Chapter 350 The Great Prince (3)
Unexpectedly, this chivalrous girl was as dexterous as the little maids beside her, her movements were fast, and she also helped her change her makeup.Looking at himself in the bronze mirror, Li Min was quite satisfied.

Everything is ready.

Before leaving, Zhu Li personally helped her pull the sleeve to cover the emperor green on her wrist.Among the items on her body, only this bracelet will reveal her identity.

"Don't walk around alone. I know that you have been in the palace many times. But don't say you, even me, may go the wrong way and meet people you shouldn't meet." He whispered to her .

Li Min smiled: "My lord, isn't this saying that I got lost in the palace before?"

Zhu Li raised his eyes, narrowed his pupils on her brows, and said, "That happened a long time ago. At that time, I was young, mischievous, and didn't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"Has the lord seen the eldest prince?" Li Min asked seriously, knowing that at his young uncle's age, he had never seen what Zhu Wen looked like with his own eyes.

"I have seen it before." Zhu Li said, "But at that time, I was too young. I just remember that compared with the present prince, the eldest prince wore the prince's dragon crown at a young age. The golden light on the peak."

At that time, the eldest prince in the palace was the oldest, and the eighth master Zhu Ji had just turned a few years old, and he was still running around behind the other elder brothers.This is nonsense.the reason is simple.At that time, Concubine Chang's background was too low to be looked down upon by others, and Ba Ye was also looked down upon by others, so he had to hide in Concubine Chang's palace without seeing anyone.When Ba Ye's temperament changed, everyone can't remember clearly.It just seems that boys are getting older, so naturally they don't have to be so shy.

So, at that time, in the imperial palace, there was a saying that the world would be overshadowed by three pearls standing side by side.

The three beads, one was the eldest prince who was still the prince at that time, the eldest prince was handsome in appearance, as beautiful as a fairy, just like the morning dewdrop on the shore of the fairy lake, with a white fairy air curling up.The second is Zhu Li, the young master of Duke Huguo's Mansion, heroic, handsome and handsome, holding a bow and arrow in his hand. He is the legendary Erlang God, the brightest Big Dipper in the night, and the black bead that glows with mysterious light.

Thirdly, not the present prince and second prince Zhu Ming, but the third prince Zhu Li.Although Zhu Li's eyes were not good at the time, her eyes were as clear as white jade, and she was praised as the most beautiful pair of eyes in the world.Like a mirror, like a lake, all kinds of styles are piled up in this pair of beautiful eyes.

In this case, at present, compared with Zhu Li's penny-pinching iron rooster, it seems that he can't be equated at all.

Zhu Li is the third pearl, known as the most beautiful jade pearl in the world. Since then, the reputation of a gentleman as jade has spread like wildfire.

It can be said that if there were no accidents, the eldest prince Zhu Wen would not have anything that the emperor felt particularly dissatisfied with.On the contrary, the current prince, the second prince Zhu Ming, is not the most outstanding among all the princes in terms of appearance, he can't compare with the eldest prince, the third master, and later, even the eighth and eleventh masters.In terms of talent, he is extremely mediocre. When he was young, he was the No. 1 master by heart. He has always been the second prince Zhu Ming.As a result, in people's impression, apart from being able to endorse, the second prince is in a mess.

Such a second prince was established as the prince only because of the rule that the eldest prince was abolished and the second son replaced the first.If it weren't for the ancient motto of ordering the young and old, it has been true from ancient times to the present, and the fact that the second prince was established as the prince would not be convincing to the public.

It's not that the emperor didn't know this, otherwise why would he always have a feeling of hatred for the crown prince.

Seeing his wife leaving, Zhu Li held his hands behind his back, and after watching the person go away, he said to Lan Yan who was kneeling in front of him: "Go there, remember, the princess can do whatever she wants, but the princess's safety comes first." If there is anything, send a message back to the palace, and bring the princess back when it is time to bring it back."

"Your servants know, my lord." After Lan Yan answered, she flew out of the window, crossed the back wall, and chased Li Min and Zhu Li's carriage.

Under the eaves, after Lan Yan left, a delicate white robe of bamboo cloth fluttered down.

Holding the jade flute between his fingers, Xu Feiyun walked into Zhu Li's study as if nothing had happened.

Zhu Li looked at him with dark eyes: "How is it?"

"After the death of the King Without Swords, some people must feel that there is a shortage of people. Therefore, five old men from the Xiaoyao Gang entered the capital to fill the vacant seats." Xu Feiyun slowly sat down next to a chair in the room. His eyes shot to Gongsun Liangsheng's helpless scholarly face.

A hint of disdain.

Gongsun Liangsheng didn't know when he offended Daxia Xu, and was a little surprised.

Zhu Li covered the corner of his mouth with his fist, coughed twice, asked Gongsun Liangsheng to take a step back, and said: "It is reasonable to make up for the lack of people."

"I'm afraid that those five are not the only ones entering the capital." Xu Feiyun's bewitching pupils turned bright, and he looked at Zhu Li, "My lord, is there something important going on in the capital?"

"Didn't the First Prince come back?"

Xu Feiyun showed displeasure at Gongsun Liangsheng's seemingly interrupted words: "No. You know that's not what I said."

Facing the somewhat cautious eyes from Gongsun Liangsheng, Zhu Li just hesitated a little, and said to Xu Feiyun: "You are right. Something big is going to happen. That's why I left you here."

"If that's the case—" Xu Feiyun frowned slightly because of his words, but he said cheerfully, "I want to borrow the Prince's Soul-Living Knife."

"Borrow my king's knife?"

"Yes, I want to find a veteran blacksmith to repair my Throat Sword, and by the way, how about helping the prince repair the Soul-Living Sword?"

Gongsun Liangsheng looked at the two of them, and he definitely couldn't talk about weapons.

Seeing Zhu Li nodding, the corners of Xu Feiyun's mouth turned up, and he looked back at Gongsun Liangsheng's face: "Mr. Gongsun can't ride a horse, but if he doesn't even have a dagger to save his life, how can he work by the prince's side then?"

Gongsun Liangsheng didn't seem to understand his intentionally sarcastic words, but he remembered something and said, "My lord, should I ask the princess what kind of dagger she likes?"

Zhu Li nodded: "I'll ask her later. Please Mr. Xu, help me prepare some short knives suitable for women."

Xu Feiyun readily agreed, and when he walked out the door, he remembered being fooled by the scholar's babble, turned his head and glared at Gongsun's head: Wait!

Gongsun Liangsheng remembered his eyes, and his forehead was a little sweaty. He had heard that Beifeng old monster had a strange temper, and the most frightening thing was holding grudges.

"My lord, did the grass-roots offend Mr. Xu?" When they left, Gongsun asked the master in a low voice.

Zhu Li didn't know what to say, because of the two pieces played by the pier, he could only respond: "People who love to play flute have their own conceit."

(End of this chapter)

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