk, but you have to ask the princess what she thinks."

Not long after, Li Min, who was exhausted from checking the accounts in the house, heard what they said.

Li Min was of course very interested when he heard that he could disguise himself and go into the palace to test the legendary eldest prince who was seriously ill.

As a princess, she has entered the palace many times, but at the same time, because of her status as a princess, it is very inconvenient to have a group of people staring at her wherever she goes.In the palace, it is almost a route, who to meet and what to do, are all prescribed by others, and there is no possibility of prying into the privacy of the palace.

Gongsun Liangsheng took out two masks and put them on for her and Lan Yan at the same time.Speaking of the masks used by ancient people, they are very similar to the props used by face-changing artists in Sichuan opera.A thin layer of something covered my face, and several layers were thickened, as if I had covered my face with thick flour, so the original layer of skin on my face was covered and disappeared.The skin has become rough, as if wearing a mask, and the muscles that move on the face can't be seen when speaking, like a zombie face.Trim your eyebrows again, grow some long bangs, change your hairstyle, change your clothes, and talk with your head down all day. It is not easy for people to suddenly want to know their identity.

Lan Yan seemed to be used to changing her identity by changing her face, she quickly completed the cross-dressing, and then helped Li Min make up herself.

(End of this chapter)

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