Chapter 389 The Secret (3)
According to this logic, when the time comes, Lord Eleven and their Duke Protector's Mansion must have two paths to go.No matter how good childhood sweetheart brothers are, it is impossible for them to be together due to the complicated relationship between the royal family and the Duke Protector's House.People who pester the Duke of the Protectorate are of no use at all.If it was useful, those elder brothers above the eleventh master would have come to pester them long ago.

Don't say that Zhu Li, the person involved, can't figure it out. Zhu Li, who was caught by the eleventh master Zhu Qi today and asked where his younger brother was, also felt that the eleventh master Zhu Qi was a bit weird.Zhu Qi is not young anymore, she is not a child like the Sixteenth and Nineteenth Masters, she is not a person who can't think, she is not at the age of pestering a more fun big brother for lollipops, let alone, Zhu Qi He has always been the person who thinks more in the public opinion, except that his mouth is sometimes outspoken.

Seeing that the two brothers were puzzled and depressed because of an inexplicable Eleventh Master, Li Min couldn't help grinning, and said: "Youth is young, handsome and beautiful, and my uncle is handsome and handsome. He is one of the best in the capital." How can a beautiful boy not make people feel unrequited love, it is very normal for a young girl to cherish spring."

"Sister-in-law, who are you talking about?" Zhu Li was surprised and puzzled.

"Don't uncle know that he is very popular with girls?" Li Min remembered that when he first met him, it was at the empress's mother's house. The uncle had just got off the carriage. Their eyeballs were taken away.At that time, there were not many romantic and beautiful men in the field, but my uncle's appearance was still outstanding.

The girls in the capital who have a crush on Prince Xiaoli will only have more and no less.It's just that the Duke's Mansion doesn't like to form cliques outside, and there are very few people who walk around with the Duke's Mansion on a daily basis. They all know that people in the Duke's Mansion are not good at flattering, so very few people can go to the Protector's Mansion. The government came to get close to the second young master Zhu Li.Before they got married, the girls in the ancient family used to live in seclusion at home, so it was even more difficult to express their feelings to Zhu Li. However, Li Min believed that when Zhu Li came of age, the matchmaker who proposed marriage to the Duke Huguo, There is probably already a long queue.

Zhu Li recalled what his sister-in-law Li Min said, and he really didn't feel anything. At his current age, he has not yet thought of spring, and he spends his days riding horses and archery, so he would never think of paying attention to a little girl's house.

Because of this, Zhu Li, who is yearning for an ordinary girl, can see it, and with Zhu Li's eyes, she can't see Eleventh Master Zhu Qi's tricks.

The husband next to her suddenly realized what she said, but he looked at her in astonishment: "Are you serious?"

"Yes, my lord." Li Min nodded. Anyway, there is no one else in the room except the three of them, and said, "I don't want to reveal the secrets of Master Eleven, but since my uncle is very troubled by this , I have no choice but to say it, maybe it can solve my uncle's confusion."

"What exactly is it, sister-in-law, tell me quickly." Zhu Li shouted.

Zhu Li glanced at his younger brother: he really is a little boy who doesn't understand anything yet, whoever likes his hard-working appearance.

"Uncle, Eleventh Lord, I should not be called Eleventh Lord, but Her Royal Highness Princess."

Zhu Li's pupils instantly became enlarged circles, and Li Min was afraid that he would faint from fright in an instant.Seeing that, Zhu Li did have the tendency to be frightened and went crazy. He slapped the table and jumped up. He didn't dare to point at her respected sister-in-law and say that this was nonsense. He could only mutter to himself insanely: "How could this ,how is this possible?"

Li Min said: "Actually, before you came back, Eighth Master brought Concubine Chang to visit Duke Huguo's Mansion. According to Daxia Xu's memory, Concubine Chang used to be Su Gu, a well-known master of disguise in the world."

"Transfiguration?" Zhu Li was shocked again, took a breath into his lungs, and completely fainted, even the empress in the sixth palace, Eighth Master's biological mother turned out to be a Jianghu female hero, such a thing is simply unimaginable.Such unimaginable things can happen, and there is nothing impossible.

Looking back at her husband's eyes, her husband's eyes seemed to read another meaning in her words. Liu Concubine found it, and then his eyes flickered slightly.

Zhu Li was obsessed with the question of whether Zhu Qi was a man or a woman, and asked Li Min: "Sister-in-law thinks that Su Gu is changing her face for Her Royal Highness, that's why sister-in-law suspects that Lord Eleven is Her Highness Princess?"

"No." Li Min denied, "Eleventh Master didn't change his appearance. It's just a woman disguised as a man, so why change her appearance. It's just that she has been able to disguise herself as a man to this day without flaws, which is really admirable. I don't know her What did mother think, why did she dress up as a man? Is it because in the palace, the prince is actually easier to raise than the princess?"

Yes, she was at the gate of the empress's natal house. When she first saw Eleventh Master Zhu Qi, she was attracted by Eleventh Master's flirtatious appearance that resembled a woman.Perhaps, because some men are young, their Adam's apple is not obvious, so it is the most difficult to distinguish between handsome and beautiful teenagers and girls.And Eleventh Master dressed up as a man, his carefree personality, his every move, is exactly like a man, he doesn't have the demeanor of an ancient lady at all, he can fool people very much.It was she who was almost fooled by Eleventh Master just like everyone else.

It's just that this old eleven doesn't know how to live or die, not only pestering Zhu Li, but also pestering her Li Min from time to time because he thinks it's interesting.Do you really think that Dr. Li's years of anatomy are really for nothing?

Doctor Li can see through the physical distinction between men and women without undressing.Look at Eleventh Master's shoulders, it is obviously shorter than boys of the same age, and the skeleton is clearly smaller than boys of the same age.

The most important point is that Eleventh Master's gaze at her uncle is completely like a young girl's Sichun.

"Uncle, if you can't tell the difference, you can think about the bow used by Master Eleven."

Eleventh Lord is a good archer, even Wanli Lord praised him, but Eleventh Lord used a bow made by himself, Zhu Li knew this bow very well, because Zhu Li himself did not know how many times he laughed at Zhu Qi's bow .Zhu Qi's bow was much lighter than those used by ordinary warriors.For this reason, Zhu Li once laughed at the other party as a bitch, how could he know that she was really a bitch.

No wonder the old eleven just laughed brazenly after hearing that he laughed at her as a woman, without resentment or anger, which is unimaginable for a man.

Zhu Lijing Li Min mentioned this bit by bit. He had doubts before, but he didn't really find out the traces of the truth behind the doubts. After summarizing, he was sure that the eleventh master was a woman. .

This truth, like a dull thunder, directly knocked him out.

He would rather he didn't know, and treat this kid as a brother.Because, after knowing that the other party is a woman, before, he grabbed Eleventh Lord's hand and grabbed Eleventh Lord's collar. Those similar intimacy actions are actually totally unruly actions between a man and a woman. Any one of them is fine. Push Zhu Li to the crime of pervert.

(End of this chapter)

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