The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 394 Doctor Li Was Arrested

Chapter 394 Doctor Li Was Arrested (3)
"What is it?" The Empress Dowager listened attentively, feeling that it was not a very good thing.

"The servant saw that Princess Li prepared a glazed cylinder and a needle."


"My father-in-law asked Princess Li what it was, and Princess Li said it was a needle. It looked the same as the needles used by imperial doctors for acupuncture. It's just thicker. Made of gold."

When Li Min used metal materials instead of modern needles to create ancient needles for injections, he considered that ancient techniques such as copper smelting could not reach the level of perfection, but the technology of forging gold was better, so he used gold.This may be the most expensive needle she has ever seen.It is also suitable for the eldest prince.

Since he couldn't find an oak tree to make a rubber tube for the time being, Li Min could only use a syringe to slowly give the eldest prince an intravenous injection.I don't want all the imperial doctors to stand in the room and watch, because this kind of operation requires asepsis, and too many people watch, which is not beneficial to patients.

However, the Queen Mother didn't think so.Since this Li Min injured the eldest prince with a knife last time, I don't know what kind of idea he came up with this time. Anyway, using this acupuncture-like thing is definitely not acupuncture for the eldest prince, maybe it is for the eldest prince to bury needles or What kind of mechanism is it?Otherwise, what does it mean to be sneaky and not to be seen.

"Go and see Ai's family. Princess Li won't even let Ai's family in." The queen mother stood up after saying this.

The aunt stepped forward to support the queen mother, and walked step by step towards the courtyard where the eldest prince lived.

The lantern illuminated the door to the courtyard, and it was closed.The Queen Mother motioned to the people below her eyes.

The little eunuch was dedicated to seeking merit, so he ran fast, and came to the gate of the yard first, knocked on the door, and shouted loudly: "Open the door quickly! The Empress Dowager has arrived—"

The door panel crackled, if it was a dilapidated door, it would have been smashed by the little eunuch long ago.The loud voice recalled in the night.When there was no movement in the courtyard, those imperial doctors who were driven out of the small courtyard by Li Min surrounded them.

Lu Zhongyang did not appear, the leader was a doctor Chang, and doctor Liu hid behind the crowd.

"I greet the empress dowager." The imperial physicians knelt on the ground in front of the empress dowager.

The queen mother looked down at the officials wearing official hats and robes in the night wind. These people were blown by the night wind, with their hair flying around their temples, their beards fluttering, and the corners of their robes messy, looking in a mess.The Queen Mother frowned deeply and asked, "You have nowhere to go?"


this.Li Min disliked that they were still watching outside the house after they were evicted, and their chattering would affect their work, so they invited them all out of the yard together.Only Lu Zhongyang's old fox, who hadn't been watching early in the morning, went to sleep in the room where he was resting.Then, they were miserable.After being expelled from the yard, where can he go?This is the palace of the empress dowager, of course, one cannot walk around casually, one can only stand in the aisle of this palace and be blown by the cold wind.He didn't eat any dinner, and his face was turned pale by the cold wind, and he was directly reduced from a doctor to a patient.

So when it came to this, the imperial doctors felt aggrieved and cried in front of the queen mother.Physician Chang said: "Princess Li does not know if she is occupying the imperial envoy specially sent by the emperor to prevent the ministers from observing the eldest prince's condition. The eldest prince's illness is sometimes good and sometimes bad. When it is critical, he usually asks Mr. Lu Lead the ministers and others to go up and give first aid."

Hearing this, this Li Min is too conceited, isn't he afraid that the First Prince suddenly becomes ill and cannot handle it alone.It is said that the more people the better, no one would dislike having few helpers.It can only be said that Li Min is proud and conceited.

With a sullen face, the Queen Mother asked the little eunuch who knocked on the door: "Is there no one inside to open the door?"

Everyone was kicked out by Li Min, and the remaining one or two helpers stayed in the house. I'm afraid they were so absorbed in doing things in the house that they didn't even hear the knock on the door outside.

For these reasons, the Imperial Physician Chang who intended to sue did not say anything, the Queen Mother could only think that Li Min was too much to let her in when she knew she was coming.

Furious, the queen mother became angry: "This door was broken for the Ai family! The Ai family would like to see that the imperial envoy sent by the emperor has become the master of this Fulu Palace? It's unreasonable. Could it be that the Ai family even owns their own yard? Can't even get in!"

A group of people panicked when they saw the Queen Mother was furious.It was said that the door was broken, but it was the door of the Empress Dowager's own palace after all. If it was really smashed, the Empress Dowager would feel uncomfortable when she saw the broken door afterwards.What's more, there is a person living in this courtyard, who is the First Prince.

Nervously, Auntie quickly let the two eunuchs stand on their shoulders, climbed onto the high wall, jumped into the yard, and pulled the latch from the inside.

As soon as the door was opened, the queen mother rushed into the yard first without anyone to help her, furious.

The lanterns carried by the eunuchs followed closely behind, to illuminate the way for the Empress Dowager.

The imperial physicians were all shocked when they saw the empress dowager became so angry.You know, the Queen Mother's temperament has never been so easy to get angry.The empress dowager is a woman with a stable temperament, who rules the six palaces, and mothers the world. She is very well-bred and basically does not lose her temper.Unless, the Queen Mother suddenly hated someone.

But, hasn't the Queen Mother always liked Li Min very much?How did it suddenly become annoying?

"Emperor Physician Chang, did I hear wrongly, Empress Dowager, did you just lose your temper at Princess Li?" Imperial Physician Xu asked Imperial Physician Chang.

Imperial Physician Chang stroked his chin: "It seems to be right. If you don't believe me, you can ask Imperial Physician Liu again?"

We all know that Imperial Physician Liu has been with Li Min a few times recently, and because he cured several patients, he has been more and more valued by the Queen Mother in the palace. It seems that he has a good relationship with Li Min in private, and has become a little friendly.Now that once Li Min suffers, the Queen Mother will change her attitude. Maybe the Queen Mother will ask Imperial Physician Liu to settle the score and operate.

In the hospital, there were already serious factional struggles.For example, Physician Chang, who followed the judgment of the left court, has been suppressed by the forces of Lu Zhongyang, who was judged by the right court.

Imperial Physician Xu is a newly promoted Imperial Physician, so he didn't dare to take the opportunity to trample on Lu Zhongyang's people right now, because he didn't even think about which faction he would be good with.Lu Zhongyang is more powerful, but Lu Zhongyang is old, and in terms of potential to come from behind, he is definitely not as strong as the left court judge.

Turning around, Imperial Physician Xu found Imperial Physician Zhou who was also watching around in the crowd.

Doctor Zhou is said to have not found a faction to rely on until now.Doctor Zhou is the kind of person who only thought of hugging that big tree for help when something happened. He was a temporary hug.

Imperial Physician Xu retreated to Imperial Physician Zhou and whispered, "What does Imperial Physician Zhou think about this?"

Doctor Zhou looked around and knew that Doctor Xu was not from any faction. With a flash in his eyes, he said, "I'm afraid Princess Li has offended the Queen Mother somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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