Chapter 388 The Secret (2)
The mother-in-law, who is a mother, doesn't seem to have guessed that the son's first move was a trap.

No matter who her husband is, he has already considered the emperor's suspicion that the daughter's return to the empress will arouse in his heart.He had already thought of the results Youshi said.However, Zhu Li intentionally brought up this idea to the emperor, which was obviously a test.Mother-in-law, but she didn't see it at all.

If it wasn't because he was trapped in such a complicated family after he got married, Li Min would not be able to realize that everything this man did was for a reason.The reason why Youshi didn't see it was because Youshi's heart was not in Duke Protector's Mansion first, not in his son second, but in his younger sister first.

You Shi was anxious, anxious, and even out of breath.Because my husband has passed away.The son grows up and marries a wife.The son began to defy her opinion and dare not take concubines.You Shi's power in the Duke Protector's Mansion is gradually disappearing.She is afraid, she is afraid.There is only the life-saving straw that can be grasped, because the power of her natal family is simply not comparable to that of the Duke Protector's Mansion, and only her sister who still has a place in the palace and the emperor's heart is left.

If Concubine Rong continues to gain power, she can put pressure on Duke Protector.However, Concubine Rong was defeated in the culinary competition that just passed, and Concubine Shu was the one who was promoted to the imperial concubine.People in the palace are rumored that it was his daughter-in-law who cured Concubine Shu's lingering illness.

After scolding his son, he turned around and saw his daughter-in-law appearing at the door. The fire in Youshi's chest suddenly burst into flames, and he scraped Li Min's face fiercely. small yard.

If the son does something wrong and scolds the son's mother-in-law, it will never be the son that he hates the most, but the daughter-in-law.Because this woman took away her son.The man who should have knelt under his knees and called himself his mother since he was a child, is now reversed, because men love women, how can they not be hated by others.

Why doesn't this man think about who worked so hard to give birth to him before, and was ungrateful.

The series of anger and hatred in Youshi's heart will only increase day by day, and will not decrease slightly.

After seeing his mother's fierce eyes shot at his daughter-in-law, what Zhu Li could read was that his mother cared so much about the power in her hands that she had forgotten the ancestral precepts of her ancestors, She realized that she was the daughter-in-law who married into the Duke Protector's Mansion.According to the order of succession of the Duke Protector's Mansion, after his father's death, it is definitely not Youshi who holds the power, but him.This is the view his father has always cultivated in him since he was a child.Could it be because his father had already seen his mother's greedy ambition?

My father fought in the frontier and seldom went home all the year round.Youshi stayed in the capital for a long time to raise his son, and the power in the Duke Huguo's mansion has basically been in Youshi's hands for many years.Perhaps, in You Shi's thinking, after her husband's death, this family, the Duke Protector's Mansion, and even the Duke Protector's army should be controlled by her, and she is the supreme commander of the Duke Protector's Mansion. official.

Zhu Li frowned, and when he turned his head, he saw her standing there with a beautiful and calm face, and her sleeves were like green bamboos in the green mountains and green waters.He knew that when he was ill last time, although she had told Gongsun that she would make decisions for him, in fact, she was not greedy for power at all.

After he recovered from his illness, she never interfered with his affairs again.

It is rare in the world to have such a temperamental woman who doesn't care about what she can get.After all, her identity and status are comparable to You Shi, and she can become the same as You Shi.In other words, which woman from a rich family would not show a gesture of longing for the power in her own no.No matter you family, no matter Wang family, no matter which empress in the harem.

Li Min could see such doubts in his eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

It's actually normal for him to think this way, because for ancient women, there is nothing else except her husband and children at home.If her husband doesn't love her anymore, and her son grows up to start his own family, then what is left for this woman?There is nothing left, if you don't hold the little power in your own family tightly in your hands.

She Li Min is from modern times, completely different.Modern women, modern women who have their own careers, have already taken the focus of life away from the family.

Divorce is not terrible, and children are not terrible when they become independent.Because women have their own world.

If the ancient woman was a dodder grass, the modern self-reliant woman is a grass that grows wildly.

"My lord, my concubine has prepared lunch for my lord." Li Min said.

When Zhu Li heard her voice, he recovered from her face, nodded, and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back."

They stepped into the mansion one after the other.

When Zhu Li came back from a stroll, he heard that his eldest brother had returned from the palace, so he immediately ran to the yard of his eldest brother and sister-in-law to inquire about the situation.

Li Min asked Nian Xia to pour a glass of water for his uncle.Zhu Li just ran back, thirsty, gulped down water, and drank three glasses in a row.Seeing that the kitchen did not prepare the dishes and brought them up, he talked to his elder brother and sister-in-law, and complained by the way.

"In the morning, when we were returning to Ximen, the old Eleven said that he had just come out of the palace, and then he said that there was a discussion in the palace about whether or not to abolish the crown prince. Whether or not to abolish the crown prince is not up to us to decide whether to abolish the crown prince. Besides, whoever the emperor appoints as the crown prince has always been the same as whoever is the crown prince in the Duke Huguo's mansion. As a courtier, he does his duty as a courtier. However, I don't know what's going on this Eleventh, and he doesn't look for his close starling Jiu Brother was talking, riding a horse and heard that after leaving the palace, he went straight to Ximen to find me, as if purely trying to find fault with the Duke Huguo's mansion. Isn't his starling sick in the prince's mansion? Is he not nervous? Big brother, you go today After entering the palace, did you also hear that he is a dog that cannot spit out ivory?"

Nagging, Zhu barber made a meal.Originally, the intention seemed to be to inquire about the situation that the eldest brother learned from the palace after entering the palace. As a result, the affairs in the palace were not mentioned much. It seemed that the eleventh master had told everyone. Most of what Zhu Li said, 90.00% nine , turned into nagging Master Eleven.

Li Min only knew that after Fu Yan came back, when he was walking with Gongsun Liangsheng, he said that Lord Eleven would never forget our second young master, Prince Zhu Li, wherever he went, and asked Zhu Li why he didn't see anyone.

As a result, Zhu Li now nicknamed Eleventh Lord Gummy Candy.It's all the fault of this old eleven who pesters Zhu Li all day for some reason.

It is clear that Eleventh Master's favorite, closest and most admired person is the eighth Zhu Ji, but he loves to pester him Zhu Li.In other words, what's the use of pestering Zhu Li?

Eleventh Lord is a prince, so he is sure that one day he will leave the palace to establish his own palace, marry a wife and have children, just like his elder brothers, he will find a huge power in the palace to attach himself to.It's like being attached to Eighth Master now.Nothing else.Zhu Li is young now, and he still wants to marry a wife and have children when he grows up. It's hard to say whether he will be separated from the Duke Huguo's Mansion, because it seems that family separation is not advocated in the Duke Huguo's Mansion. Anyway, there are few people in the Duke Huguo Mansion. Living in it can make people look more prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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