The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 395 Doctor Li Was Arrested

Chapter 395 Doctor Li Was Arrested (4)
"Doctor Zhou knows what's going on?" Imperial Physician Xu asked in surprise.

Imperial Physician Chang, Imperial Physician Liu, and everyone around did not seem to know why the Queen Mother lost her temper, why only Imperial Physician Zhou could know.

Doctor Zhou narrowed his eyes mysteriously, and said, "You don't know about that. I'm the one showing Princess Jing in the Duke Huguo's mansion now. So, do you understand?"

It's not just good medical skills. Sometimes people don't want the doctor to see it, just because the doctor doesn't have the same temper with the patient.

Imperial Physician Xu couldn't figure it out: "But, if the disease can't be cured, don't you have to bring Princess Li back to see?"

Hearing his unlucky words, Imperial Doctor Zhou wished to slap his mouth, and said, "You think Princess Li is really a fairy, and she can cure all kinds of diseases? Didn't she even say that she is not a fairy?"

Oh—Physician Xu suddenly realized that it might be that Li Min failed to cure the queen mother, which caused the queen mother to strongly question Dr. Li's medical skills. As a result, she ran to the eldest prince to take advantage of the chaos to attack Li Min.

No matter how you say it, being a doctor is really a high-risk occupation.

The patient is cured, and the patient is grateful to the doctor.Once, one day, the patient is accidentally cured, the patient will immediately bite the doctor back, wishing to kill the doctor to make up for himself.But, speaking of it, which doctor is really willing to cure the patient.Doctors are helpless for some diseases, and they can only do their best.

The empress dowager is angry, it depends on whether it is the doctor's fault or not, and then decides whether to find fault with the doctor or not.The problem is, the more powerful and self-respecting the Empress Dowager is, the more she can hold it high if it has nothing to do with herself, but when it comes to herself, she has no way to judge calmly and control her temper. I just think that the doctor should If she is cured, if she can't be cured, she should be responsible and should be killed.

Doctor Xu was recommended to enter the Imperial Hospital from the outside. He just arrived at the Imperial Hospital not long ago, and he didn't know much about the officialdom, so he listened carefully to the imperial physician Zhou.

"No one dares to treat the Empress Dowager, you know? Master Lu dare not."

"Why? I ask senior Zhou to enlighten me, and this junior asks for advice carefully."

"Look at Imperial Physician Liu, don't look at him being stupid, he finally dared to treat the Empress Dowager, and then I figured out a rule, that is to do nothing to cure."


"The queen mother doesn't need any radical cure, as long as she doesn't feel uncomfortable or painful anymore, as for the root cause of the disease, the queen mother just hears it in her ears, and forgets it after it has passed. Therefore, Princess Li told the queen mother that day Duo, do you really think the Empress Dowager really listened to it? I don’t think so, the Empress Dowager only remembers whether she slept well, ate well, and whether her hands and feet can move. The rest doesn’t matter.”

The Empress Dowager is actually very impatient, and she hopes that the medicine will bring immediate results. How could Dr. Li think about the long-term considerations for the patient? Dr. Li is, if you can use diet to recuperate, then you can use the diet to recuperate, and then use medicine. After all, medicine can damage the liver and kidneys, so it is not a long-term solution .

Imperial Physician Xu looked back and found the figure of Imperial Physician Liu standing motionless at the end of the crowd. Imperial Physician Liu was very steady, as Imperial Physician Zhou said, heal by doing nothing, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

The empress dowager in front walked to the door of the eldest prince's room, and the aunt quickly walked in front of the empress dowager, and cautiously shouted into the room through the door: "Princess Li, the empress dowager is here to see the eldest prince."

The room was quiet at first, and there was no reaction.It was my aunt who was scared.Could it be that something shady happened inside?

My aunt tried to push down the door, but couldn't open it.

If the Empress Dowager hadn't thought about frightening the seriously ill First Prince, she would have called someone to smash the door and broke in again.

"Where's the window?" Auntie motioned to several court ladies and eunuchs.

A group of people hurriedly tried to open the windows of the house, but they were all stuck and couldn't be pushed.

When everyone was panicking and didn't know what to do next, a series of footsteps finally came from the room, and then the door opened.It was Shopkeeper Xu who opened the door.

Shopkeeper Xu looked up, and was startled when he saw that the Empress Dowager herself had arrived. Before he had time to kneel down to pay his respects, the little eunuch next to the Empress Dowager suddenly kicked Shopkeeper Xu on the knee, and scolded: "I don't know what to do when I see the Empress Dowager!" kneel?!"

With a thud, shopkeeper Xu fell to the ground on both knees. Not only was he flustered, but he was even more afraid that these people would want to do something to Li Min next.

This group of people looked menacing and malicious.

The queen mother glanced at the top of shopkeeper Xu's trembling head, sneered, and walked into the room.

The room was lit, and when they reached the bedside of the eldest prince, the queen mother ordered someone to remove the screen in front of the elder prince's bed, and saw the patient lying on the bed.

The eldest prince seemed to be in a state of depression, and fell asleep drowsily with his head resting on the pillow.The two eunuchs guarding the eldest prince's bed did not dare to move. They only saw the shock flashing in the eyes of the queen mother, and felt that the beheading knife was hanging on their heads. Kneeling down with a plop, with his forehead pressed against the cold floor tiles, he shouted: "The empress dowager, please spare me!"

The queen mother did not hear their voices, but her footsteps were unsteady and her basin shoes were shaking.My aunt stepped forward to support the Queen Mother quickly, and shouted: "The imperial physician—"

The imperial physicians behind heard the shouts, but most of them dared not move their feet easily, for fear that if they accidentally rushed forward, they would hit the muzzle of the gun instead of getting any benefit.Only those who have been depressed for a long time have been waiting for this opportunity, and are not afraid of being a pioneer hero. I saw that among the group of people, only Chang Taiyi flew out like a small cannonball, like an arrow shaft off the string.Can run fast.

Panting and ran to the Empress Dowager, Physician Chang was out of breath and asked: "Empress Dowager, I'm here, I'm going to check the empress dowager's pulse."

"No need." The Empress Dowager didn't really faint, but stood leaning against her aunt, with a slightly urgent voice and short breath, urging the imperial physician, "Show the eldest prince quickly."

Great prince?
Physician Chang turned his head to look, and was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

No wonder the Empress Dowager was intimidated by the First Prince when she saw his appearance just now.Because the eldest prince's face, hands, and maybe his whole body, there are small red or pale bumps.

Such wheals and skin diseases had once appeared on the fourth princess Fule and the sixteenth master. At that time, the palace was so nervous that they worried that the plague had entered the palace.However, the eldest prince is different.The eldest prince has never been out in the palace, how could he suddenly have similar symptoms, and people have to question whether it was caused by Li Min's treatment of the eldest prince just now.

Physician Chang stabilized his breath, and was ordered to step forward to feel the eldest prince's pulse.

The two father-in-laws who stayed in the house and observed the whole medical process knelt down and admitted to the queen mother: "Princess Li said that this is common hives, and after taking that medicine, some patients will have similar allergic symptoms. The servants can't understand what the concubine said."

(End of this chapter)

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